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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. So which is it?? That is one rockin' car.
  2. Jack M

    Step IN's

    the mechanism is interesting, but the rest of the binding looks like a warmed-over Burton Race Plate. :rolleyes:
  3. Jack M


    Someone please explain to me how one can reduce mass by putting your arms in a certain position. Atkins schmatkins, I'll be rich!!
  4. I met him about 6 years ago at Sugarloaf. He was coaching at Carrabasset Valley Academy (Fawcett's alma mater), but he's moved on since then. The funny part was he was dating a former fellow snowboarding instructor of mine. She and I were talking once and she mentioned she had this boyfriend, so I asked her who it was. She says Mark Heingartner, and I'm like Mark Heingartner?!?!? She says, yeah, why? She had no clue who he was!! (remember this was a fellow snowboarding instructor) So of course I coolly engineered an introduction, and we took some runs. I told him "Mark, at the risk of sounding corny, I have to tell you I'm a fan!" He was stunned to be recognized. We had a good laugh about it.
  5. F2, Nidecker, Hot. Hot isn't so big, but they're a part of Hammer, and they have a lot of history. Anybody know about Oxygen (Atomic) this year?
  6. What is the point? You know, it's all just supposed to be for fun. Why dis on something that brings people joy? I used to be a sports snob. In college I rowed crew. In retrospect we were the biggest pack of elitist A-holes on campus. Not even the D1 football team wore their varsity jackets around more than us. In reality, we looked down on everyone because we were jealous that we chose a life that had us walking around half asleep from 5:30am practices 6 days a week, and which prevented us from partying and hooking up with chicks and all that "normal" college stuff. We'd wear t-shirts that said "I can't, I have crew in the morning", and, "atheletes row, the others play games". Well it's all crap. Take a frickin' step back. When teleboards came out I thought they were stupid. I even told someone trying one that it was the "wrong" thing to use for carving. What an idiot I was. I still have no interest in riding one, but if somebody likes them, what's the problem there? It's all about fun. It's all about doing what makes you feel good and makes you enjoy yourself. That's it. You think it's absurd that a soft-in-the middle near middle-age guy can make millions hitting a ball with a stick, and that millions of other people will watch people doing that? Well, how absurd is it to stand on a plank and slide down a snow covered hill on the hairy edge of control? Or how absurd is it to go out and run to nowhere in particular, or to pick up heavy things and put them down again and perform zero useful work? And how absurd is it to think that other people are silly for enjoying something, and then to actually tell them that you think that? What purpose does that serve? Does it make you feel better? Superior? Enlightened? I know it does, because I used to do it. I probably still do sometimes if I'm not careful. Screw it. I'm learning that I enjoy life a lot more if I don't worry about what's cool or sophisticated or smart or what other people do to get off and if they're doing it the right way. If someone is dancing in the street because their professional sports team of choice just won a game, it's a lot more fun to go rock out with them than it is to walk by and shake your head. Rant off. This was not directed at anyone in particular. I certainly understand the human nature to be a sports snob. -Jack (still an irrational pile of goo on stimulants)
  7. Well, your comment struck a nerve, it seemed to belittle the Sox accomplishment (monumental in all of sports). Don't take it personally - I am an irrational, emotional, happy, excited, astonished pile of quivering flesh hopped up on adrenalin, coffee, and Mountain Dew (and I'm not a habitual caffein user) working with 4 hours of sleep last night, and 5 the previous two nights.
  8. In a way, the Sox have won something even more special than the WS. No matter what the outcome of the series, they are going down in history as the first team in the history of baseball to come back from 0-3 and win. The facts that no team had ever even forced a game 7 let alone win, that they did it through the Yankees, and in the Yankee's house makes it a trifecta the weight of which I cannot even comprehend right now! As for the fans, Jim Rome pretty much ripped the Yankee fans up and down yesterday for throwing crap on the field after the umps made correct decisions. If the Sox fans are being cocky now, well, I can't really blame us. There is a collective orgasm happening in Boston and New England right now, of epic proportions.
  9. You could not be more wrong if you tried! Damon blew them away by surging out of his post-season slump and returning to true form. Derek Lowe shut down the offense last night - allowing one hit in 6 innings. Curt Schilling had a near out of body experience and shut them down in game 6 - allowing one hit in 7 innings with his heel sewn together and bleeding through his sock like The Natural. The Sox posted ONE error the entire series. And we had to do it all without Manny Ramirez's bat. The Yanks did not play sloppy baseball. If there is one team who can come back from 6 runs down in late innings, it's the Yankees. If there's one team who can blow a 6 run lead, it's the Sox. The Sox were just as tired and had been through the wringer and just came back and won fair and square. Congratulations Red Sox!!
  10. Are you telling me that if the Red Sox outspent the Yankees by a factor of 2 on their payroll, consistently dashed Yankee fans' hopes on the rocks year after year, and won world series at an unnatural rate defying laws of probability, while the Yanks suffered a seemingly endless drought.... that Yankee fans would continue to be so "noble"? Come on.
  11. You give Yankee fans waaaayy too much credit. They are not above anything. As for "Yankees Suck", well, they just do, and they deserve it. There is something wrong with winning a world series every 4 years on average, and being so damn smug about it. And there is nothing worse than a New England Yankee fan. Except Connecticut I guess. :D
  12. fruit boots. I just added hardboots from day 1 as an option. Anyone??
  13. Does a swallow-tail Burton Elite 150 and LL Bean duck boots count as a softboot freeride setup? I guess so. I went from that to a Safari, to a PJ 7, all on softboots and 3-straps. In the fall of '91 I got hardboots. My first freestyle board was a '94 Air 6.0. I skied from 3 to 14.
  14. I don't tell people I bought a motorcycle for the added safety! (and I don't strap a baby-seat to the back either!)
  15. And they are dangerous to their occupants. They'll roll over and crush you if you ever get them sideways, and ladder frames are notorious for transmitting impact to the cabin - no crumple zones. Get an SUV if you want one, but don't tell me it's for safety.
  16. http://www.bomberonline.com/Store/boots/ also check this out http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/welcome_center.cfm
  17. No, I agree, but I would argue those guys either don't really care that much about the people around them and their blessing, or they aren't really committed to the woman and are just going through the motions. I think the difference is that when your event is witnessed and celebrated by everyone you care about, it can simply help make it more real and binding for you if you think it does. Tree falling in the forest type thing. This applies to many events - graduations, awards, sports, etc. If you don't care about anybody witnessing or recognizing or blessing your commitment, then yeah, may as well do it in city hall by yourself. Which only has meaning if you give it meaning. Like Baka, I think it's pretty pointless, aside from securing whatever legal rights married people have for yourself if you want them. Chances are, if you don't care about having your loved ones witnessing your commitment, then you are truly an island and you don't care about the state witnessing it either. Personally I don't believe anyone is an island, at least not by choice. If you don't want your loved ones witnessing your marriage, I'd bet you're not that sure about the commitment. And like Neil says, the even-more-real binding moment is having a child together. Before that point, there are really no major consequences to divorce. After a baby, you are in each other's lives forever regardless of divorce, unless you're total scum.
  18. You're right, a marriage certificate alone does not, however having your wedding witnessed by the people you love and care about does.
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