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How many days untill winter


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I'm not kidding about it either. July 4th is the current closing date, and there is even talk of pushing it out further. :1luvu:

Two July closings in a row now. Gotta love California. Sun, snow and surf all in one. Too bad its absurdly expensive to live here. :rolleyes:

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Winters been over here for about a month:angryfire

I was robbed! this was like, the worst season NY has seen in years. so... much... rain...:(

Wierd thing is, we had snow on Halloween. By thanksgiving we had the most snow we ever got the whole season. After christmas it all went downhill. And i was hoping for a generous winter! (especially since i just got a longboard)

Hopefully next season will be better. and if it isnt, it'll give me an excuse to break in the overdose!

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yea Japan was sort-of like that too.

We had a ton of snow early in the year and then in mid-january places were having temperatures characteristic of early-mid spring. D'oh! Wish I had gone earlier.

The first day I went last season it had been snowing for a month _straight_, and then I get there and it starts raining. :lol:

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POW, I got in 85 days of snowboarding this winter starting on January second and I live in upstate NY. Jiminy peak was awesome all year except for like a week's worth of nasty weather. Just because there is no snow at your house doesn't mean it isn't elsewhere ;) I rode right up until April 1st.

HOW TO BEAT TEH SUMMER ANGST: I'm going to try and learn to Wakeboard behind powerboats. I figure it has to be similar to snowboarding, but more leaning back. I also play Golf, so it's all good :)

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First off, we have already hit 96 degrees here in hell. Hurricane season hasn't even begun but the gulf temps are currently 74, up from 62 about 2 weeks ago, and 80 is the "magic" number....

Second, my surgery got delayed and unfortunately so has my eventual recovery. I'm looking at August before I'll be able to start walking again. And, right now my ability to recover my balance, say with longboarding, is questionable...and since I don't want to dislocate my shoulder again before my surgery......I didn't even go ice skating this weekend....

I never appreciated my ankles before this happened.....

Thirdly, I am jonesing big time....I flirted with going by my old shop, although it has nothing I want or need now, today....I'm struggling with staying away from the Donek site(isn't carressing a new board almost as good as riding?)

I did break down and buy my son's Christmas present early-a new Elan board and Flow bindings-easy for a 7 year old to get into( for about $140 total)

So don't tempt me with your kite boarding...I can't go :(

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For EastCoast guy

Mont Ste-Anne, Quebec is still opened up to April 30th. Last saturday and yesterday were great days on the north side with all trails opened and not a single water stream. South side were "minimal" conditions. I'm heading there again next weekend for my final one ( 60+ days this season ).

:) :) Seb

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