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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. You haven't made me an offer yet! ;) I hope you're not holding out for a Safari made in the '90s, it didn't exist then.
  2. Need one for my good friend's wife to learn on. Anyone? Bueller?
  3. Now, the Asym Air, that board ruled. Binding angles under 45 and Asym starts to make sense!
  4. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
  5. Jack M


    Riding softboots with any binding other than the Cateks is, frankly, fooling around.
  6. make me an offer I can't refuse.
  7. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Sean, been meaning to say what a great shot that is. She's precious. Got a used 24-70L off ebay, it arrived yesterday - happy happy joy joy!
  8. heh, not until somebody invokes Godwin's law. ;)
  9. Precisely. We now have the technology to reduce moto vehicle accidents probably tenfold, but you won't see that even get proposed because it would mean putting all cars on some form of autopilot, implementing GPS regulated speed control, and mandating carpooling, and people just wouldn't like that. We'd rather all drive ourselves to work everyday, one person per five-seat vehicle, coffee in one hand, cell phone in the other, steering with our knees and reading the paper. So I get very skeptical when someone pretends to be all concerned and wring their hands about the relatively few needless gun deaths in this country. The truth is nobody *really* cares that much about death. Otherwise we would fight the #1 killer, motor vehicle accidents, tooth and nail. Buuuuut we don't.
  10. why? Canadian citizens own more guns per capita than US citizens.
  11. I saw a John Stossel special where he interviewed inmates currently doing hard time in a maximum security prison for violent crimes with a deadly weapon. He asked them if gun laws were an impedence to getting weapons, or a deterrent from committing crime with weapons, and they literally laughed out loud. Then one of the inmates <i>volunteered</i> an unsolicited comment that the biggest thing they fear when about to comit a crime is that their intended victim is armed.
  12. I could print you one of these...
  13. I will have it professionally printed using the photographic process (no ink or dye). I accept paypal at jackm(at)maine.rr.com
  14. For me to have that printed at 20x30" and mailed to you would run you $36. Shouldn't be a problem with all that party booty you've got lying around! That pic will print well because what you see there is the original composition - I didn't have to crop anything, so there's plenty of data there for a good print.
  15. This is a resized version of a 4mp pic I took of Erik J at the 06ECES. The original could be blown up to 20x30":
  16. the way I read it, he is, and I would wholeheartedly disagree.
  17. Jack M

    Avast Ye!

    Pirate walks into a bar with the helm of his pirate ship stuffed down his pants. Bartender says - "hey buddy, you know you got a steering wheel down your pants?" Pirate says - "Arrrrgh, it's drivin' me nuts!"
  18. yup. Heh, that does sound a little odd! Try pushing down with your toes on toesides. Not a lot, but just so you're not pulling up.
  19. Like Phil says, a good carver knows how to use their ankles. When you do use your ankles, your total leverage over the board is a composite of leverage from your foot and your shin. Shin leverage acts upon the top of the boot cuff. Foot leverage acts upon the instep of the boot. The closer your binding angle gets to 90, the less the effect of foot leverage. At 90 degrees, foot leverage can do nothing to tip the board up on edge.
  20. Larger sidecut radius = less sidecut depth = larger and/or faster carved turns. http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/how_to_buy_snowboard.cfm
  21. Our own Vanessa Brown (Mrs. Todd) will be slinging Bose goodies on the home shopping channel QVC tomorrow!! She'll be on the 2hr long 7am show, currently scheduled 9th in line, and again on the 1hr 7pm show, scheduled for 2nd in line. Go Vanessa!!
  22. Nice going with the Donek. Hope you have a great season! Be sure to browse around here and check out the tech articles. Perhaps try some practice drills. There are articles on binding setup too, which will help with your TD2s. And our friendly crew of regulars here are always ready to help. Have fun!
  23. I've never owned a mac so this could be wrong, but the impression I always get from them whenever I have to use one is that they are "computers for dummies". This was reinforced when I bought an Apple AirPort to send my music from my computer to my stereo over wifi. The installation manual basically said "just plug it in and it will work". Well, it didn't, and I had to call support to get it going. Now, if the new OS is really Linux and it allows you access to all the Linux goodies then it would seem the pendulum has swung the other way, in which case they are now computers for the really savvy. That would really suit me, but where does that leave the average user who doesn't care about Linux but who isn't a computer dummy either? Get a Shuttle. http://us.shuttle.com/
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