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Everything posted by gdboytyler

  1. Carvingchef must have done some photoshop, cause my teeth don't look that white when I look in the mirror :D Some good surf is predicted for the W/E, so I'll only get one more day to work on my technique before the next gathering.
  2. Since Aaron is hooking us up with the BBQ, I'll join the gathering
  3. If my daughter was on skis, I wouldn't video her either
  4. I'll probably go again on Friday, 1-23-09 (unless the surf is going off). So clear your schedule. Here's some video footage from the 11th. The lower half of "The Wall" was impeccable and low traffic! <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBt4ZwCLNjg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBt4ZwCLNjg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  5. Yeah, the pull over has been sitting in my car since our last Mammoth trip. I called you at least once to see if you wanted to surf/retrieve your pull over. You never called back. I felt spurned! I predict 1 hr of icy conditions in the morning, then 1 hr of good carving, then slush. If the heat wave stays, it will be time to pull out the freestyle board and hit the half-pipe. As long as it don't rain, conditions should stay decent for a while.
  6. I had a great time during Sunday's session. I think that was the best carving conditions I've had all season. To the people that missed out, we also had some video sessions going on. I'll pass out the disks to the video participants the next time we ride together
  7. Surfed the northside of HB pier in the afternoon. Clean and waist high. Decent shape. It was worthwhile getting wet. My surf buddy, Robert, will be joining the crew at Summit. The current carver count is now at 6
  8. That's the plan. If I'm a little slow getting all my gear on, I'll know where to find you guys.
  9. Sorry, I thought I had told you at the ASSESS event that I was going on Friday. I must of had that conversation with Andrea. All you carvers look alike:D I have alternating Fridays off. So, yesterday was my alternate Friday. Next Saturday is my B-day. I think I'll skip riding during the MLK holiday, unless the surf is flat.
  10. Rode at Snow Summit today (Friday). Conditions stayed hard and carvable all day long. Grooming was good, I didn't encounter any cookies. The bottom half of the "Wall" was awesome! People were complaining that it was icy; but that's because they were on the wrong equipment:D I'll be surfing on Saturday and joining the crew at SS on Sunday.
  11. Got the standard Coiler Schtubby 171 (20cm waist, 13.2m scr) at the tail end of the 08 season. So far, the best board I've ever ridden.
  12. Three cheers for Andrea:biggthump The 2nd annual New Years (or thereabouts) ASSESS event was a big success!!! My other hardbooter friend showed up after all the other ASSES left. Conditions were still very carvable when I left at 4:45.
  13. I would agree with the majority that the most important is flex. However, I'm assuming you're not going to drop the cash on a Coiler Schtubby or Swoard (which are the best EC boards that I've tried). So for a poor man's EC board, where you can't have the flex tailored for your weight, I'd say the next most important spec is the sidecut radius. Find yourself an Oxygen Proton GS 164 or 172. The SCR for the 164 is 13m. The bigger SCR will make it easier to recover from a laid-out carve. I owned the Proton 164 for a few seasons. It was great for hero snow and wide open runs. However, it was too stiff for me and I couldn't carve it well in icy conditions.
  14. One of the big time lurkers is Jake Burton. When membership hits 100,000 then Burton jumps back into the Alpine market. It's true, Jake sent me a memo.
  15. You got some tips, now tell us how you got the eye infection. Did you wear the same pair of contacts for weeks?
  16. Kerry, yes, I also surf. Click on my profile. I've got a surf photo from Lance's Left (Mentawais). The forecast for this week doesn't look good. I hope you get lucky and score some waves.
  17. In my younger days, I've done quite a bit of riding with glasses. I always used an anti-fog solution (or spit) for the glasses, plus I kept the goggles a little loose. Keeping the goggles loose let more air in to keep the glasses clear. At the beginning of the run or when I was going slow, I would occasionally pull the goggles away from my face to increase the air flow. Once I was up to speed, I wouldn't have any fogging problems.
  18. Kerry, check out the thread in the "Ride" forum about the Sunday meeting: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23096 Jim Pryor would have carved the "Wall" from top to bottom. R.I.P. We've got another rider gathering on 1-4-09: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23275 Erwin
  19. Carving conditions were pretty damn good today! I only saw one of our crew have a close call with a straight-liner. OVR, I was carving until around 3:30. Sorry I missed your call from the bar. Got back to my car and had a dead battery. I didn't get on the road until 4:30. It took 2.5 hrs to get down the mtn: didn't see any accidents, just a long back-up. That was the only bad part of the day.
  20. Yep, I'll be on my 171 Schtubby. OVR, I thought you were jumping on the metal Coiler bandwagon. What are you waiting on???
  21. This week is looking good for natural snow and manmade! I'm ready to start up my season on Sunday, 12-21-08. Who's in?
  22. I originally saw the info on the SurferMag forum. It's gotta be legit. Let's go riding on Jan. 1!
  23. Is the So Cal season about to get a jumpstart??? http://www.owsweather.com/pr120808a.html SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - December 8, 2008 (OWSweather.com) Rare 50 year Arctic Blast Sets Sights On Southern California. Possible historical cold air mass... With a week away, and a sure sign of things to come, OWSweather.com is making preparations on the server to handle the traffic from this next event. UJEAS is in line with the majority if not all the other models in keeping a near historical arctic air mass into the Southern California region. With a warm November, Southern California is finally ready for cold storms to make their way in. Resort level snow will be likely next week, and in pretty hefty amounts if things stay on track. OWSweather.com Meteorologist Kevin Martin predicts a 50 year event. While Martin is usually conservative on these events, the pattern highly favors it. "We are in a pre-1950 type pattern, "said Martin. "We know we are due for a winter storm sometime this year. The type we may be dealing with will be ranked up there with the known years before 1950, which set record low daytime temperatures into the forecast region. With this, may come low elevation snow." Forecaster Cameron Venable is seeing very cold temperatures in the Los Angeles areas as well. Torrance is not usually known for winter weather, thus making this an interesting event for Venable to track. "Temperatures in Siberia, Russia will be -81 degrees this week, "said Martin. "With those type of temperatures the arctic air mass has to spill somewhere. Our answer of the exact track will become more clear this week. All residents in the mountain communities should prepare this week for very cold, winter weather, with snow." Indications are a second, colder storm could hit near the 18th-22nd time-frame. The details on that will have to be sorted out. OWSweather.com staff More information: www.OWSweather.com Contact Kevin Martin by Clicking Here OWSweather Issues SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA weather watches by email. Click here to be added to the service. It's free. UJEAS December 2008 Forecast Click to view
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