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Everything posted by NateW

  1. As for whether soft or hard boots are easier to learn on, I think it's basically just a coin toss. If there is a difference, it's probably not enough to justify learning one before learning the other. So, ask him what kind of gear he wants to ride - Not what he wants to learn on, but what kind of gear he wants to ride when he gets good. Then start him on that kind of gear.
  2. I use the "on your left!" technique all the time... it has served me well so far. (And yes, sometimes I pass on the right, too...) Be sure to follow it with a "thank you!" and a wave if they give you extra room.
  3. happens all the time, out some of them stick out... Two kids behind me are talking... I overhear one say "that's a MONOski." Could't think of anything witty so I let it slide. Guy on the 2-seat lift, good attitude, we B.S.ed a littie bit on the way up... and then he says, "hey, have you ever tried a real snowboard?" I was on the ball that time: "hey, I was just about to ask you the same thing!" Intelligent discussion followed but I don't think I made us a convert. More recently: "How come you're wearing two leashes?" "If that boot breaks loose, I want my foot to stay close to the binding, so my other knee doesn't get twisted up." That's the only one that bothers me. But technology will advance.
  4. Not only did he win the gold, but Rebagliati's actions led directly to one of my favorite TV moments. Stripped of his medal after testing positive for pot, he appealed.... there was all this uncertainty over whether he would be able to keep his medal, it was the top subject for the talking heads on the sports shows... and finally the powers-that-be came to a decision. And they made an announcement: "The IOC does not recognize marijuana as a performance-enhancing drug." It still makes me chuckle.
  5. It ain't the big air that's dangerous, it's that sudden stop at the end... I landed pretty much flat on my back from about 10-12 feet last year - no powder but thankfully no ice either - and couldn't breath right until the next day. Looks like he had a couple feet of powder, but he fell from WAY higher... I bet he felt it for a good long time. I wonder how long it took him to get the first little bit of air back into his lungs. :-) Ever since then, I've been wondering if it would be practical to build a pocket-sized respirator. Something with a light spring to inflate itself as soon as you pull it from your pocket, so you can pump up your lungs right away after something like that. :D
  6. Snowboarder do ruin the pow more than skiers, (scrape the snow off). An inexperienced snowboarder can go to expert ungroomed runs and simply sideslip down. A skier with the same amount of days under their belt would probably be walking down that same ungroomed run. Phil is quite right about this. I used to think it was just crap from cranky skiers, but no... I can't argue that point as of a couple years ago. At the area I usually ride, there's a short section of moderately steep moderately moguled stuff right in the middle of the terrain park run. Since they put the park over there, at any given time there would be a couple of boarders sideslipping down that section. It's kinda funny sometimes - watching some of those kids zip down the hill sideways, you'd think they were on short fat monoskis. Not coincidentally, rocks and weeds and crap were coming through in that area well before anywhere else.
  7. Selling your 4WD? Say it ain't so...
  8. My UPZs have intecs instealled. Havent ridden them yet but the installation went pretty smoothly so I'm not too worried.
  9. Well the helmet things makes sense. When snowboarders fall they don't have bunch of skis and poles tumbling town the mountain behind them, threatening to beat their skulls in just as everything comes to a stop. Whereas snowboarders hardly every hit their heads with their boards, I mean you'd have to be a contortionist. So that's why skiers usually... oh wait, they don't... idiots. And snowboarders hardly ever... oh wait, they usually do... careful people I guess.
  10. I haven't been paying much attention to this thread, but if that's the new "Bomber RAB" in that picture, I'll be sticking with the old ones. I'm just not that hard core.
  11. I'm in Redmond, and mostly ride the Snoqualmie areas because they're relatively close. Will be at Stevens this Sunday though. hard boots + black one-piece + ponytail = probably me If you're in the Seattle area, check out www.snowboardseattle.com
  12. NateW

    G style

    It's good to see another hard boot on the market - even if it's on a market whose language I don't understand. :) But I have never understood the point of a "power strap." They have never worked well for me. If they're tight they ride up and/or pinch, if they're loose they're pointless. I don't see the point... Can someone enlighten me? The rachet idea seems like a step forward, but why not use a real buckle like the rest of the boot uses?
  13. I hope this implies some positive developments on the legal front. :)
  14. thanks for the info, everybody
  15. What's the price range? Or do you have any examples of boards and prices? And where are they located? Thanks!
  16. I suppose the ideal location would have an uphill slope behind the speed trap, so you could just coast up the other side to get your speed down. When I did my 51mph run for Randy's radar at Northstar, I stood up briefly then had to put the board sideways to shed speed. I think all of us did, as the runout zone wasn't very long, and led into another steeper section and/or another trail. None of us fell, but at least in my case the skidding resulted in an ice blast to my face that was still quite unpleasant.
  17. http://www.natew.com/frame_main.cgi/software/snow/html.Main
  18. Laugh all you want, but she digs a mean trench.
  19. Silly marketing people. Is there another kind?
  20. I'm dating someone who doesn't ski or board (fear again). I've offered to buy the ticket, pay the rental fees, buy dinner afterward, rub her feet... Maybe this year. Next time (if there's a next time) I'm dating from the lift line only. Like this: "Do you have any Scandinavian in you?" [response doesn't matter, as long as there is one] "Would you like some [more] ?"
  21. This calls for some "MORE CARVE LESS JIB" bumper stickers. If applied to the topsheet of a skinny board (or anything with alpine bindings, really) there would be no mistake about the sincerity. (Preferably in a non-retro font though. That swirly bulgey 70s font just distracts from the message.)
  22. I vote solid black with a small Madd logo somewhere. Or maybe a grey that would contrast subtly with the carbon butterfly. But nothing as baroque as the options presented thus far.
  23. The world would be a better place if more people had goat's attitude. Sometimes it's just an accident. That happens - laugh it off. Sometimes it's an a-hole. They happen too - laugh at them. And definitely don't be the a-hole. :)
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