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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. hahah lol i was thikning the same thing D Sub. your name rocks. Barry
  2. FTA2R

    OT: Tsunami

    Gecko, do you not think that the headline blatantly casts the US in a negative light- for no legit reason. it implies that we somehow could have single handedly prevented this tragedy. this implication is ridiculous. AJ isn't exactly known for considering a lot of different viewpoints (well, I guess for the Arab world, they are) Perhaps this is natural, as they've said their demographic is, of course, comprised of people in the middle east. no need for generalizations. I have also lived abroad and been to almost as many countries as my age, so i have a clue about the rest of the world and I have viewed americans/ america from their perspective and have also not always liked what I've seen. that being said, I still keep things in perspective and love my country. Perhaps that's harder when you haven't lived here for 10 years. al jazeera is a revolutionary news organization for the middle east (where only 1 democracy exists). AJ was started in the 90s, so it's obviously still very young. As far as I know, AJ is the only non-censored Arab news org. let's move on. Barry
  3. FTA2R

    OT: Tsunami

    Gecko, I think you have accidentally supported my point. Yes, I read teh article. As you said, there was no system in place. The fact that the headline explicity states that the US had anything to do with this is totally absurd- and this supports my point that this "news" organization is disgustingly biased. Why would they put a completely ridiculous headline like that? Must be part of a big freaking consipracy by the US government to kill tens of thousands of people, right? Let's cause earthquakes! morons. "It's a people problem, not a technology problem," said geophysicist Teng-fong Wong of the State University of New York-Stony Brook. "Even if you give the tourist resorts in Thailand a half-hour's notice, it is no easy matter to evacuate vast swaths of coastland," he said. "You have to plan and train people. And then do it all over again." as was stated earlier, consider the source / take with a MASSIVE grain of salt. supporting rationality and recognizing fundamentalism (of all causes), Barry
  4. FTA2R

    OT: Tsunami

    Originally posted by NateW If you can avoid inferring insult from the headline (not easy considering the source) this is actually an article about the (lack of) early warning communication. sorry can't do that. F**K al JIZZ eera. Their reporting is grossly biased. Not saying we have the best news reporting orgs either, and I feel it is important to read/listen to a lot of different sources, but please, these guys are so obviously one sided. hoping their website is hacked and a cool porn link is inserted, Barry
  5. i lived in syracuse for a few years and thought that was cold but the temps you guys are spitting out are insane. this is one (maybe the only) advantage to living in teh mid atlantic === Barry
  6. yeah the annual snowfall for whitetail and/or lib is something like 54 inches, sorta pathetic, but they make the best of it. i dont' hold it against them, lol. Liberty is nice b/c you can ride both sides of the mountain and it seems to have a nice vibe, definitley more rider friendly. they've had some fun comps, too. I'm probably going to take some alpine lessons with one of their instructors there. they also have nastar (and snowboard gates, too) if you're interested in racing. on a personal note, I almost broke my ankle there in a freak accident last year and the response I got (after a few well written emails) was zilch, so that left a bad taste in my mouth. Just make sure your edges aren't excessively sharp- they may dig into the ridiculously icey lift line area" on the backside and you may fall the other way, which is quite painful. whitetail is definitley bigger, and I've been there many times. 3 hours one way driving is a bit much for me for one day. supposedly snowshoe WV is hands down the best in the mid atlantic. I think I even heard they got more snow last year than some places up North. Big social scene too. Hopefully we can hook up next year. === Barry
  7. cool footage and thx for the kick ass music === Barry
  8. hey Mark, supposedly 7 springs is popular with carvers, but it's quite a drive from the immediate DC area. Where in MD are you? I'm always looking to hook up with new riders. I'll be on the slopes next year (vacation in a few days). === Barry
  9. highly recommend them. they are known as great bootfitters. Ask for Jeff Harper (or Dave) I had my softboots heat molded by Jeff last year and they are awesome. If things dont' work out bring them back and they're make more mods. They were tight after a few outings so they stretched them (for free of course) they are a mom and pop shop and don't have teh volume of the bigger places (although for their size I believe they have a bit of volume) so they can spend a lot of time with you. if you google "pro fit ski skate" you'll get their page (which sorta sucks but it has their vitals === Barry ps if you go tell them I sent you there
  10. for going through with this, trying it out, and most importantly, doing what you wanna do and not following the crowd. You're way ahead of the game at your age. Barry
  11. Hi, I had such a good time " 'biling" at Danniel's Summit (Utah), I'd like to try doing a weekend of 'biling somewhere east, preferably get good airfare too, maybe use one of the discount airlines. Can someone give me a Top 5-10 destination list for snowmobiling in the East. many thx, Barry
  12. Moderate pot use is harmless I hope we can all agree on this- the lungs statement, that is. Speaking of, I'd like to see how many guys here smoke cigarettes (regularly or socially)? I'd assume not many. If you do, please let us know if you feel any effects when riding. thx, Barry
  13. lol, this is so off topic. anyway Baka, would you care to test your statement out, lol But steroids, in moderate amounts, are not particularly harmful I've heard this too, but if I were in a posistion where I was maybe thinking about it, I still wouldn't want to take the risk of something happening. And besides, I think that most guy juicing wanna get stupid big, which requires taking the stuff over time and probably at lesat moderate amounts. How big were Giambi and Bonds before they started juicing? once they stop, their gains dissapear (like Giambi). === Barry
  14. into the trenches now....this thread has taken on a life of its own...sweet. I have to say some of your posts are pretty funny. Some real logic being thrown around, challenging mainstream beliefs, morals, etc, brings me back to college =). I can't really say I'd feel threatened (skills wise) if I was racing against someone who was high, but if it's included in a list of banned substances and I lose to them, then yes I'd be angry and they should not be declared the winner. This proposed experiment could be entertaining- need video of it! lol. get the crazy labcoat guy..I think his name is Garrett. D-Sub, I agree and disagree with some of your points, but it seems that you are ragging JohnStew while admitting to doing this yourself: you know...I play 8 and 9 ball competitively sometimes, and I know _for a fact_ that if I can drop a valium and drink a beer or two I will play 150% better than sober. I think too much when sober, and I question my skills. Get me a little buzzed on mild downers and Im the epitome of confidence perhaps I misread? the thing is, no one is perfect, athletically or mentally, and life is meant to be enjoyed, so I think it's natural to want to do someting (pot in this case) to enhance one's experiences and/or abilities. The possible side effects to others, and the "morality" of some of these performance enhancing activities/substances is obviously a big arguement here (and in general), but I think we should try to limit this thread from getting too "morality" based, that just reeks of trouble. JohnStewart, your argument I found interesting b/c you are questioning the widely held belief that pot does not have performance decreasing affects. At the very least, it's certainly a known fact that smoking anything is harmful, and can well all agree that long term pot use certainly doesn't help any brain activities? Who here has known some burn out who's been smoking for ages? And again, just for the record, I think it should be legal, I'm not an older conservative guy. I've even been to Amsterdam =) (and had a great time)
  15. this is cool, no one freaking out yet. =) JohnStewart, thx for closely reading/considering my arguement. I think I can understand what you're saying. I'm really not at all familiar with the effects of pot on athletic performance, so I just can't comment there. Is it considered a performance enhancing drug? I wouldn't think so, but seems everything is these days. your possible medical explanation seems plausible, but again, I'm not a dr. or pot expert so I just don't know. there are drugs out there, though, such as adderral/ritalin, etc that are probably more effective than pot for concentration, but of course you have to be diagnosed with a condition/ see a dr. Why can cannabis not be a performance-enhancing drug (at least for some people) You wouldn't say that steroids, or uppers, or ritalin, or whatever Barry Bonds is injecting, isn't a performance-enhancing drug, right? One of my implied arguements here is that people should try to excel w/o these drugs. I think most of the general public feels that way. Look no further than the current MLB steriod issue- everyone is upset that Bonds "accidentally" used 'roids. Using performance enhacing drugs gives an unfair advantage. Personally, though, I'm not sure if pot is considered such a drug, or at least a potent one anyhow. I guess it doesn't matter that much unless your friend is competing on the World Cup level, but I assume that you think performance enhancing drugs in sports are unfair? === Barry
  16. Scenario 1) Q:"You're a snowboarder, eh?" A: "Yes m'am/sir." Skiier statement: "I hate snowboarders. They always scape away the powder so us skiers have nothing but Ice to ski on. I wish they didn't allow snowboarding." (Then the 300 pound wildebeest proceeds to get off the lift and either: A) sideslip turn down the whole mountain on their 150's B) pie turn down the whole mountain on their 150's Scenario 2) Q:"You're a snowboarder, eh?" A: "Yes m'am/sir." Skiier statement: "I hate snowboarders. I always hear them coming with that awful scraping sound. I fall because I cant concentrate with that awful noise they make. I wish they didn't allow snowboarding." (Then the 300 pound wildebeest proceeds to get off the lift and either: A) sideslip turn down the whole mountain on their 150's B) pie turn down the whole mountain on their 150's **** them. That is a horrible attitude, completely unfair to us. Some people just can't think for themselves, or don't want to. Honestly, I'd probably give them a piece of my mind b/c I'm sort of fiery like that (esp. after listening to what I listen to when riding), but I guess the best thing would be to kill them with kidness and politely challenge their beliefs. It's just disturbing to hear people still think like this. === Barry
  17. JohnStewart, I don't think I really made any assumptions (I would admit to them if I did) outside of the info you provided us with. My whole arguement is centered on addressing the "root problem" vs. the symptoms, which is probably also a significant topic in teh medical field. I draw a parallel b/w your friends' argument and the classic situation of a guy who won't dance in a club unless he's drunk or has had a few. Why? B/c he is not sure of himself. The beers just address the symptoms, not the root problem. Some people legitimately have conditions (anxiety disorder, etc.), though, and my above arguement doesn't really apply to them. As Joe Carve pointed out: "Originally posted by johnstewart He finds, quite honestly, that he is a better boarder with a bit of a buzz on. He is more relaxed and able to concentrate on the matter at hand - carving." One can infer, however, from the above paragraph, that your friend is not as good a boarder when he doesn't ride high, at least due in part to him being tense and unable to concentrate. Simple reading comprehension/ logic really. So I'm just asking you to be objective (obviously you are his friend) and ask yourself or have your friend ask himself "what about riding when not high may make me a bit nervous or unable to concentrate." On a personal level, I don't smoke although I think the **** should be legal, so I'm not on some anti-pot crusade, I'm just saying I generally dont' buy this whole "I ride better when I'm under the influence of <insert drug name here>" argument. It seems to me some kind of excuse in a person's head. It's amazing what people can convince themselves of, if you "think" about it. Another example I like is the guys who think they have to get tanked every weekend like they're still in college to have a good time- sorta pathetic IMO. (and I was in a frat at a decent sized school, so I've been there done that). I have never ridden under the influence of pot, however, so I guess I can't comment as authorotativley as those who have. Excuse the cheesiness here (but it's the truth), riding is the high for me. basically as long as your friend doesn't hurt anyone while under the influence, I don't care if he's high. rant over, === Barry
  18. He finds, quite honestly, that he is a better boarder with a bit of a buzz on. He is more relaxed and able to concentrate on the matter at hand - carving disclaimer: I have no idea who your friend is, I'm merely just throwing some throughts out. =) sounds just like a thread on snowboard.com (mainly a kid/teenie site). I really don't care if he smokes or not, but I just don't buy the whole "I'm better when I do" theory. The snowboard.com people say "I'm not afraid to hit the jump when I'm high," which IMO is even dumber. Is your friend serious about becoming a good rider? If not or if he's a pothead, then stop reading here. If so, than I say to him ride, ride, ride. Confront Reality, acknowledge your weakness and work on it. So he wants to become more relaxed? that's fine, seems pretty normal, maybe he should think about what makes him wired to begin with. Basically address the root of the problem, not the symptom. Of course a lot of people don't confront reality and live in their own little worlds. I don't have a lot of respect as a snowboarder for riders who use this "it relaxes me" excuse. But then again, I like to be psyched to ride, not really laid back, but in the zone. The mind plays a big role, here, too. I agree it's not nearly as bad as riding drunk, but for his own safety, I doubt he's as aware of his surroundings (vs. not smoking up). And I'm not saying being a pothead and a good rider is a mutually exclusive relationship. hopefully I didnt' start a war....(but I am unusually talkative today =) ) === Barry
  19. FTA2R


    Gold’s in Venice with several of the Pro bodybuilders and actually even helped some of them with their contest preparation/diet. I know Arnolds books (actually know him for 15 years now, but that’s a different topic). LOL, I was under the impression you were a casual or semi serious lifter. Obviously you are way beyond that and I'm sure you're well aware of anything I may have to contribute re: this. hope your pain goes away, but let us know what the findings are if you decide to see a doc (if you don't mind) good luck, Barry
  20. FTA2R


    Kent, you can do a "basic light stretch" for a cold muscle right? as opposed to a more strenuos stretch designed to increase flexibility...and I read that walking with your equipment from the parking lot could be considered a warmup, which I partially agree with (depending on circumstances). traditional warm up exercises obvoiusly aren't pratical at most resorts. Your thoughts? Barry
  21. FTA2R


    Ray, some things you said raise a flag to me. if I don’t train every day for some time" don't know your routine, but every day may be a bit much unless you're a competitve lifter. rest is a primary component necessary for muscle growth and/or recooperation. get so sore, I can’t even hug my wife without crying like a little baby that doesn't sound right. Have you seen ever seen a dr. or sports doctor about this? I assume your technique is OK and you're not lifting too much, and you warm up/strectch properly (so many dont, though) Might wanna check out Arnold's "encyclopedia of bodybuilding," gives some good explanations, including a section of muscle soreness vs. injury (believe it also talks about symptoms, etc). Here's an excerpt I just found (which I'm pretty sure Arnold also mentioned in his book): " Since cardio exercise enhances circulation and oxidation of toxic compounds, your body rids itself of post workout lactic acid more quickly when you do regular cardio" another possiblity is very tight boots applying pressure to the legs at certan points. A few times last year I had some minor marks/brusing from that, specifically right where the cuff begins. so you can try a number of things: seeking professional help (trainers, drs., etc), lifting less, changing your routine (including warmup /stretching/cardio), going easy on yourself the first day (might be able to ride super hard the next days, or just taking a break b/w days) listen to your body....esp as there may be a genuine medical explanation (meaning you may have some kind of irregularity). good luck
  22. wooooo!!!!! nice!!!!!!! I am a sucker for 80s stuff. please provide a warning for those of us with sensitive eyes. This may take a while to recover from. :D. Will the winner of the auction please film the other patrons' reactions. thx, === Barry
  23. FTA2R


    hehe. Neil, good point. I give you all credit, I guess only time will tell if I'm still riding. Sure hope to be. You could always take the Bonds/ Giambi/<insert MLB player name here>/BALCO approach, although serious side effects are likely :D === Barry ps bring the psycho puppet back
  24. What, if any, was your response? === Barry
  25. FTA2R


    leg press Serious muscle training especially in the 8 weeks before saison start does the job. Mix up some heavy weight/low number trainings with some more endurance/strength trainings that burn your legs already in summer or autumn. And don't forget your shoulders! There would be nothing to add, if there would not have been said so much before. I don't like drugs to achieve more performance in sports. For me it's a little bit like doping. As in competition sports, you should do everything to give your body what he needs, i.e. bananas and noodles the evening before and after a day on the slopes, enough carbohydrate during the day and lots of water as mantioned before. Stop thinking like a skier, start thinking like a sportsman I agree with Skywalker here. I feel like a hypocrite saying this b/c I have not really worked out in a long time, but I don't take any pills, etc (I'm also only 26), although a few Mondays last year I felt like I was in a boxing match the day before. I know a lot of you guys are older and may have previous injuries or just a lot of wear and tear on your joints, but Ray, if you don't have any such conditions, you may want to ask yourself if you are in teh best condition possible. Of course you will be sore from impacts when/if you fall, but I think if you are lift or exercise regularly and stretch/warm up, DOMS will not be nearly as noticeable as your muscles are used to being utilized (although it seems hard to really closely simulate snowboarding motions). I always feel like I'm the only one to stretch in the logde. Maybe everyone just does it before arriving. Anyway, I know a camelback has helped me a lot (and now I'm experimenting with a water/gatorade concotion) and I usually have some kind of powerbar about 2 hours in. And sleep obvoiusly helps. I think the more you ride too, the more your body gets used to it-adaptation, basically, like lifting. Probably why my legs don't last too long on the carving board- not really used to the "motions" yet. my .02. good luck === Barry
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