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Loon/WV Opening Days


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:lol::lol: gfy's2x!!


hey fo!!! im headed out for yer moms annual 3000mi checkup...why dont ya come up from the basement and brew me sum blueberry-hazelnut jo.....when you wake up next tuesdee at the bottom of a ditch and dont understand why a light appears between your legs when you open your mouth, youll wish that you had decided to have a snack and watch doogie howser instead.. gfadSnotRidder

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yup polaris got the last leftova. we got extremely busy with our new line of underoos and needed to upgrade. people get a lot of compliments when they wear our product.....i heard a male voice say "wow nice bumbum" last w/e in fact to another t32 member.......:barf:


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"SnowRider-Is that all you got?"

If I were you, I wouldn't provoke Stevo. He's a ticking time bomb. The guy used to spar with Mike Tyson....way baaaack.....and look how he turned out. GFYx3!!!


<object width="512" height="328" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="ordie_player_b28da80b63"><param name="movie" value="http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=b28da80b63" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed width="512" height="328" flashvars="key=b28da80b63" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" src="http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf" name="ordie_player_b28da80b63" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><div style="text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:512px;"><a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/b28da80b63/gamechangers-ep-1-the-rant-writer" title="from Ty Burrell, christiansprenger, Chris Kula, and Chris Gorham">Gamechangers Ep. 1: The Rant Writer</a> from <a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/ty_burrell">Ty Burrell</a></div>

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If you think WV was expensive, wait till you see our rates....

Season Pass $899

Race Program $1200

T32 Waiting List/Membership Initiation Fee $5000

T32 Monthly Dues $650

T32 Monthly Clubhouse Fee (includes all food & beverage) $1625

T32 Annual Equipment Charge $2250 (includes 2 new Coilers and a black uni)

T32 Coaching Fee $250/hr or $1300/day

T32 Video Analysis Fee $125/hr

T32 Hazing/Harassment = FREE

All spots are filled for next year.

Why would you give up the opportunity to train with a former world cupper at WV???

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Jesus Christ, what a friggin' nightmare...

We can only take on one basket case at a time and your spot is filled, plus a 3-5 year waiting list.

These guys are a fcking disgrace!

But, they got here first, sos you gotta wait.

Jesus, what did the old man trade for these a$$holes, a used puck bag?

They're fckin' horrible-lookin'

RD: Oh you cheap son of a bitch. Are you crazy? Those guys are retards!

M: I got a good deal on those boys. The scouts said they showed a lot of promise.

RD: They brought their fckin' TOYS with 'em!

M: Well, I'd rather have em playin with their toys than playin with themselves

RD: They're too dumb to play with themselves. Boy, every piece of garbage that comes into the market and you gotta buy it!

M: Reg, Reg, that reminds me. I was coachin' in Omaha in 1948 and Eddie Shore sends me this guy who was a terrible masturbator, you know, couldn't control himself. Why, he would get deliberate penalties so he could get over in the penalty box all by himself and damned if he wouldn't... you know...

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this is gettin good now!

good reply chuckie! did you mow your beard yet?

t32 only one head case at a time????????????????????

one guys cant sleep at night, with tinkering conversions

one guy looks like charles manson

one guys is a pyscho.

one guy literly yells at himself and takes timeouts to regroup and get his $hit together.

shall i go on. bottom line is, we need group therapy, lots of it and quickly!


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We are busy working on special projects that the team has come up with lately. Here are some of the project names:

1. Operation Mo-Bak

2. 70,000 or bust

3. The Slapshot Channel

4. Operation NoMoSoRiDa

SO yeah, we're workin', day and night.


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do any of you guys know of someone who drives a big ol' maroon suburban??? I'm driving through downtown Ashland this afternoon and this suburban is parked on the side of the road. I see a bunch of stikkas on the back window and nearly crash into a telephone pole. They have a T32 v1 stikka on the fhkkin window. I got the wif going a stealth mission tonight to verify, but wtf!!!! did any of you guys give free hand outs??? did they swipe it out of the PBR??? Someone's going to pay!!!:angryfire

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ennnnzooooo>>>>> thats my girlfiends carr> maroone sub is #7 maybee> maakd my territury leaf her alon>babi seat two??? i put 1 on a hearse in tha phukin HD pakin lot last yeer, saw it tooday stil ther gul! whew thees g&t s r good fur u>>>>


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heyay frenckieee,

anyyy chilli chz smuththered ovah dose fffreis??

takl 'bout pornish.....I tink I xaw u & yurrr boyfiendd sunbacon at da Mountan Klbubb 2dayy butthh sporkin' matchingg bannnnaaaaana hammoks & spraiy on tanins. waasssn't gonnna say anyting but I tink you missssded a sopt on withd a lotion on ur ubuddies furrrry back.




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Full Story here: http://tuckerman.org/weekend.asp but will probably be moving to the Search & Rescue page soon. This guy is super lucky. Most people either get mangled up pretty bad or die when they fall into this thing!!

Here's a little snippet:

One man's lucky day April 2 2010, 06:44 pm

At about 3pm Friday, a snowboarder was setting up for a run down the Headwall. He and his group had scoped out the line from below. It was over the smaller of the two waterfalls just beside the Lip. They’d done this line at least once before in prior years. He rode down through the bushes that marked the entrance to the line they wanted to drop. His brother was just above him, also going for the line, and another friend was out in the actual Lip. His girlfriend was watching from Lunch Rocks. The turns were all planned out in advance, unfortunately the plan didn’t work out right. He lost his heel edge in the snow and ice just above the rocky waterfall, and slid on his backside right down the waterfall, ending up about 20-25 feet deep inside a crevasse, with icy water cascading over his head. Fortunately he was uninjured, but nevertheless he was stuck inside a narrow crevasse. He climbed up a couple feet to a small rocky edge, put up his hood to fend off the spray of water, and waited.

I could have written this paragraph years ago, knowing that the potential for something like this to happen certainly existed, but I don’t write fiction. The incident did actually happen today, and we’re all very happy with the ending to the story. Numerous bystanders witnessed the incident and mobilized to help out in any way they could. About 15 minutes after it happened, word made it down to the Snow Ranger cabin. We were packed up and out the door quickly geared up for a full-on technical rescue. In the time it took us to get word of the incident, pack, and get up to the bowl the bystanders had pulled the snowboarder and his board up out of the hole and had lowered him down the Headwall to Lunch Rocks where I met up with him. He was cold, but otherwise uninjured. We gathered the story while he put on dry clothes, then it was over. I’ve seen a lot of accidents over the years here. I will honestly tell you he’s one of the luckiest people I’ve ever met.

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