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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Taking the 5th refers to our 5th amendment to our Constitution.. derived mostly from old english Law and the Magna Carta -- has to do with self-incrimination if you answer the question. so if the answer may incriminate you -- you do not have to answer. back to cooking good food... working on a Pork Tenderloin recipe - sauteed with apples and cranberries... I may add a little red wine...will be trying this out in Whistler Blackcomb this weekend if my possible sore legs will let me stand in the kitchen long enough.
  2. I got it from my grandfather... -- he likes to cook and make things rise. :-) -- I am firing on all 8 cylinders floboot. I'll have to take the 5th on the fast car question ( Do you have a similar response to our 5th in Scotland? )
  3. I found that if you add a little bit of powdered Viagra to the flour it will rise ok. It worked on a plane ride at 38,000 feet so it should be ok at 9,000 ft.
  4. At my age I better not try.. I have trouble going to a freinds house when the toliet is on the goofy side of the shower.
  5. I would like to have a couple of these auto storage lifts.
  6. My brother has a good one. Stuff a Chicken inside a Duck, then wrap the Duck in Bacon, then put the wrapped stuffed Duck inside a Turkey and bake it for about 5 hours. serve with a fine red wine.
  7. Skied with my kids who were great soft boot snowboarders approx 17 years ago. They said "Dad, if your going to ride with us ya gotta get a snowboard!" So I did. Big A** Mt Board, that sucked, so I then went to Ride Timeless, that sucked, So I then went to an Arbor Munoz which was a great ride and I finally liked riding a snowboard. Havent been on skis since. Couple years later saw a guy riding hardboots, rode up the chair with him and talked about the differences. Went home and bought some hardboots from Bomber and some TD-1s. Found a nice Volkl 173 and rode it hard and put it away wet with a smile on my face. Now, many boards later - some in and out of the quiver and ride only hardboots. Still ride that nice Volkl 173 now and then when my son lets me-- since it is now his board. Favorite boards this year-- Prior 4X4 , Coiler AM - maybe the Donek Axxess I just got.
  8. Any thought to having the metal removed? 11 months ago I had mine taken out after the leg healed. Now I have the 7 Ti screws and Ti Plate - wondering what to make with them. Al
  9. Awe -- that was just a little ole tea party that got outta hand. Come on back -- we would like the help. Brig hammer, nails and concrete... leave the guns at home this time. :-)
  10. Not trying to start a political discussion.. just seriously want to know -- does anyone know of any countries that have come to the USA to help with Sandy's mess ???? Europe, Asia -- anywhere anyone? her eis a thought - Saudia Arabia - how about a couple of days worth of free oil to the states affected?
  11. I wax it every 3-5 days.. Hot wax Edge sharpen by hand tool when needed - mainly removing burrs and rock catch areas Base tune it at a shop very rarely -- I still ride a 4X4 from Prior that is 10 years old and it has never been shop tuned bu tI ride it mainly at Whistler on softer type snow. My rule -- if the snow is soft to powder -- you dont need an edge, plus the icy cat tracks back to the lift are easier to ride of the edges are not sharp.
  12. I feel the wind ok... especially on the golf course -- there was a 40 mph wind in my face so how fast was I going? My bet with edge chatter is you are feeling acceleration and deccelleration of your edges, not speed.
  13. Ahh but grasshopper-- one can see speed/velocity -- one can not feel speed/velocity. Blindman once said a longtime ago- I cannot see how fast I am going.
  14. Not sure of that... I know you are in Scotland.. Coming there soon BTW. But the area to which I am referring is a wide open flat straightaway highway with very few autos. Used to be years ago -- no speed limit there. My question is more related to this area and no speedometers to keep most everyone with in 10-15 mph. I wonder what the spread would be if we only drove by feel of what is safe. kieran-- different subject -- yes coming to Scotland and Ireland to play golf for 8 days next April.. I just have to get thru this snowboard season with no broken bones so I will limit my fast speeds at Whistler accordingly.
  15. Dunno - its friday and I need a glass of red wine.. But here is a phunny thought... what would happen on I-90 -- Montana Wyoming areas... if all the cars and trucks and motorcycles had no speedometer. wonder what the traffic pattern would look like????
  16. you are right of course -- similar to when I ride my Corvette at 70 and I ride in my son's big a** Dodge truck at 70 -- seems we are going slower in the truck cuz we are so far up/off the highway surface
  17. we cannot feel velocity/speed, we can only feel acceleration.
  18. Nope--- not getting me on a motorcycle at 100 mph... no and hell no.. Ya know it is just fear -- you got none relative to me. :=) I got faith in you .. wish I could be on the side hill watching you at that speed.
  19. Like my post says -- I apologize ahead of time. I know it is all relative.. but on my pedal bike 45 is scarry fast and I got brakes and very fast tires and I think rolling friction on a bike is better than a sliding friction on a snowboard. I am just thinking of the length of the run to come up to speed that is 50% faster than my bike in a similar length of hill. Plus I dont have people on the road I have to watch out for.. just cars going the same speed. so it is kinda like religion in a way.. I have faith in you guys and you are telling me the truth.. I accept it but know I will never ever experience it..
  20. Some of the numbers seems very fast to me. scary fast. I would be curious if those that use GPS for speed measurement could try this.. get your GPS and your car -- and take a road trip --- go down a steep mtn road ... set your cruise control on your car to 50 mph. go for as long as long as you can at that sustained exact 50 mph speed. at the end of your exact 50 MPH speed trip --- check your GPS and see if it agrees with your max speed of 50 mph.. I'd would bet -- I apologize ahead of time if I am wrong... that your GPS would be quite a bit higher than your auto's 50 MPH. come on Whistler snow storm -- we want to go riding!!
  21. Sweet deal Tom... thanks -- board arrived today .. looks great -- now we just need snow. Al
  22. Cool--- but lets not run into each other at 70 mph Re: GPS -- many golfers with whom I play with and some golf carts use a GPS system to tell you the distance to the hole including the front edge and back edge of the green. I prefer the Laser measuring system - point and shoot type system off a reflector on the flag stick, quite often there is a 10 -15 yard difference in the two at the same place on the fairway, even when we are only 120 yards out.. I beleive the Laser is the accurate one of the two.
  23. Peace my friend.. I am with you -- keep ourselves in one peice. I used to think I was invincible - until I crashed 2 years ago at 5 mph and busted my leg and ankle. good discussion Neil -- I owe you a beer if we ever meet..
  24. Oh yea -- Keenan -- we have rode together at Cyrstal and Bend correct? I hope to get to Bend this season.
  25. using a GPS device -- here is a copy of an accuracy statement regarding same on the web The most inaccurate is the method that tries to estimate an average speed over some “accumulated distance” between trackpoints. Due to trackpoint inaccuracies, the line connecting all track points is a zig-zag, even if the real path of a speed competitor is a smooth or straight line. Since the length of this zig-zag is always longer than a smooth/straight line, the “average speed” determined with the “accumulated distance” method always overestimates the real speed. The less accurate are trackpoints (the less accurate is a GPS unit) – the larger the estimated “average” speed and the more impressive is the “achievement”…
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