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Can't decide if I'm mad or sad (Morotcycle related)


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So I have a story to tell and it may hit home to some of you motorcyclists:

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been working on trading in my Jeep Wrangler on a new motorcycle. A Triumph Bonneville. Beautiful.


So after 3 trips to the dealership (about 45 minutes driving each way), several hours of negotiation and shopping for accessories, and dealing with car/bike salesmen (not my favorite people in the world, but this one wasn't too bad), I had agreed to a deal.

Financing approved, Accessories Picked, Bike Prepped, ready to go.

Yeah, Right...

So I arrive there about an hour before they said the bike would be ready, figuring paperwork, license plates, etc. would take that long...

Anyway, we get everything ready, signed, etc and I'm putting on my new gear to ride and they tell me there's a problem. They want a bigger down payment and are increasing my finance rate.

I promptly say "**** You" and leave. No Deal.

So now I'm sitting here with no pretty new bike, a Jeep I don't really want, and a feeling that I'm not sure if I was being screwed or if these guys were just dumb. They claimed it was a simple screwup and I'm usually inclined to believe people.

Crappy ****ing day.

Oh well... Anyone want to buy a Jeep?

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OUCH :angryfire

GO AHEAD AND BE MAD... at least for a while. Maybe even kick the crap out of something safe. Then go out and arrange your own financing. I think you did the right thing by walking out.

It is hard to tell (right now) if they had a legitimate mistake or are trying to take advantage of you. Either way it sucks. It is easy to imagine them thinking they had you by the short hairs and that they expected you to just take the deal and be out of there.

Any chance of giving them the opportunity to "figure out the original terms were right after all" and close the deal? I've heard you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.

Best of luck


How much for the Jeep??

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hold on...if you already signed the sales papers with the stated rates in writing, then they CANT back out, can they?

anyway...screw em...sell your jeep privately and buy your bike slightly used from a private party.

All happenned just as we were starting to sign papers. I had a handshake and a promise but no signed documents. I was raised to believe a handshake and a promise was enough. Plus in my business, we live by the creed "My Word is my bond" so I guess I'm just used to people doing what they say and not backing out.

How much for the Jeep??

$17500 - but if someone here wants it I'd make a good deal. :D

link to jeep here

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Well, I don't know about Conn. but I do know that verbal contracts are binding in TX---just to show you that you shouldn't have left....

I'd definitely go back and insist on talking to a manager, if they haven't called you yet....

Word of mouth is still the best way to cultivate business and niche market buyers are not a potential client a retailer should want to piss off

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clarification - I had signed the papers releasing my Jeep, but not the loan docs - so can't hold them to it. At this point, I'm just going to walk away from it. If go back and try to hold them to the deal, They still make their profit - and they do not deserve that. I'm just gonna save a ffew more dollars, sell the Jep independently, and get a Harley Sportster instead.

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I'd call or write the corporate offices. I'm sure Triumph would have some choice words for the dealer, and would make sure you get satisfaction.


Doesn't it just blow your mind when a company screws up like that, as if they're still learning how to do their jobs. Yeah right. Morons.

I think you should go back there some day, ask to sit on a bike, and then drop it.

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I'm just gonna save a ffew more dollars, sell the Jep independently, and get a Harley Sportster instead.

Noooooooooooooo! That bike doesn't deserve to be called a Harley IMO. The Triumph is a sweet, retro ride. Bike dealers are all scum, from what I can tell. Try your local online bike community forum and see what they say. I know the one around here would have lots of advice.

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The way I see it, Tex... you should have offered cash at slightly lower rate than asking price (4000 off or so), and flatly say "that's all i have. take it or leave it." just entice 'em with the bait, and they'll take a small morsel out of it, if needed be.

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now go over to the Ducati dealer and get a monster 695 formally the 620). consider yourself lucky

I like that bike - But the Ducati dealership in Norwalk CT is no longer there - You know of another close to Stamford?

and Lee - I see your point but 'm just not going to do business wth those people unless they come begging to me. It's not just what they would make on the Bike, it's the markup on the $1000 or so worth of accessories. They don't deserve to make a profit off of me. I'd rather give my business to someone else.

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Really sounds like they were trying to milk you for everything they could. :angryfire In a situation like that the best thing to do is walk away and then tell everyone possible this outfit tried to screw with you. Then go back with a bike from somewhere else and tell them face to face 'you blew it, jerks!':smashfrea

on the positive side... such a wonderful problem to have. Some folks are starving or having their homes blown up and their families killed.:(

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So I talked to the owner of the dealership and told him the situation. He called me back last night offering to make it right - I told him his people had wasted my time and I should be compensated. So I'm expecting his call today - the stry may not be over.

(I told them I would do It if they cut the price of the bike to cover my helmet/jacket/pants/boots etc...about $1k)

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This thread shows the sad state of affairs with the car/mc industry....to get anything done right with this business you have to talk to the higher ups...other than that everybody else is trying to screw you....this shouldnt be the way

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There are least 3 Triumph dealers in CT, go try a different shop.

Also, Capitol One has a great online vehicle loan application. You'll get approved in a couple minutes, and then they send you a blank check to pay for the bike. No shady dealer financing.

You can always deal with an out of state dealership as well. Most will ship bikes to you for only a few hundred dollars.

Here's a Duc S2R for $9K: http://adcache.cycletrader.com/5/6/0/84358160.htm

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Dealer caved in - taking $1k off the bike/accessories.

Picking it up tomorrow - I'll get a pic when I ride it home

so you live in SW CT right? I don't know any good roads west of the CT river but I am learning all the good roads in East CT and West RI...

what we need to do is have an East Coast (asphalt) Carving Session this fall before the snow season starts anyone want to suggest a location for this I know my wife and I would be up for trailering our bikes to good riding in say New Hampshire :1luvu:

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I didn't know you lived in CT, I guess I am the one not paying attention now. Was in CT with Paulk a while ago cruising around on his bikes. You should contact him if you want someone to ride with.

I also just bought a bike, and Enduro Yamaha XT 225. I LOVE IT! It's the best for getting around the county. First bike, am so excited!


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I didn't know you lived in CT, I guess I am the one not paying attention now. Was in CT with Paulk a while ago cruising around on his bikes. You should contact him if you want someone to ride with.

I also just bought a bike, and Enduro Yamaha XT 225. I LOVE IT! It's the best for getting around the county. First bike, am so excited!

Heeeey, we gotta meet up when I head up the mountains, and go ride!! Have you ride at the area near dillon cemetary area ? Gotta have OHV sticker, tho (dunno if it applies to dual sports bike, tho). YAY!

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