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Loon/WV Opening Days


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Yah..........I'll have ANOTHA dahk n stohmy! It will be a great landing pad for the 40lbs of chili I have to eat for dinner!

Hopefully the next time I have a brilliant idea, at least the conditions will be in better shape than the macaroniandcheese's septic system. "I'd give it a minute"

Another thing that I thought was special about the loaf, is that the cva coaches do evening tutoring to their athletes.

What's the difference between teaching 7th grade science in Plymouth nh verses calling ball and strikes in Plymouth. Nothing, because either way you end up with balls in your hands after school.

Even though most of us forgot our GAY-das and mcmittens, at least we all remembered our goggles.

Dear mr and mrs macaroniandcheese, thanks for everything your house is wicked pissa. btw both of your thermometers are fuhkin wrong and anotha thing your out of TP, so we used your toothbrushes. your water bill with have a significant increase from this morning. But dont worry kingfield got plenty of water on Thursday, so the conditions should fuhkkin $uck for the rest of the fuhkkin season. So GFYs, your kids are ugly and your stairs are to fuhkkin narrow!! Nice doin business with yah, we look forward to our visit in mahch.

Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
The skinman rocks!!
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Out Thursday checking the traps aboard the 'Andrea Gail' in full GUY COTTON lobsterwear: Spyglass and Loran peeled for T32.

No sightings; assume radios dead, premix depleted, and chaw given up to wind.

Presumed lost in the North Carrabassett Gyre....

Edited by Beckmann AG
You know you know why.
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2012-2013 JV team

This is heartening.

Way back when either SKI or ASC owned everything (including your shoelaces), I had to sit through yet another useless meeting held upstairs at the Atticatash base facility. Over the course of what seemed six hours, I watched youth from some snowboard team do lap after lap through a training course set right out front of the big windows. Might even have reset...

CVA at the time was on the downslope so to speak, and this group was shaming them in absentia with their dedication to the craft.

So anyway, good on 'ya for making it happen for another generation. You and whoever else is involved.

On to the serious (open to all concerned partyers):

Is there an app for recc'ing data on the T32/Full-Tilt Creamsicle combine? Do they hold up, how do they ride, are the womenfolk relieved by your safe return at the close of day? Are they suitable for both Hosers (mapleleaf) and poseurs?

Don't want to make a recommendation without beta.

And more serious:

While we're talking hardware, any experience with the late 80's IH/Ford 6.9 oilburner? (In a 'full-sized' dumper, not some runaround).

Token GFYs?

Edited by Beckmann AG
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^ why thank you Dr.BAG. Coaching an alpine race team these days is like jumping on a grenade in a trench for a fellow soldier. It definitely has its highs and lows, now the lows have NOTHING to do with the kids or alpine racing. More on the lines of the day to day bull$hit and politics with the mountain, make you ask yourself, WTF am i doing this for ? I love the kids, I love the racing and truly feel that is the best way this sport can grow and get into the publics eyes. Howeva the best part about coaching these rippers, is seeing a kid, that could barely skid a turn on an alpine snowboard 13 months ago, now can rail a tight line on a boiler plate race coarse with ease. So it is very rewarding to see the progression with the little rippers.

I was going to post this story up later in the week, so while where on the topic ill give her a go:

Sunday morning we roll up on our training hill, 1st I see that the Ski team has set up a couple small Slalom sets on our hill, No biggy I took my meds, there was still plenty of room for me to set a 18-20 slalom on a F.I.S approved pitch, So I still had a pants tent going. It still went up my A$$ a bit though, because the ski team already had a whole trail already roped off, and this was just a little extra for the SHMUCKS that do whatever they want. Anyways as we where setting, the ski team is cycling their kids thru there coarse, falling, washouts, screaming, swearing you name it, not 1 ski racer could make it past the 4th gate before eating $hit . So only being 50' across the hill I knew it was going to be challenging for my club. As I'm setting the last couple gates, I hear the Ski team coaches from up top, start flipping out like they're at their 1985 Plymouth high school pep rally before the big thanksgiving game. So I ask my ACE WTF just happened, he replied that a kid just nailed the pitch, so the coaches were going bananas. I looked up to watch the kid wrap up his run on the flats, I know the kid, so we make contact and give each other the BRO NOD as he was waiting for the others to come down. That kid is no joke, I think he's going to race at Middlebury next year. Anyways we cycle back to the top, and usually I have the kids do a 75% slip but Sunday was different, because of the $hit conditions no slip. I come up with a game plan for the coarse. Manage the pitch, put the hammer down right before the delay, and get yourself set up for the flatter rhythm section and pretend your cruising down Rodeo Dr, in Ferrari. So the ski team is still making fools of themselves, I think they were J1's, the kids were in 8th grade to 12th grade, so my club is about the same age this will be a good measuring stick. I could tell most of my rippers were eager to fhuck the coarse up. Chainsaw starts it off, rails the steep pitch, and times the flats perfectly, nice smooth run. Fligs destroys the coarse, on every stubby, and was cooking thru the flats. Swartzie your up, same things slays it. right on down the line, I was SO PUMPED. As the last ripper went thru, I heard the ski team coaches say to each other " That was fuhkin sick" it was so rewarding for me to see those kids sack up and slay that icy coarse !!!

BOOTS: real quick. FT/Kyptons :biggthump I like them allot, 4 others on the club are rocking them and seem to like them. The lateral stiffness is its best attribute, and the forward lean can be as soft as a Deeluxe track 700 or as stiff as Bodies boots. the forward lean can be adjusted with stiffer tongues, liners and booster straps. I would not recommend these to a rider lighter than 150lbs or less than an advanced or an expert rider, the lateral stiffness would them become a disadvantage. At first they will seem very awkward but after a day or two you should get a good feel for them.

IH 6.9L great engine, a little slow being that it is not turbo charged. My Dads 1st HD trucks were a couple 1992 Ford Super duty's equipped with the 6.9L. This is back when the Ford super duty fell between the F350 and the F800, So the trucks had some weight to them. A 1,000 gallon water tank, a 375cfm Ingersoll rand air compressor, with miles of air hose, water hose, Slab saws, Wall saw's and Core rigs and Diamond blades were always on board. I think we registered those trucks for 19,500lbs back then, so the engine can handle plenty of weight. Hopefully the one your eyeing has the 5 speed manual to manage the hills. The C6 is a good tranny but a 3 speed auto without a turbo is going to be like watching paint dry. But if its a good deal which Im sure it is, then scoop it up. Note that this engine will still run even after a NUKE attack, i just needs air and fuel to run!!!


Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
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Definitely like the Full Tilts as an alternative to the Deeluxe boots. Excellent stock liners. I still need a bit of boot fitting, as I downsized to a 26.5 and am a little cramped in the boot. The lateral stiffness is a big improvement. Approximately the same sole length as the Deeluxe. Very little ramping, unless you add it. I was looking for a boot that would respond quickly as I moved edge to edge or shifted weight fore and aft. These are more responsive in both respects. The Deeluxe boots require much more leg movement to pressure them and drive the board agressively. I ended up mixing flexes with a stiffer tounge in front and moderate flex in back and adding booster straps. Also added some heel lift in the boot on the back foot. Since I was tinkering, I also went back to riding flat on my front binding and kept the rear at 3 deg heel lift.

A couple of minor issues: I agree with JD that these are better suited for the advanced rider. Stiffer boots are a tradeoff, as you loose some ankle mobility as compared to the deeluxes. I might like a taller boot cuff in the front of each boot to distribute the flex over my shins a bit more. I get a little discomfort at the outside of the ball of my rear foot which I feel more the next day, probably a fit issue. The tight fit (since i downsized) also makes for a colder boot.

While not perfect, these get the job done and have some good attributes that I think are missing in the Deeluxes.


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hmmmmmm very interesting about the booster straps polarious. there is a long excellent long informative boosterstrap long thread on the main forum (if you haven't seen it) that i will check out as soon as the novocaine, N2O, and shooters wear off (i'm not brave) from this neew tribal arm band i got at lunchtime.

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I think there is one useful tidbit in that pile of crap. I will now try the boosters on the liner. I have always placed them on the shell tounge and had good results. Found a thread on teton gravity in which Damian Sanders (the original hardbooter), says he loves the FTs. What better endorsement could there be?

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...To the League of Extra-Ordinary Gentlemen.

Pardon the tardy, Booster strap was hung up on a load of cedar posts...

WC gold buckle, natch.

-The 'Slopes of Spazzard' colorway, that is which model FT?

-Does it appear the shell may crack in the same manner as the Dalbello, or is that area free of sharp corners?

Flat front? Yech.

Depends on your preferred 'technique' and bone structure, but a good start for a ski boot ramp (5-6 deg) is 3 front, 6 rear.

Nice one with the mixed tongues.

The 6.9 is hooked to a 5, and single rear. Six-wheel IH S1600 dump. '87.

No worries on Cavitation? Head gaskets? Other?

Edited by Beckmann AG
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GUY............your a pissa !! We need more of these shenanigans from you on a daily ball busting basis. nice crocks by the way, what would happen if you walked around LYNN in those ?? Its bad enough you drive a white truck.......GUY

I fuhhkkin love it, pants tent going.

On a MUCH more serious note................lets talk about myself, played by myself, as myself being myself BIG DEAL 6 !!!!!

Tiar pressure: When a tiar manufacturer lists its maximum tiar pressure range. What happens when you pump up your own tiars up SO much, that the tiar pressure is WAY past its capabilities ? Will there be catastrophic failure to the tiar or can you just keep on doing it ova and ova again like a fool ?

The last time I was up at the LOAF, I was a little distracted by the somewhat variable conditions so I was never able to pick your brain on this topic. Moto-Cross racing, Im thinking about buying a bike, Im not really good at riding dirt bikes at all, but I know Im going to be wicked good some day. Im getting confused, the GUY at Honda says I should buy a Honda CR450F, but then the guy at Kawasaki thinks that the KX450F would be a better bike for me over the Honda. I'm not sure, they both seem like really nice guys, and appear to be straight shooters, but why the 2 different answers ??


P.S I hope you GUYS aren't getting pissed on up at the LOAF, like we are in southern mass? Ward Hill should be going off today, I'm bringing my SG with a PLATE I'm setting a 1 gate GS with a delay !

Guy, do you know who I am? Well I am kind of a big deal and I am looking for a place to train!

Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
I don't know how to spell tire correctly.
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GoOns I will be in waist deep powda for the next 3 days so GFYS!!

Long day yesterday, picked by brother in law up in the ham @3:15am yesterday morning. Wheels up at logan 5:35am Survived the 3 legged flight, that brought me through Chicago, denva and Spokane. We then took our travels to the asphalt in powerless stroked 1 ton short bus, how fitting. left spokane with hopes of getting to nelson, anticipating a little delay at Canadian customs, we went through a very thorough Search at the border for 2.5 hrs. " note to self, dont try to get through customs when 5 out of the 12 GoOns in the group have criminal records" finally got to base camp late last night 11:15. So I've been laying in bed since 2am wst, with my adrenaline pumping for some waist deep valhalla powda.

Hopefully I can post some pics later!

Wish me and Schtevos board luck!

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