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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. Scorpio

    WTB: Madd 180

    There's a madd 180 being sold on the catek forum.
  2. Anybody have any shorter burners (167, 178) that they'd consider putting on the block? Perhaps the less common Prior splits?
  3. My rear is slightly steeper than the front by a few degrees. I also have 3 deg of cant on the back. It definitely feels a lot more comfortable and I feel like I have more control. Although most riders here don't have that setup, I say do it if you feel your riding will benefit from it.
  4. Hey mats, looks like two of the guys are riding prior split tails. Are those recent customs they had done or older models? I've never seen those before.
  5. Gotta give props to Bordy. Whether one agrees or disagrees with him and the hardbooter crew in Utah, they certainly display a lot of respect to others in the alpine community as I'm sure you all know. I look forward to reading his posts as they are very informative, especially to a rookie like myself, and can't wait to see this footage.
  6. Shoot Darren Ratcliffe an email. Search for him on the Members list. I think he told me he had a 185 FP he wanted to sell.
  7. bump before ebay. I can send pics if interested.
  8. bump before ebay I can send pics if interested.
  9. Bricky, I'm looking into a bus but so far no luck. I know some of the shops here in the city have bus trips but none are going to windham tomorrow. I can't figure out if there is a trailways bus leaving from port authority. Anybody ever done this?
  10. Anybody going from NYC that has a car? If so I might be able to attend for only saturday. Also I have to check with the little lady to make sure we have no plans.
  11. I still have it. The top and base are in good condition. No deep gouges or anything serious on the base and the topsheet has typical scratches from wear and tear ie. bindings and boot scuffs. What's your email? I can send you pics.
  12. Any hardbooters gonna be at hunter this sunday 2/20? I'll be there w/ my girlfriend who will be trying carving for the first time. Should be interesting.
  13. Scroll to the bottom of the page. http://www.alpinecarving.com/binding_setup.html
  14. hey shred, what's the possibility of that board being made for the masses? Do the madd folk plan to take it into production?
  15. When you get it all set up, let us know how it rides. I saw those on ebay a while back was was curious myself.
  16. Got these last season and have used them for a total of 10 days. Made the rookie mistake of getting them a size too big. They come with the standard liners. $50 plus shipping. Email me at scorpiobc at excite dot com for pis.
  17. Don't know the actual specs of the board with the exception of it being 159cm. It was my first board and now its time for me to move on. It comes with emery course bindings. I'm missing three bolts for the discs but I imagine whoever decides to buy this will probably switch the bindings. $75 plus shipping. email me at scorpiobc at excite dot com for pics
  18. How much for a 0 and 3 deg four hole set w/ purple bumpers and bolts?
  19. If anyone's around on sunday, I'll be the guy w/ the red rossi vas and bombers. I figure there won't be too many there w/ that setup.
  20. Anybody gonna be at Hunter Mountain on sunday? I'm not the most experienced carver but wouldn't mind riding with some folks if around. Hopefully I can learn some things from some of you riders out there.
  21. Do you have a price list for the '05 tankers and LSD's?
  22. Its a nice lookin board but I'm a lil too small for it. Thanks though.
  23. That same incident happend to me at heavanly over new years. I was on my donek axis making a heelside turn, not even deep in the turn. I was just about to initiate it and some kid on a board sideswiped me. He knocked me over and I landed on my back and snapped my neck back. I had to call it quits for that day becuase my neck hurt so bad. The worst part is that I was laying there for about 2 minutes motionless before anyone even came over to help me out. That kid was unbalanced after the hit but didn't go down. He didn't even stop to see if I was ok. He knew he knocked me down due to the force of the hit. The only upside was that he didn't ding my board.
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