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A simple example of inversely proportional quantities=the more I post, the less I ride.

Oh, I ride quite a bit - 20 days so far this season for example. I hang out here far too much simply b/c my job requires me to be at a computer far, far too much...

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Just an observation AND opinion - often the loudest and most heavily opinionated, and sometimes downright inflated, posters are riders who are really good but never quite made the top level of competition, or decided not to compete for whatever reason. They can SOMETIMES (not all, and no all the time) come off as folks seeking the recognition and accolades of a sucessful competitor - like they need to prove they "could have" been on top or "would have" been. The REAL top guys don't even post on this forum for the most part, because they don't have the time mostly, or if they are "retired" don't feel the need. Anton, Ross, Rosey, Sean etc. (just for example - I know there are way more) don't need to shout out to everybody what they can do - it's there for all to see. I'm not saying that there are not some really great riders here and that they don't have good advice, of course there are and of course they do - but when it takes the form of "you all don't know 'cause I've BEEN there" or "come ride with me and we'll see who's king/queen" then it's just a bunch of hot air and a cry for attention.

Although at 44 I am not now, nor will be, or have ever been, a top level snowboard competitor - I have been there in other sports. The best (mostly) don't shove it in peoples faces and are gracious and professional. The "wannabees" and "think they ares" are the ones yapping about how great they are and what slackers everyone else is. The last four years of my Windsurfing "career" I decided to drop out of competition and just sail for the sheer fun and thrills of it. I never talked **** or beat my chest before or after a session or in between. The greatest compliments I ever got were from top sailors who were sailing with me on a certain day, but didn't know me (because I didn't yap about my skills) and came up to me after a session and said "man, I don't know you but that was some awesome sailing". Good stuff, and I just said "thanks - great to sail with you on a great day". I';m just trying to illustrate the theory of "shut up and ride", and rip it up as much as you can - but then be a "regular" person off the hill/water whatever. What we do doesn't make who we are - it's how we carry ourselves when we are not doing "our thing". I have the utmost respect for athletes who take this to heart and exemplify professionalism...even if they are just a supremely talented "amateur" who loves their sport.

My treatise for the season I guess...I really hope to run into you people here and there and get to say, "man, I don't know who you are, but that is some great riding". :)

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you just never know what can come of the briefest meetings with people. I have often said " I fall into better things than I could ever plan".

This describes exactly how I feel about meeting people at the sessions. Can't thank Brian enough for the local celebrity introductions two years ago in Aspen....If I had only known a little sooner who I was ripping down the trail with.....LOL.

Thanks for helping me pull my foot out of my mouth that day.:)

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Ok. Time for me to put in my 3 cents (inflation, you know). The vituperative posts on this forum have been so few they don't bear mentioning. The wealth of information that is freely given overwhelms whatever mutterings are penned by the occasional mindless twit.

I consider myself fortunate to have been steered to this resource a few years ago. Whenever I've sought advice I've never been disappointed. Late to alpine sports, I seek constant guidance and you folks have always been forthcoming with helpful suggestions.

Like Wavechaser, I enjoy competition and I'm comfortable in the knowledge that I'll never be a household name in snowboard racing. I had some success in competitive gymnastics and sky diving but those sports are behind me now. I spend my days on the slopes spreading the gospel of carving whether it be on board or skis.

Hope to hook up with you folks as soon as winter puts in an appearance!

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Now that my leg is broken maybe I'll have more time to make useless posts to boost my count. Right now the Vicodin is talking. You could call me one of the "lurkers" who stops in every day but seldom posts. Maybe I am still gun-shy from the CMC days. I have ridden for 20 years and think I can ride pretty well, but shy away from most threads so I don't get ripped to pieces. I just enjoy riding as much as possible. Maybe one or twice a year I can ride with other hardbooters and it is a blast. I wish it could happen more often but I don't feel like driving almost two hours every weekend when I have a free pass 15 minutes up the road. At my ski area, I am the loner. I crank up the Bosstones every day and ride in my own world. This post is going nowhere so the last thing I have to say in this drug (legal) induced state is that in my kids eyes I am a snowboarding god..........that is all that counts. :biggthump

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Now that my leg is broken maybe I'll have more time to make useless posts to boost my count.

Ahhh perspective...I'll take the rain and warm temps over your situation any day. Did you break it riding??

...the last thing I have to say in this drug (legal) induced state is that in my kids eyes I am a snowboarding god..........that is all that counts.

How true! I race marathon kayaks in the summer and this guy Brady Kattman, who is an ex-US Canoe and Kayak teamer, always wears a shirt his kids made for him that says, in glued-on glitter, "Go Daddy Go!" So cool.

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Ahhh perspective...I'll take the rain and warm temps over your situation any day. Did you break it riding??

Yup. We have had rain all season and finally two inches of fresh "pow" on Sunday. Worst year I have ever seen. I ollied over a hunk of crap, landed in soft slush, folded the nose, flipped and the pain factor kicked in. Funny thing is that it broke right above my ankle and not boottop. Maybe I'll have my kids make a glitter shirt.

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Ok. Time for me to put in my 3 cents (inflation, you know). The vituperative posts on this forum have been so few they don't bear mentioning. The wealth of information that is freely given overwhelms whatever mutterings are penned by the occasional mindless twit.

Wonderful use of the word vituperative! I was a English Lit major once upon a time, before life got in the way. I have a tendency to appreciate things that most do not, forgive me, I was born odd and its only gotten worse.

in my kids eyes I am a snowboarding god..........that is all that counts. :biggthump

Amigo I don't know you, most likely never will, but I full on adore that.

Cheers all...

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i like this idea. another would be to only make on topic (carving) posts count towards the total. that is impossible to do but would show a more accurate post count. another would be to have video of each user attached to their profile so you can judge the caliber of rider when reading their post.

hmmm In my case especially ....can we have a video of the best wipeouts....

That's surely gonna score some points!!!!:rolleyes:

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Ok. Time for me to put in my 3 cents (inflation, you know). The vituperative posts on this forum have been so few they don't bear mentioning. The wealth of information that is freely given overwhelms whatever mutterings are penned by the occasional mindless twit.

I consider myself fortunate to have been steered to this resource a few years ago. Whenever I've sought advice I've never been disappointed. Late to alpine sports, I seek constant guidance and you folks have always been forthcoming with helpful suggestions.

Like Wavechaser, I enjoy competition and I'm comfortable in the knowledge that I'll never be a household name in snowboard racing. I had some success in competitive gymnastics and sky diving but those sports are behind me now. I spend my days on the slopes spreading the gospel of carving whether it be on board or skis.

Hope to hook up with you folks as soon as winter puts in an appearance!

X 2 beautifully said!!!!

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you just never know what can come of the briefest meetings with people. I have often said " I fall into better things than I could ever plan".

This describes exactly how I feel about meeting people at the sessions. Can't thank Brian enough for the local celebrity introductions two years ago in Aspen....If I had only known a little sooner who I was ripping down the trail with.....LOL.

Thanks for helping me pull my foot out of my mouth that day.:)

Paul. (Big Smile) Thanks for reminding me of a "Classic Moment", a great example of how things can turn on a dime. You are a big person to have handled it so politely! Good times!!


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Now that my leg is broken maybe I'll have more time to make useless posts to boost my count. Right now the Vicodin is talking. You could call me one of the "lurkers" who stops in every day but seldom posts. Maybe I am still gun-shy from the CMC days. I have ridden for 20 years and think I can ride pretty well, but shy away from most threads so I don't get ripped to pieces. I just enjoy riding as much as possible. Maybe one or twice a year I can ride with other hardbooters and it is a blast. I wish it could happen more often but I don't feel like driving almost two hours every weekend when I have a free pass 15 minutes up the road. At my ski area, I am the loner. I crank up the Bosstones every day and ride in my own world. This post is going nowhere so the last thing I have to say in this drug (legal) induced state is that in my kids eyes I am a snowboarding god..........that is all that counts. :biggthump

Sorry to hear about the injury, more time to spend with the kids? Heal quickly!

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  • 2 weeks later...
How about getting rid of the 'number of posts' counter and the various 'levels' such as groomer grommet, alpine ace?

Just because someone has posted 1000+ times, doesn't make them an expert!

Good call Dave.............except it might piss off the people with 1000s of posts........all that hard work and all for that magical counter...lol :smashfrea

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