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Posts posted by scottishsurfer

  1. 6 hours ago, John Gilmour said:

    After going to Japan yo ride two seasons ago - there was a lot of carving there. Japan has the ability to start trends... look at how popular face masks are now when we used to think Japanese wearing face masks do not to infect others was silly. ย Jk

    If you know where to go do the youtube rabbit hole there is pretty much an endless amount of japanese, korean and chinese soft boot carving vids. It was stumbling upon a number of these a few years ago and being in awe at what was possible on softboots that started me down the carving road that i am now on. It was also through these videos that discovered Alpine riding as that was where alot of there style of riding appeared to originate from. Fast forward a few years and also to answer the question of the thread I dont think alpine is going to go away but i dont see it ever returning to big numbers because good softboot equipment is now at a level where it is good enough for 90% of people looking to carve. You will still get fresh blood into the sport from people like myself who dabble in riding in hardboots to my friend who made the jump to riding hardboots full time but i think it will be a more of a maintaining of numbers rather than an increase/decrease.

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  2. Donek incline 162 (29.5w 11-9VSR)

    My go to ride and favorite board to ride i cant say enough good thing about it ๐Ÿ™‚

    SG Soul 159XT

    Now having a happy retirement with my friend who's training for the para olymipics. A really good gateway board to riding Ultra wide soft boot carvers

    Libtech Hotknife 156MW

    Used abused what was once camber is now flat but as a result its a greatย  twin powder tree board that can still carve if im gentle and careful.

    Libtech magic banana 158W

    Stiff center rocker board playful and for just playing about with friends who dont ride that fast.

    Rome reverb rocker 155w

    Center rocker like the magic but without the magnatraction training wheels, its is a spinny silly mess of a board but like an over excited puppy its just fun to play about on.

  3. For my it would be carving on the tomba black race run in bansko bulgaria, It confirmed to me just how far my riding had progressed and i loved every single turn. Sadly my friends who i was on holiday really struggled and no-one wanted to go for another run down it so i never got any footage sadly ๐Ÿ˜ž

    I did get plenty of other footage from the same trip though, still got a far bit to improve but im heading in the right direction



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  4. If its the outside arm on the begining of a heel edge turn i do it to an extent. If it is i think it is a result of finishing the toe edge turns completely open but my edge change is an intentional counterpedal so the reasoning could be different

  5. So further to my previous point my ideal slalom course would something that has a multiple different styles of turns where no single set of hard/soft/long/short combination has an outright advantage throughout the whole course. Id like to see multiple different radius of turns vastly varying amounts of horizontal and vertical offset between gates hell i wouldnt even be adverse to after a couple of fast sweepers having to then rip and hold a turn back up the hill to make the next gate. Id also like to varying speeds from tight and slow to high speed swoopers. Id also prefer courses to be much longer maybe 2mins in length. Its never going to happen but a man can dream of racing on interesting and wildly different courses atleast .

  6. was literally just about to hit post ๐Ÿ˜†. Yeah i agree the first girl doesnt have the prettiest style im sure its pretty fast through gates, it does give the impression that the board is taking her for a ride to an extent as it doesnt look like she can fully exert her will over it.

  7. The biggest thing for me id like to see would be a much much much greater variety of turns where no single set up has an advantage over the whole course, think a formula 1 track vs a nascar oval.

  8. I would kill for any sort of softboot/hardboot slalom racing scene here in the uk at the momment im just that freak that turns up and asks if i can run the ski slalom from time to time lol. I dont really know if id be that much faster if at all riding hards vs softs it would be probably be somewhat course dependant.


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  9. On 3/27/2020 at 12:48 AM, JRAZZ said:

    btw, anybody have an opinion on GNU/Lib-tech or on Korua?

    Ive ridden a bunch of lib tech and gnu's

    T-rice 152 pro

    way way to small for me but a friend asked to take a couple of laps to soften it up for him, edge hold was good right up until boot out which would be what id describe as explosive lots of grip then boom your down without warning. like most of the C2-BTX libs(center rocker) its very skatey and not particularly stable while flat base it literally wonders where it wants as a result you really want to always be on atleast some sort of edge. there is almost no support out at the tips of the board im guessing this partly down to the lack of metal edge and core material aparently its only tip fill past where the edge ends.

    T-rice 155 pro horse power

    Very similar but a tad stiffer and light due to the higher end core

    T-rice 157 pro

    again a litte stiffer a little longer my general opinion on the 152-157 boards are there essentially park boards that marketed as all mountain due to being travis's signiture model

    Magic bannana 158W (2017) (26.5cm waist)

    This is my own personal board for playing about on when im not being to serious. The reason i put the year in is because 2016 or 2017 the magic switched from being BTX which is pure center rocker to flat under the feet to C2-BTX which is rocket between the feet to camber under foot like the T-rice pro boards. The makes the Magic essentially ride like T-rice that has taken all the steriods and mexican supplements it can find. It is significantly stiffer than the T-rice and you can tell this visually just looking at the sidewall of the board it is much much thicker especially out at the tips. As a result it is significantly more supportive both entering and exiting turns where the t-rices would flex and buckle the magic will bite and turn. Again flat base it is due to wonder because of the center rocker but its just a matter ofย  edgeing or rolling the board from edge to edge if you want to track straight and doing this it is actually fairly stable even at speeds in excess of 45mph. The sidecut is 7m which for most here will be far to tight but if your just looking to play around and carve at slower speeds especailly with friends who arent that great at riding its pretty fun ๐Ÿ™‚ Due to the 7m sidecut it flares out rapidly at the tip and tail and as a result this leads to the board drifting as it boots out rather than exploding out from under you like the T-rice pros. I'm under the impression that C2-btx magic bannanas became unoffically the replacement for the C2-btx lib tech darks when they switched them to the C3 camber in the for of the Darker and the Dark knife.

    Hot knife 156MW(26.5cm waist)

    The second board i ever bought and i still ride it today albiet for a different style of riding that i initally bought it for. Out the wrapper the board is medium flex thats a little bit softer towards the tips.... It does carve very well for what it is which to be honest is an all mountain board that can do most things fairly well but not exceptional. Edge hold is good with relatively good support towards the tips. It is pretty stable unlike the C2-BTX boards it will track straight while flat base due to the fact it is camber that has a flat section between the feet. The biggest downside is that it soften ups quick and what is now camber is flat with almost no support out at the tips it can still carve but you need to be super super careful and ride between the feet. Fortuneatly the slightly pointed tips makes it an excellent powder true twin especially now that it is completely flat as a result it is now my go to powder tree board.

    GNU billy goat 158

    Rides very similar to the hot knife but more directional with a bit of set back and taper, it also has a bit of a directional flex softer nose with a stiffer tail but all in all not to much different.

    Orca 156

    Possibly the most overated board I have ever ridden.... I have no doubt in powder it is incredible but for carving and on the groomer i rode it on well it was pretty damn terrible. The board is marketed as having C2-BTX but in reality it is center rocker with camber under the back foot and a big ass flat rocker section under the lead foot. As a result it makes entry into turns incredibly vague and at times it feels like there is no bite at all as you intiate a turn ๐Ÿ˜• . The directional flex and the rocker front means there is almost zero support there it if you do get it to bite it will buckle and fold up on you if your agressive. This lead me to think maybe you should ride it like a japaneseย  pow surf carver but that didnt really work either just slightly better.ย  After two runs i gave it back to my friend telling him his new pride and joy was on of the worst boards ive ever ridden lol.

    My feelings on Ib tech are they can be pretty fun boards to play about on but they are not at all made well or are built to last any length of time. The do not finish there bases correctly/ or at all to extent of when there stripped of wax your average base is more furry than my cat. This is so bad that my local board store offers a free finishing base grind and wax to everyone that buys a new lib tech from them...
    They also have serious long term durabilitly issues with the exception of the magic bannana every single lib my friends own has become a dead limp noodle of a board within a season of riding. There seems to often be an issue with the enviromentally friendly epoxy they are using lead to delamination issues within a short period of time my Magic suffered from this after only 40hours of riding with zero impacts... fortuntately some good old unenviromentally friendly epoxy fixed it ๐Ÿ™‚


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  10. 1 hour ago, JRAZZ said:

    Here's another one from her (I think)

    Ive always asumed kira kobayashi was a guy lol. I really do love how flat and outstretched the heel edge carves are to the extent ive had a picture of one saved on my desktop titled "holygrail.jpg" as an inspiration to work towards. I'm not sure ill ever fully ape it but but it sure is fun trying ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. 54 minutes ago, lordmetroland said:

    unless I'm mistaken, be accomplished in softies...


    It can but every turn has its place in terms of usage and some boards require that kind of compressed style of turn. Japanese Surf style boards ive found dont respond so well to a down unweighted/cross under turns like you have in your picture where you extend through out the turn due to there softer nature(atleast ones ive tried) they tend to want to bow and decamber to much during the extenstion leading to the turn becoming super tight. Instead its very relaxed compressed turns where you just flow pitch the board on edge stay small and enjoy the ride and because there is no extension the force decambering the board is much less so it will instead run its natural sidecut giving those big long radius carves even at high edge angles.

    Different strokes different folks and all that ๐Ÿ™‚

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  12. One thing i have defintely found from riding center rocker boards is that there not very forgiving of your weight being in the wrong place fore-center-aft at the wrong time throughout the turn. To the extent i purposely break out my center rocker boards from time to time to make sure im not getting lazy in terms of weighting ๐Ÿ™‚.

  13. I enjoy pow but im also a saddist thats loves a groomed run thats so hard its verging on ice and to be honest i prefer the later.... Pow for me is fun but I always feel like im just crusing no matter how hard i ride and its never felt like anywhere near adrenaline filled that i get on groomed runs. Bullet proof cord i need to be on my A game every single turn forcing me to ride at my peak add to that when i do get it right the speed power and sheer sense of flow i can get is incredible ๐Ÿ™‚ So yeah im another nut case

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