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Everything posted by gdboytyler

  1. I've never ridden a 185 cm board, but I would guess that you will be able to carve better on a Madd 158 compared to your stiff-as-hell 185cm longboard. So yes, you've got the SKILLZ to carve on a Madd 158.
  2. That's right. According to the resident WC racer (Bordy), the only boards worth riding are whatever Prior shapes Bordy happens to be pimping at the moment, Kesslers and the Coiler NSR. But don't buy from Coiler, because you wouldn't be supporting the "industry". In addition, whatever advice you've read from the BOL tech articles is also outdated crap (I didn't follow that technique anyway:p). If you ever want to get out of the intermediate rut, hire a coach that teaches the up-to-date technique, quit your day job, and train 5 days a week. Damn, this hobby is getting expensive.
  3. Let's take a hypothetical scenario where a newbie has $1000 for board and lift tickets. Case 1: spend $900 on new metal board and $100 on lift tickets. Case 2: spend $150 on Burton Coil and $500 for season pass (saves $350 for future board purchase). He then rides once per week. At the end of one season, who's the better rider? Summary: if you're on a limited budget, spend the money on a season pass and ride as often as possible. If you've got the cash, get the good stuff, because eventually you'll be able to tell the difference AND you can't blame the gear.
  4. The gist of this thread reads eerily similar to the flame fest that was the how much better are the newer boards? thread from this time last year. Which eventually lead to Bordy's goodbye post. Will there be a repeat?? Bordy does sound like a car salesman. Last year it was "BUY METAL, YOUR GLASS BOARD SUCKS". This year, it's "BUY NEW METAL SHAPES, YOUR OLD METAL SHAPES SUCK". I've ridden a metal Prior WCR 177 and own a Coiler Schtubby 171. I don't know if those boards are in the "new school" category that Bordy is talking about. But when I switched from glass to metal, my riding was NOT miraculously transformed. What did happen is that a wider range of snow conditions felt like HERO SNOW. It also felt like I rode faster compared to when I was on my Olympic construction Donek FC2 165. An unexpected benefit of switching to metal was when I did chatter out on ice while riding the Schtubby, I knew I couldn't blame the board. So I analyzed my technique closer, found the problem and became a better rider.
  5. I'd recommend the Schtubby X2: 171 x 20 or 21 x 13.2 x 6mm. Mine has the 20 cm waist. Check out the post where Bruce explains the differences between his new board models (post #28). http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=21107
  6. My advice would be the Schtubby 171. Unless you're planning on using your Coiler for moguls like Albert, go with the longer board.
  7. The Coiler X4(?) Lunchtray seems to be exactly what you're looking for. Plus, I really want to try out the Lunchtray My next board will probably be the Lunchtray or NSR (180-185cm). As for the F2 bindings, check with Hardbooter.com. My brother bought a pair from Hardbooter earlier in the season.
  8. Damn, I'm sorry I missed out on Monday's pow day. I had a safety audit at work and couldn't take the time off. Big Bear got around 3" on Sunday :p
  9. My Coiler was $800 plus $40 for shipping (US currency). My invoice did not show any fees for taxes or customs. I remember from other posts that if you already have a design, you can get a custom topsheet created for $60. If you need someone to do the design, then that would be extra. If you send Coiler a custom topsheet to use, I don't think he charges extra to put it on, he might even take off around $15(?) from the price of the board.
  10. Leaving on a jetplane. I'll be in IL on Sunday for a weeklong business trip, then in MI the following weekend to visit family. Sh!t, I might not be able to snowboard again until April I might have to go on Thurs or Fri to make up for lost time.
  11. That's cause we were saving the insults for the message board Effing skiers!!! Next time, get a powder board :p Aaahh, u know I'm messing with you. Can't be insulting the guide.
  12. This is at Mammoth circa 1993. I think the board is a Burton Asym Air. Notice the Elfgen tongues on my bindings. And I still have those Wave Rave snowboard pants.
  13. At least you've got the board cranked over Did you pull off the carve or fall on your arse?
  14. Today was much better than I was expecting Yeah, Aaron was showing off his local knowledge to score us some freshies at the end of the day. So Julian, what's up with leaving early on a pow day???
  15. How were the conditions today (Thursday). Sh!t, gotta work on Friday, so I won't get to ride until Sunday
  16. I'll ride with the crew at SS in the AM. Maybe Bear Mtn in the afternoon, depending on how I like the SS park.
  17. Bummer, I won't be able to go until Friday!
  18. Assuming it doesn't rain, I'll be there on Sunday. Hardboots and Coiler in the morning, softboots and Dupraz in the snowboard park for the afternoon.
  19. . . . It ain't over till the FAT LADY SINGS !!! . . .
  20. South swell (overhead waves) is getting hyped up for the weekend. I'll be hitting the beach instead of the mountains. You guys have fun this weekend. Watch out for the teenagers on snowboards
  21. Done! I'm glad I'm not the only one that looks at the profiles. I can't remember seeing a board that was as soft as that MADD BX. You could flex that board using a bungee cord and slippers.
  22. That's a great idea. In addition to the safety aspect, I think helmets are warmer and more comfy than wool caps. Yes, the EC in the video is on softboots and the Dupraz. Maybe next season I'll try softboots on the Schtubby, just for sh!ts and grins.
  23. Julian and Andrea, thanks alot for the vid:biggthump Can I get a full resolution copy? The Dupraz was doable for carving in the hard conditions, but no where near the performance of the Coiler Schtubby. One of those EC turns on the Dupraz hurt more than my collision:p In the future, I'll stick to an alpine board and hard boots for the firm conditions.
  24. Nothing broken (well maybe the other guy's jaw), no lawsuits. I'm pretty sure the other guy was 17 y/o. I met the other guy's mom at the first aid building. Since her kid hit me, she seemed relieved that I wasn't injured.
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