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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. Yes, for the '06/'07, but the '04/'05's are are 9.25m SCR. Rad-Air was making a bunch of changes in that time frame, so I personally do not know what the '05/'06 is for sure. Actually, if you are really interested, ask RJ. He will know. No matter the SCR, Tankers are great boards!
  2. Anyone know the SCR on the 05/06 172cm Tanker? I am guessing it will be larger than the 8.5 m radius on the Phoenix. Furi - not knowing your riding style, abilities or knowledge, be aware that comparing the SCR's, generally speaking, the Tanker will want to make larger turns down the fall line, typically with more speed. It may spook you the first time or two on the hill. With good technique, the Tanker will rip anywhere. You will find lots of Tanker lovers here. Several friends and I use our Tankers (smallest is a 187w) for everything (trees, bumps, hiking the steeps...). I presume you are looking at the Tanker on exoticboards.com. RJ is a great person to deal with!!!! No, my intent is not to bash Donek in any way, just express my love for the Tankers. :D Personally, I would choose the Tanker. Since you are in the Tahoe area, you may also consider local builder Steepwater. I loved my 171cm Plow, but it was not long enough to float my 210lbs, resulting in several "over-the-bars" situations. :(
  3. Why detune? I'll take all of the edge that I can get.
  4. You might consider posting the nose/waist/tail widths. IIRC, this board has reverse taper, which would be useful information for a potential buyer.
  5. Sadly, he is not (I would speculate early 30's). I think his issues are more related to a lack of maturity! He just wants to ask questions and then argue with everyone when they give a response. Do yourself a favor and put him on your ignore list. --------------------- Sorry for the hijack MaddMike. The new boards look great. This thread has made me very interested in a 158. :D
  6. Definitely a great day! Attendees: Steve, Monodude, Tony, tinkerbell, Bob, Jeff, Shelly, pcdenver, TVR, BlueBird, snowman, ink', me... And all but two were on plates. Very Nice! Steve and Monodude - it was nice to meet and ride with both of you. TVR, BlueBird, snowman - thanks for making the trip over to Lovey. Until next time - Dustin
  7. Absolutely! Chair 1 at 8:30, otherwise look for us on the mountain (pretty easy since only chairs 1 & 2 are open).
  8. x 1,000,000 most immigrants that I have encountered are hard workers, do the work that is asked of them without b*tching, do not complain about their wages and do a better job than their American co-workers. Justin, not saying that your gf is not a hard worker or a complainer, just saying that this country needs immigrants. As far as racist go... let's just say that I am not fond of them
  9. Agreed. All of my boards have different waist width; therefore, I run different bindings angles on each of the boards. I run the lowest angle I can without having any overhang. Maximum pressure on the edge is a good thing! ;)
  10. TVR - if it would help, I will "buy" the board from you and "sell" it to the interested party for the selling price plus PayPal charges. If you and the "buyer" are interested, you could bring the board to Loveland on Sunday. Let me know.
  11. ink', Janet, Shelly and I plan to be there. Possibly bpc, tony and tinkerbell.
  12. see ya Sunday. think we are headed up turkey day as well, if anyone is interested.
  13. Shelly and I will be there. Anticipating Monday arrival with Sunday departure. Trying to find new lodging since several of the places have changed their pet policies.
  14. You don't want ink' to ride it, he falls all the time, then claims he's "booting out" or some crap like that. He just couldn't figure out how to make that SG turn. I offered some pointers but of coarse, he would not listen. He!!, even Janet was showing him up on Sunday. Actually, the ladies did ride better than the boys. :o
  15. ding, ding, ding, ding Do not waste your time with anyone else!
  16. Sean Cassidy does some great group work at SES. Shelly and big mario really enjoyed learning from him. You do have one other option. Get your arse over to Loveland and spend some time with inkaholic! big mario and I owe him a lot for drastically improving our riding this and last season. Granted we might not see much of ink' now that he has the SG. We may just have to admire his tracks from the lift as he is busy lapping us. Nothing "formal", just a group of people who enjoy riding together. We are lucky in that one person in the group is a former racer and coach. Everyday we receive "informal" training.
  17. No "formal" instruction Exactly, one gentleman I ride with raced and coached on the national level (ink, were you a member of the national team?). Every time we ride together (almost every weekend) he is teaching and offering advice/pointers. He would probably still be coaching if it wasn't for an incident with a tree while training for the Nagano qualifiers and the birth of his first child several years later. Agreed! And the way that they can spot the finest details and point out the differences between two consecutive toe or heel side turns and why one was smoother than the other is simply amazing!
  18. big mario runs that set-up. I'll have him check this post when he return from vacation in a couple weeks. He absolutely loves that set-up!
  19. Sadly, color does not matter. Last season I wore an orange jacket; I got hit from behind twice. big mario got hit from behind while wearing a bright yellow jacket. Idiots will be idiots and what you are wearing will not matter.
  20. I have tried Nate's site several times recently and all I get is a server not found message.
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