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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I think that is a Chum salmon.. Sockeye went upstream a while back - but I could be wrong. There are so many roads closed and or damaged. Ski areas lost the snow they had. Saturday we had 29 deg weather here and now it is 60 deg. golf courses have river running thru the greens and fairways. Toliets are flushing backwards in some houses - damn thats not good. here is the story at TV 4 with photo. http://www.komotv.com/news/local/12035646.html
  2. Many people are flooded out, this was the 2nd biggest rainfall in Seattle area in 65 years... Maybe I should build an Ark. Anyway Salmon seem to like the roads better than river beds. Maybe his GPS got wet!
  3. Boris -- sympathies for you and thanks for being a H/B promoter up there in BC. My 2 cents would be this is not a hard boot or equipment issue. Someone at your Cypress school is making a power play and wanting to be in full control. It is all personality driven – could have happened any other equipment or issue. No matter what they had their heals dug in and were incapable of changing based on anything you told them. Someone higher up in the organization would have had to lose for the lady director to allow your wish/desire. Put it behind you and go forward with a great attitude – I would bet that person who caused this may leave at some point and you will be in position to go back to HB. Attitude is 99% of success. Hope to see you again in Whistler
  4. So what are you going to do with the skis -- make a chair or a coat rack? Bike rack?
  5. Ahhhh.. you gave me a great idea -- I need to paint it black and then put it back curbside for a thief to be interested in it correct?
  6. I can't agree more Justin A and others on giving to others when possible and reasonable and effective and so on and so on. Now the thing is with this computer-- while it does not show it on the outside so my hopeful thief would not have known. But there is no hard drive in this guy and it was my DOS machine before Windows 95 came out. The CD drive requires a caddy and it is a non-RW. I don't think it anything anyone would really use.
  7. Do you have to box it and ship it to someone?? Or do they come and pick it up? Trying not to burn a couple gallons of gas to recycle an old computer when I can have our local recycler pick it up for free.
  8. That was weird,, I pulled up Blue Bird's post about Blasphemy and there was a bolt of lighting outside my window and the post is no longer there. Now that was scary... I think I will go to church this Sunday.
  9. UPDATE: Not much of one .. it is still out there -- no sign on it. I am starting to think I do not have to lock my doors at night and just leave the garage doors open, Anyway I tried to recycle it curb side this week, The Guy took all my recycle stuff as usual but left the computer with a yellow slip that said it was too tall - otherwise they would have taken it away. 2 feet is the max height and this Tower comes in around 28" high. So I will do this - I need to strip all the electronics out and place in a bag for recycle , cut the steel tower down and then place it in the recycle bin. So now I at least have a plan.
  10. My 2 cents... If we did not have any religion in the world there would be no wars. Now, what the hell good would that be?
  11. The Teddy Bear incident is not quite as bad as the 14yr old boy that died a couple of days ago in America because a blood transfusion was against his religion. How friggen sad
  12. Dan and Jon.. Hi y'all Your story reminds me when I was haulin my Volkl 178 and my Hot Blast 178, both black top sheet and two guys asked me as I was walking -- Are those skis??
  13. Sorry I offended you.. It was not meant that way -- it was a little tongue in cheek answer to your question of "what is the worst that can hppen" Well, damn, son, THAT is the worst that could happen! Please accept my apology!
  14. This is the worst that could happen.. substitute a snowboard accident for the car accident.. Pleasent dreams ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misery_%28film%29
  15. I bet we would learn more about ourselves and others if we were outside more often pushing it to the limit than in front of these GD campooters.
  16. Hang em high on the wall I like NOT to read about you with a busted up body on this forum!
  17. :) :) But But Mike --- don't you pay your income taxes at the end of the year? Does not Oregon and any other FEd or State income tax witholding works on a Exemption method where you dictate how much you have taken out each payday. Is it not better to pay $$ in the month of April than get all those $$ back as a refund check????
  18. I see your point but also on the other side of the coin.. WA state has one of the highest gas taxes in the US, high property tax and over one BILLION in excess dollars in the treasury. How many other states can claim that much $$$ in the black??
  19. One reason I do not buy local if I can avoid it is the damn 9% sales tax here in WA state.. shipping charges if any are small in comparision.
  20. I guess what I am hearing is a thief wont steal unless it is really stealing... http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_112507WAB_wheelchair_stolen_SW.3b83a604.html maybe he should have put a free sign on his chair. Sad
  21. I cleaned up my computer room and decided to get rid of one of my older computers. Looks great so I placed it curbside with a sign that says FREE. I am now wondering if it disappear quicker if there was no sign. Where is a thief when you want one!
  22. Brad -- how sad and I hope my good wishes can help speed his recovery. Best of all to you and your family. Thanks for let us all know.
  23. "Booyakasha" means "listen up rudeboi everytin irie whayaso lickylicky ya wangagot fifiman." "Wagwaan" means "booyakasha." booyakasha: "listen up rudeboi everytin irie whayaso lickylicky ya wangagot fifiman." I guess I just don't drink enough!
  24. Fleaman got it right! here is the rest of the story http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/poormoose.asp
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