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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I saw you on tuesday or wednesday - you blew by me as I was going under Emerald Ex. I couldn't miss the Organge Helmet Hope you did not hit the tree you were heading for.
  2. Not listed but absolutly worse yet is leaving your season pass at home.
  3. This sounding like a great day at Whistler. what I thought may be good for the cause is to list you are and what you ride and how long you been riding. I'll start. Other than C5 Golfer I go by Al, 59 yr old engineer in Bellevue Wash, riding hardboots for about 5 years. I currently ride various boards but the one getting most of the ride time this year is Chris Prior's wonderful 179 4WD, second favorite if no new snow has fallen is either my Volkl 178 or this year's birthday present - a Hot Blast 178. Don't worry about my age, I'll be right there waitng for you to catch up. :lol:
  4. I just may be there that Sat too. Sounds like a great Idea.
  5. A 175 Big A## Mountian Board from Glissade. Way too much board for me at the start. I wish I'd have know someone who could have helped me - the snowboard shop in Seattle really screwed me I think. I went on the next year to a 166 - much more sensible starter board. I almost gave up thinking all boards were the same.
  6. Try this link to a previous Bomber Post. Good stuff for intel as you asked. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=9817
  7. Did you read my post where the shear of the pin needs to be located?. (( "with a shear type fracture located somewhere in the gap between the plastic housing and the aluminum Heel piece from a TD1/2.")) What you are showing is not shear - your failure mode is totally different than the topic of shearing a pin. Your failure is either due to material defect at manufacture or fatigue due to flexing - either type is not a "shear" failure.
  8. Well -- does that mean we have a pin that has failed? Let me know who to send the $50 to once I get the pin.
  9. Call it anything -- the simple fact is the plastic will fail before you can shear the pin in half.
  10. I'll pay $50 bounty to the first person who can supply me a sheared Intec pin that sheared in the Intec Housing. That is to say it is broke in two pieces with a shear type fracture located somewhere in the gap between the plastic housing and the aluminum Heel piece from a TD1/2. In this system there would be no such thing as a cyclic loading the pin - the plastic is too soft to send any shear type fatigue to the pin
  11. I have one question that does not seem to be addressed -- is it your feet that smell bad or the boots?
  12. I'd have a hard time believing anyone or anything could shear a steel pin in a plastic housing. It just isn’t possible - the plastic would compress with the force which would be perpendicular to the pin centerline, even in double shear it would be almost impossible. ( To be sure we use apples and apples here - shear is where the pin would be cut in half - just like you were to use a hacksaw )
  13. Not the 11th - golfing that day in a Harbour Pointe tourny but I am planning on Sunday - looks like a good day either day. AL
  14. Not a rough season here unless you think there is TOOOOOO much snow. Yea , ok Baker had to close for a couple of days due to too much snow - like 9 feet in a couple of days, yea yea the chairs were draggin thru the snow - yea that is kinda rough season but we have had to adjust. Oh, yea there are a few chair places at Crystal that have orange tape perimeter around areas under the chair cuz it it to close to the chair and you could get your head hit by the snowboards on the chair lift. ok so it is tough to snowboard around here this year. But if you get off the main groomed areas that only have 100 inches of snow you can enjoy yourself in the deep powder like Crystal Mt has right now and loose your self. Bring a radio. So anyway after all this B.S> I would suggest Crystal Mountain for your day trip. Big area of great snow everywhere and 6 person high speed chair to whisk you a way. Yes, 6 person not a typo. AL
  15. It has to be some of what you say Scotts. I am an old fart pushing 60 yr old and I do not have any leg burn and I do not work out. I ride for 4 days straight and run from 8:30 to 3:00 PM hard all day. I would add an important addition beyond angle and technique. It is also the board itself. I have rode many many different boards - FC, Full out Race boards to All Mountain types. There have been some that I can not run for more than an hour before I feel like the Steelers will feel this weekend - wornout and beat. Then there are boards that are so easy to ride all day - Volkl 178 or a Prior 179 4X4 or my Hot Blast 178, these will not beat me up. The Donek FC 179 or my Coiler AM177 or my F2 176 Speedster - all three tired me in hours. So I would look more to board choice to lessen the leg burn. In a soft set up same thing I have found - my Arbor 170 Munoz is so pleasant to ride all friggen day -- my Timeless 166 was burning my legs after 1/2 day. They were the same set up - angles and boots and bindings - board was the only difference. My 3 cents worth. Al
  16. I just got back from there - rode both mountains. Had a superb run down from the top of Whistler Peak Chair to the bottom of Creekside. Called the Peak to Creek run. It is 5000 feet vertical drop - No lie here - check the trail map - You have to run it - at the top there was powder over my knees and would spray up to my chest and face. Damn wish I was there now. I rode my 179 Prior 4X4 everyday everywhere - fresh untouched stuff to the groomers and then to mogal field. Did not do to well in the Mogals since they are closer together than my 179 so it did not fit very well but who cares - the soft stuff made up for it. there is over a 100 inches of snow at mid station and more snow everyday. Be sure to run Ridge Runner on Blackcomb - one of the best there on your FC. Also recommend Seventh Heaven - any of the 3 main groomed runs.
  17. We should try to schedule something so you can ride my Volkl 178. Had a blast in Whistler- Sat was superb. Rode my 179 4X4 in some knee deep powder - the kind that slips up over the knees and sprays onto your chest and face.
  18. Anyone interested in a ride Sunday? start at early AM - be home by 4 for the game. With all this fresh snow it is hard to pass up.
  19. Ride Timeless 167 Glissade 17? Arbor Koa 166 Arbor Koa 170 Arbor Munoz 166 Arbor Munoz 170 Solomon 470 171 Burton Coil 166 Volkl RT 163 Volkl 173 RT Volkl 178 RT (2) Hot Blast 178 Prior 4X4 174 Prior 4X4 179 F2 RS Speedster 176 Donek 179 Freecarve Coiler 179 AM Don't tell my mom - She thinks I am normal.
  20. You do not have to call the next day after a great ride. Snowboards do not care how much money you make. Snowboards do not care what type of car they ride to the mountain. Snowboards do not drink lattes. Snowboards do not cry at a moments notice. When there is something wrong with your board it is obvious what is wrong.
  21. Yes, but lets take this to the next evolution. Add a Gravity Directional finder and use an ejector seat technology and just blow you straight up out of the avalanche, add a self inflating paraglide and just land where you want with a drink in hand.
  22. All good ideas .. but my last requests would include an Airbag Deployment system for when I crash and a Cloaking Device so I can slip by the Speed Patrol unnoticed.
  23. I'd add a small stepper motor and be able to change the binding angle at will from a remote control. Basically just trim it out as conditions see fit, just like a boat or airplane. Also, I'd add an automatic toe and heel scrapper as I am stepping in. Also, come to think of it a cup holder would be nice, maybe a flip down version so if I do not have a drink with me it folds flat. That's all I can think of for now.
  24. Art, I just saw the weather report. First - Mt Baker is closed due to tooooooo much snow 9 feet in 2 days. Tonight The cascades is expecting 2 more feet. It is supposed to stay this way till Sat. Sunday will be epic again I think. My Prior 179 4X4 is smiling at me. Which board you going to ride? . AL
  25. Great Photo Jim-- When you are there looking at it in person it kinda takes your breath away. I was up there today on my Prior 179 4X4 and it was epic. Similar to what Thomas above said. Steep and deep powder snow that was so soft and forgiving. I had a Banner day - floated on the soft fresh stuff to carving on the groomed at high speed. WOW! Looking forward to a meet on the 22nd up there with a few of us. See you there Art!
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