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Loon/WV Opening Days


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how do the wiffers wif out this chit. i had a bag of chew hidden in a secret compartment even a CSI couldn't find and she's in the pissan 3 millisecs and i'm fcuked. same with the chrome for the scooter...i can pay cash and burn the boxes and mama still "oh how much did you spend"? pfffffffft

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she wanted to know who else was involved with this operation. i covered for all involved and i threw desantis under the bus. :biggthump

I plead the 5th. :sleep: so how was that car ride home? sorry, but I can't return your clams. the wif already spent all of it and then some at a furniture store ova the weekend. she just opened up the door for another coiler. :eplus2:

stevo this is classic....."i think i got drunk twice that day furfrigginsake." is that you talkin or did mchattastachio hijack your BOL account??

this tweekend looks to be another big apres gong show. make T32 proud and stack em high. :biggthump

time to get lucky.


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it sprinkled a little bit up here this afternoon and then more rain for Sunday. :mad:

Conditions on the North Peak have been a little bit skanky lately even by T32 standards. The West Basin has had the most consistent snow. I'll be hiking the upper West Basin Bowl and lapping the Magic Carpet Coulior above the Kanc Quad all weekend. The snow there is always EPIC!!!

stevo--all the chirping on page 1 says it's time to go new school gangsta. are you with me?? :smashfrea

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whats been goin on up in billerica this week for temps and snow meltaging? what are you thinking for the weapon of choice, im leaning towards the whippin stick!

yeah, ive been on the bottle pretty hard this week. i usually dont drink during the week nights in front of the wif and mini me. but this week was too much fun. by 8:00am tuesday, i was wishing i was in the ring with iron mike tyson with my hands tied behind my back. then yesterday was so much fun, i actually started chasing my diet coke rum runners at lunch.

what has two thumbs and is wicked pissa?


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it's all corn on da cob. 50's tomorrow. i'm bringing everything including the softies. T32 halfpipe competition @ 1pm. registration is at 745 in the pbr. have your id and credit card ready to cover any charges pre or post competition. participants may get a free sticka.

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jd i knew your computer's breathanalizer was broken....

hello my name is stevo and i have a problem. i emailed bv again thanks to the pusher, enzo

enzo i need the cone of silence on this, may go covert. we need some chairlift meetings tomorrow.........


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There may have been an email from my computer to BV as well, there may be some kind of computer virus going around; I have my guys in IT looking into it, but it my be to late, I may be stuck with the board (oh well). It looks like I may be heading over to 32 tomorrow. I will bring my HP board (176AMT), my freeride board (176AMT), my pow board (176AMT) and my scare myself board (185 Kessler). See you fools at the PBR.

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pressed my first board and tested it for two days, 173 w/11.4sc, 18.5 w, with a flex similar to a new 175gs. I have never ridden a carbon board so I have nothing to compare it to. however the performance was much better than what I was expecting. Tip in air on quick high speed lay ups which is something that I have never done before. more to come as I am still very busy.

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I had a blast on Saturday ! :1luvu: the snow was not too bad in a few places. Under the Kook-a-mung-gus quad was perhaps the best run in the mid morning and afternoon as it was not all lumped up and not much traffic. I saw a half dozen hardbooters all day. I rode with 2 locals, and a 14 year old kid on a Rentiger who was part of the Mountain dew race and he was "OK" on it, so I gave him a few pointers and by the end of the day he gtting much lower and edging better in his turns.

I saw a guy blast past me in a red coat over near the Gondola around 2:00 but I didnt catch up as I was having fun dilly-dallying and waiting up for a lady friend of mine on skis who was a tad slow in the 65 degree.....

:barf: conditions.

I took 4th place in the age 26 to 35 male Snowboarder catagory (out of 18 racers). I scrubbed speed on one gate because I was wayyyyy too up on edge and my ballance was not where it needed to be and I feared dumping myself on the boilerplate and slush. Was my first time doing the dew finals and also riding all day @ Loon in hardboots.

EDIT: ok apparently I saw the unofficial results and I actualy took LAST PLACE.... hahahah..... Oh Captain Morgan.... how you failed me !

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glad you had a good time dave. I was supposed to go on saturday but my car battery died. :smashfrea

I was in the MDVC new england championships last year and I probably got somewhere around last place too. My group was the last to go, and I've never seen so much ice in my life. Nice getting free shwag though.

Anyone doing the pond skimming this saturday? Or is the fembag toting, E.T. arm slinging JV squad going to have to represent for the big boys?

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