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Oh, I've had good US beer - just not any of the major brands. There was some very tasty microbrew stuff when I was in SF a few years ago on business. But the stuff that comes in cans and is sometimes cheaper than pop... not so good.

Comparing Bud/Coors/Busch/PBR to good microbrews is like comparing Mad Dog 20/20 to the fine wine of your choice. Neil, if you ever come to Oregon, there are many of us who would gladly take you on a tour of some amazing breweries.

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we got boston beer works which i hear is supreme. Bud light does the trick for us though. Cheaper than gas and much tastier. Got kinda sick of steel reserve (8.1%) because the entire thing tastes like the bottom of a heineken. Not being of age kind of puts a damper on what you drink though. Pretty much whats on the table or what you can afford to have someone (with a fake ID that says their from Britain) get you.


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I haven't even read 2/3 of this thread, but I've read enough to comment.

to each his own, but come on Bud Light? this is HORSE PISS. I think it is true the major brands have no taste purposely so you keep drinking more. I've heard some guys into home brewing agree that for a major brand, Sam Adams is a standout beer. Bud and Miller have great advertising campaigns, but if you really love beer (I'm a social drinker at most), how can you regularly consume these? even in college i could only drink so much Milwaukee's Best or whatever crap they were drinking. Now LABATT and LABATT ICE, yeah, that's what I'm talking about- the higher echelon of low end beers! Genesse ALE! Long live regional and micros!

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we got boston beer works which i hear is supreme. Bud light does the trick for us though. Cheaper than gas and much tastier. Got kinda sick of steel reserve (8.1%) because the entire thing tastes like the bottom of a heineken. Not being of age kind of puts a damper on what you drink though. Pretty much whats on the table or what you can afford to have someone (with a fake ID that says their from Britain) get you.


You are just reiterating why drinking in Australia is better than the US. Our domestic bulk beers are damned good (VB, Carlton Draught, Boags, Cascade) and our legal drinking age is 18 (though I am still not sure of the wisdom of giving someone their drivers license and right to drink alcohol at the same time, but hey...)

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wow, from tshirts to beer. Well, i went to a frat party once and they served Milwaukee's Best LIGHT! I thought it was already a crappy beer but come on, there is no need to water it down any more. Labat is good stuff but after a few beers, you can't taste anything anyway until you end up like this:


Yes thats me. Just for fun, i decided to donate blood then finish off a 40 of Steel Reserve. Cheapest drinking night ever!

Mike, you mention PBR and it gave me chills. Thats one of the cheapest beers out there and I think comparing that to a micro brew is comparing a honda to a lexus...no, rollerskates to a ferarri. That stuff makes me laugh. What about Magic Hat? Love that stuff!!

As for the land down under, ya i don't see how it makes sense to give someone their license and right to drink legally the same day. We can get our license at 16 so we can wreck a few cars before we drink legally :) Aussie beer is good stuff from what i've heard. So how bout them t-shirts?

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Wow! We went from T-shirts to beer....

At least the last shot I posted involved t-shirts, beer, and snowboards. They didn't have any Long Trail skis so I "made" my own. That's an old pair of Heads with Long Trail bumper stickers on the top sheets.


Back to t-shirts:

One of my other favorite sports


And proof that I can't be trusted. Apparently Patrick Moore was a big figure in Canadian Greenpeace and then became a spokesman for the logging industry. I had to buy the shirt.


Ironically, the Today Show had a feature this morning on t-shirts.

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pat, nice staircase. I got my Long Trail T shirt at TJ Maxx for $5, seriously.Got the Presidente T free with a 12 pack, not in the DR. gleb, you'd be surprised at how many bars have pbr these days, very trendy indeed.Even Narragansett is making a come back and saw it on tap yesterday at one of boston's oldest bars, Jacob Wirth.If they made a T with Capt Quint crushing a Narry Tall boy 16 oz.( a scene from Jaws and used in thier new marketing campaign), I'd get one. btw, nice pic gleb. reminds me of UMass 20 years ago.that steel reserve is nasty stuff, worse than Natty Lights, OE or any o' dat ghetto beeya !




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a few years ago I picked up one of my favorite tee shirts... a list of why ski lifts are better than a girlfriend. has things like you can ride all day and it doesn't mind. you can get off without saying 'you were awesome', doesn't care if you ride other lifts etc,etc.

(did not mention beer in this posting)

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i never thought of pbr as a "bar style beer." I partied at umass a few times. Very different style of partying there than in boston. Its more along the lines of how many people can they cram into a frat house and charge everyone $5 and end up getting 3 beers because there are waaaay too many people and not nearly enough of anything there (air and space included). You gotta show up early or know a frat brother to really get wasted. I ran into a kid i havent seen in a few years in a frat there so we got loaded up. The college life :)

edit: natty ice is all we used to get if we didn't have enough people to throw down on a beer ball. Good times.

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Gotta git me one o' These bad boys.SJ is blowin' up everywhere. http://www.sailorjerry.com/detail.php?i=268 back in the UMass days we'd get BRAUMEISTER beer for super cheap(not Meister Brau)we'd add some cheapo maple sugar(fake stuff)to make it taste like honey brown. Lucky Lager at Lucky's supermarkets in Cali was another ghetto brew.There are many sides to ZooMass, Gleb. I concur on the frat parties, never a big fan but I did know a couple homeys that would hook us up. It's like 1,000 thirsty lepers trying to get Jesus to hand them thier beer cup.



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It's like 1,000 thirsty lepers trying to get Jesus to hand them thier beer cup.

Could not have put it better my self.

some more that i've seen around:



right on

bubba, $2 a case? that would be amazing. if we get a case of 40s for an edward 40 hands party (duct tape 40s to each hand and can't take them off till you finish both) it runs about $1.80 a bottle and thats about as good as it gets without getting a beer ball. My friend told me bout some Moosehead beer or something in Canada. He said they might as well call it moose piss. Speaking of canadian beers, Pamela Anderson first got hired by Labatt Blue :biggthump

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I saw this T on a guy at a concert in Foxboro years ago, it was the guy's version but same verbiage on it. I even took a pic since my future wife and I thought it was that humourous. I once had a week long "fling" with a flight attendant(they don't like "stewardess") that claimed she was a former "Miss Steinlager" back in Switzerland and she prob was,hailed from the French corner of Switzerland's wine country. Hottie psycho, man do I miss Vail.For some reason Steinlager is really common in Hawaii, 22oz bottles for sale everywhere.


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