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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I like bacon also , but why can I not buy Canadian Bacon in Canada when I go to Whistler? Weird
  2. Regarding #96 .. I used to date a woman that could do that once a month :lol: :lol:
  3. Reason I was asking is in case I work out a reason to go back to Reno. My daughter used to live there working for MicroSoft and since moved back to Seattle area, but anyway we boarded Tahoe area and golfed quite a bit. I liked it there so if I came back for work maybe I could add a day or so and go back to some of the hills with a co-worker. I did not go this year, I had a few of my products there but went to the last two and I figured it was just like seeing the same movie again. I do like the ladies showing the equipment off, both ours and theirs.
  4. Yes, we changed our name recently. TMS = Table Management Systems, We do Baccarat and Blackjack tables adding all the high tech stuff to monitor and accuratley record play by play. I also am a product designer -- small world huh? -- mechanical engineer with motion control and mechanism my specialty. good talking with you
  5. Sure that close enough -- what do you do for them? And since we have many competitors , which one is it?
  6. looks to be a nice bike if you have the $$ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120052387105&fromMakeTrack=true
  7. Well, now you bring a "wife" into the bike equation and all bets are off. I am not married so spending money with permission is not something to which I can relate.
  8. Not even thinking you were belligerant at all... I originally posted this subject to stimulate this type of discussion. I see your point and from my limited experience sounds correct. I am hoping to be come more informed so that when I go into my local bike shop I am armed with these type of questions.
  9. My desire is to have a frame fitted to me for increased comfort and also to reduce road vibration I feel in my arms on a long ride. My guess I can not do that for $500 out of pocket.
  10. Thanks Volvo guy, my current ride weighs 25 lbs - steel frame - how much to these new road bikes weigh? I maybe be naive here but I do not understand if I weigh 215 lbs what a 5 lb savings in bike is going to do for me. Help me out here. That is only a 2% drop in total weight going up that long hill. I look forward to your photos -- I have an old school car too .. 1980 280SL Mercedes - all stock and runs great and is in great shape- 4 Speed - mechanical fuel injected DOHC straight 6. I have 179K miles on it now and will probably be buried in it when I die. I like my new cars too ( tire pressure monitors, run flat tires, backup sensors, rain sensors, less polution, 6/7 speed trannys, speed senstive volume, heated lumbar support, dynamic headlights and so on ) but I sure like the simplicity of the 1980ish autos. I'll post a photo of it in a day or so.
  11. I have mounted my TD1s on my 170 Arbor Munoz and it changed it from a smooth riding board like a great BMW sports car into a 1960ish Ford Pickup Truck. One ride and I was done. I put the bindings back on my Prior 4X4 and was smilin.
  12. I think it lifted up when I was cleaning it the other day after a ride in the rain. Thanks for noticing -- I would have felt that.
  13. Looks like Volvo Guy likes to make fun but can't take it :lol: :lol: so here is my current bike photo. Yes, it is old school but is in great shape for a ~25 yr old bike. So all you that are old school bike nuts , lets see your photos.
  14. My 179 4X4 has this black topo top sheet.. It looks pretty damn nice, specially since it is of the Blackcomb Whistler area so I can see where I am going while riding back up on the Gondola or you can also give directions to your fellow riders to various places on the mountain simply by refering them to your snowboard.
  15. No pump peg on my bike.. no water bottle holder so I printed one on my 3D Printer. It is a odd looking bike since it is a long neck where the fork goes. 27" frame with 1 1/4 x 27 inch tires. I have a picture but waiting for the Volvo guy's photo so we can make fun of him first.
  16. Tell you what Volvo guy with fancy modern day bike- you post a picture of your old school Volvo, square box with 4 tires, 4 cylinders, 0-60 in 2.3 minutes, and then I wll post a picture of my old school 2 wheeler that still does pretty damn good. :lol: :lol:
  17. Hey , Art any idea how your schedule is over the next 2 weeks.. I am planning on Crystal mtn soon. News said up to 4 feet of snow by next Friday AL
  18. I am glad I could offer you some humor -- I was going to post a picture of my present bike so you knew from where I am starting but I am having second thoughts because you'd probably bust a gut on that one and since we are close to winter carving season I do not want to injure you!
  19. One other question -- in a road bike how many speeds to y'all all prefer. 10, 12, 15 ,18 or ? It seems not much discussion centered on gearing. thoughts anyone?
  20. Wow.. Good info from all and a good thread too! BTW Snow if falling heavy here and Crystal Mtn is opening Wednesday so it it tough to keep my mind thinking 2 wheeler right now but I have quite a bit of Bike info to digest and research now. My GF is more of a biker than I and we are planning several trips to bike shops to shop for me and possibly her. I really appreciate all the info and I feel I am better armed to shop now. It also sounds like my $3000 is a bit light so I plan on asking for a raise at work and increase the stakes on my golf outings with my friends. Sounds like I should concentrate on a high level custom fitted frame and fork to start, then shop around for components - but still have a bike shop experts assemble it all for me. I haven't even begun to think about the wheels and tires which is I am sure another can of worms that needs to be opened.
  21. Thanks Volvo guy- and yes it was vague question but was meant to be vague for the exact reason I see in the other replies and specially your excellent thoughts and comments. I wanted to get other thoughts to get me possibly out of a rut or mainstream thinking and see what other choices are favored. Good idea on the CX bike. Not out to lose weight. I would want to do a century in some comfort. I have been mainly thinking of this new purchase because a couple of friends have told me my current bike is nice but the ride on these newer ones are so smooth and plus I could use a bit more gearing. I’d like not to change my current bike to do this but would prefer to add to my toy inventory. (Old guy with grown kids, house paid for, and cars paid for syndrome) Also, not into building my own bike would rather let the experts do this. Would like to have a bike fitted to me due to 6’3” frame and long arms @ 215lbs. For a 60yr old in pretty damn good shape compared to most in my age range and would like to ride to get into better shape and basically enjoy a 50 mile ride on average roads ( my current bike seems to transmit a bit more road vibration than the newer designs so even on a 30 mile ride I feel it in my arms).
  22. Thinking about a new road bike - anyone have any advice on what is good and bad and ugly out there. Don't mind spending a few $$ .. maybe up to $3000. Any info on what to purchase or not to purchase would be helpful.
  23. My list would start with: New Girlfriend (skier but shreds a slope like a knife thru butter) New X5 to transport new girlfriend to Whistler and other slopes covered with snow. Not much needed in way of snowboard equipment. Quiver is just about full.
  24. Speaking of Thai...Kipstar My girlfriend is going to Thailand Dec 2nd thru the 15th... she is pretty excited.
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