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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. intentionally cutting off anyone, esp. the newb is def. not cool. and I agree the slopes aren't too challenging. I can't disagree with you re: their technique- you're the expert. for me, though, I think there is a balance b/w perfecting technique and just having a good time with riding. I think that's what it's about for most of us. hell, we're such a small demographic, it really wouldn't hurt to be a bit more visible, vocal, esp. if we wanna get noticed by youngins (as long as one isn't a real meathead) I was certainly stoked watching Vlad last year, that made me wanna make the transition even more. and I would think that riding style can be a reflection of one's personality. my .02. --- Barry
  2. hey Jack, I def. see what you're talking about, noticed that a bit myself. I downloaded one of the other videos, too. A few of the heelside carves he touches snow with both hands and it seems effortless/natural on his part, but I def. see the waist bending and snow reaching on toeside turns. reminds me of myself last season, lol. seems like you're not too impressed with their form though? is it me or are these guys pretty darn flexible, esp. when they're doing grabs? heelside, looks like they're laid out pretty far, too. overall, strikes me as a very flashy style (which i really like). of course they are moving along nicely, too. possibly tiring, too, with the exagerrated motions. regardless, i want to carve like them. is it possible on my entry level Alp 157? (please don't laugh too hard) --- Barry
  3. i think it looks awesome. i've seen one of their vids before. is that more cross-through than the other 2 styles? --- Barry
  4. Noah, thx and I agree with the "weekend warriors" comment (esp. as overall weight training helps to reduce chances of injury), although the other posts were helpfull, too. Psycho puppet Neil, I'm not familiar with all the exercises you metioned, so I'll prolly do some googling on those. --- Barry
  5. hey guys, some intersting threads here. i was doing some brief reading on stretching, who woulda thought it was so darn involved,lol. all different types, etc. i must say i'm surprised with the weights coming in last. anyway, thx ffor the interesting info. --- Barry
  6. Hey all, does anyone know of any indoor training exercises to work specifically on form? Does anyone stretch regularly? If yes, how beneficial has it been? I did a quick search through some threads, seems like most practice drills are to be done on the slope obviously. On a related note, how would you all order the following types of training in terms of overall benefit TO CARVING (this is generally speaking, excludes rehabbing injuries, etc): 1. weight training (includes overall strength and muscular endurance) 2. cardio 3. stretching (or something similar to that) 4. outdoor "balance activities" (skating, surfing, wakeboarding, etc) I guess these would be the "core" sports 5. other outdoor activity (biking, inline skating, team sports,etc). 6. misc ( I guess this would include plyometrics, balance boards, knowlege/reading, etc) thx, Barry
  7. I've seen many small boards on ebay. i would say try www.raceboarders.com click the ebay link, save the search and ebay will automatically notify you of any new items. quite cool. their sites seems to be down now, though. good luck. also some cheap smaller ones on klugriding.com, including an all mountain one good luck, --- Barry
  8. Work it, Randy!!! :D --- Barry
  9. Amon, I, too, am a registered user on that site. I post every once in a while just to see what my fellow twenty something riders are up to, etc. I've posted enough and read enough of that site's posts to reach a few conclusions. That site is for kids. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if you are more concerned with if your clothes match and debating attitude laced teens, then that's the site to be on. Lot of trash talking and use of the word "beyotcch." Not that stupid stuff doesn't happen here on BOL, but people here are generally much older and wiser, and MUCH more concerned with riding. People here actually care about technique. Second, there are a lot of attitudes on that site. Probably 3/4 of those punks don't even know what alpine snowboarding is, and a number of them who do know what it is bash it. (Although there is some 18 year old on that site who preaches the alpine gospel and manages to really piss a lot of people off.) My most recent post was in a thread entitled "get drunk and ride?" So you can see the mindset. To the sites's credit, it may be a good place to meet female riding partners =). Welcome to the dark side... Barry
  10. been there, done that. had to postpone it b/c they hardly had any snow, plus I'm pretty sure Colo/Utah would be fine for me and it's a lot closer. --- Barry
  11. Hi, 2 years ago I had to reschedule my trip there b/c they had hardly any snow- something like 19 runs. hardly worth going (for me anyhow). My understanding is Whistler is in a valley, which can create some interesting weather situations. We were supposed to go in December and had to postpone until Feb. Of course 2 weeks after we postponed they got a massive dump, but they still didn't have all their runs open. Might be wise to play it by ear if you can. I'm wondering the same question re: Colorado and Utah... good luck, Barry
  12. Hi All, I have to take some vacation before end of year, thinking about a trip out west early - mid Dec. Have a bunch of questions, feel free to write as much as you want. What I'd like: 1) good carving runs, a few steeps (I want to bring my freeride, too), and a fair amount of greens (my friend is a newb) 2) interesting/decent town with at least a somewhat decent party scene and is also accessible by foot, board-in/out (or very close walk), 3) good conditions (of course). Might also want to go snowmobiling if time permits. Not looking to break the bank but I don't need the cheapest deal either. 1. Colorado or Utah? Any specific resort? (I'm thinking Col.) 2. Is it OK to go in beg. to mid december (generally speaking)? How much snow do the resorts out West require before opening? thx, Barry
  13. I agree you have to basically take it with a grain of salt, factor in other variables (overall riding style, experience, etc), but to say that there is no relevance at all ?? Maybe I misinterpreted what you said... --- Barry
  14. Hi, I had a similar inquiry a few weeks ago and got a response from Molly at Burton- she helps with Klug's site (and is very helpful). According to these numbers they gave me, you are too light for the 162. Here is one of my ?'s and her response: 1. What are the weight ranges for the boards below? (i'm assuming they're the same regardless of year, please correct me if I'm wrong). ULTRA PRIME 56 - 2ND Length: 156 Radius: 10.25 Waist: 193 mm 110-170lbs ULTRA PRIME 62 - 2ND Length: 162 Radius: 11.21 Waist: 193 130-200lbs ULTRA PRIME 68 - 2ND Radius: 11.92 Waist: 201 mm 150-230lbs ----------------------------- Based on these numbers, does everyone still think he should get the longer board? Also, there is an UP (62 I think) on ebay right now. --- Barry
  15. some of you might be surprised how many young riders apparently ride after a few beers and even under the influence, although I think it' s more at major mountains. The atmosphere for that just doesnt' exist at a lot of small East Coast mountains. there is a thread about this on snowboard.com, where all the kiddies hang out, for those who want scare themselves, lol. --- Barry
  16. I have a feeling that would be too much for me at this point. keep in mind our conditions are average at best, decent coy/groomers are pretty rare (at whitetail, at least) and slopes are frequently semi crowded to crowded with a lot of jerkoffs who don't ride safe and lack courtesy (read: collisions are sorta common on this hill! lol) perhaps i'll start going more on weekdays thx for the suggestion, though. I will definitely do some reading on it. seems to me that the burton UP is definitely at least a step of from teh Alp. --- Barry
  17. hey all, the shop decided they wanted to keep the board after all, so i never got it. nevertheless, i'm thinking of buying my 2nd alpine board. currently i have 1 alpine board, a Burton Alp 157.5. I've only ridden it a handful of times (5-10), and I'm still def. a newb, but are there any other boards that you all recommend? would an ultra prime be too much for me? i know it says for "wide open terrain," but.... keep in mind our dinky local hill is southern PA, usually crappy conditions, takes about 5-10 min to get down a run, i do plan to go out west more, though. also, i'm not looking to break the bank, dont' think i'm ready for the Donek FC yet, financially or riding-wise. how long did you all stick with yoru first alpine board? perhaps I'm underestimating the Alp? --- Barry
  18. 930 -950 k/sec (corp. lan)
  19. OK, now i understand. I know what camber is of course but I didn't know who the porno star was. I figured she was a porno star after reading the last post, though. I'm 26 so I'm going to assume that when she was in her prime, I was quite young. (you know "JJ" is the hot one now). I googled her name but I can't view the results where I am now. The picture is her, too, or you just dressed up as her, or you dressed up as superwoman? --- Barry
  20. many thx to you all (the experts imo) for the info...feel free to add more if you know anything else... --- Barry
  21. when you say "old burton alp" you just mean "alp," right? from 98/9. or did you mean an older model from before the years i mentioned? barry
  22. tried the link, but... Forbidden You don't have permission to access /caps/smiletime633.jpg on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request
  23. i'm very light, under 150 (but hopefully gaining at least a few pounds of muscle before next season) right now i hve a 156 freeride and 157.5 Burton Alp. $50 seems to be the consensus, can't go wrong it's so cheap Barry
  24. definitely some interesting ones on BOL. I find Neil Gendzwill's "psycho puppet" disturbingly funny. I think i thought that was a real person at first, then i wasn't sure what the hell it was. McFly, hahaha, I like. great movie. We need a Biff now. Marilyn Cambers, what/ who the heck is that? totally confused, but intrigued (sorry). my av is just a (very cropped) head shot of me from 'bout 3 years ago. (i wear a helmet now)
  25. Hey All, Was at the shop today and they brought me into the back room, where there was a quite dusty, dark red and black Rossi alpine board with Rossi bindings. Guy says it was an Accelerator, just sitting there for ages. Nose seems slighly triangular, it's 159 I believe, and there are 2 nickel sized (roughly) gashes that appear to have been epoxied (nicely but the base is slightly uneven there). graphics remind me of an old trans am's hood, lot of curvy lines. Any info or pics of this board (so I could positively ID it) would be greatly appreciated. How would it compare to my Alp (seemed stiffer) and suggested weight range/riding ability? and most importantly, how much is it worth (inc. bindings and a universal cant)? quick web research indicated MSRP was ~ $410 and it's from 95/6. --- Barry
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