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Posts posted by scottishsurfer

  1. Personally id say there to soft for anything but powder or mild riding. The flex is through deformation of the shell so they will break down just like how a soft boot does. As a result and them not being that stiff in the first place youll probably only get a season at most out of them before there to floppy to ride in and for a boot thats retailling at £469 its way way to much. Cool idea but to soft and to pricey.

  2. Tried the now recons on a bataleon carver a few years ago, they were nice and responsive heel to toe and pretty solid seeming. My only real dislikes was the in ability to rotate the highbacks which i kind of need since i ride 33/3. Also the leather toe cap design is pretty big and bulky and will suffer damage and wear pretty badly if you like to ride in hard conditions. I cant say i noticed the rocking of binding as i transitioned heel to toe but this might be due to the hardest bumpers being fitted or my over exagerated movements powering straight through any movement in the binding.

    Id give them a solid 8 out of 10.

    if they had a more modern toe strap and ankle strap design,  adjustable heel cup like union/fix/bent metal and a rotateable highback theyd be very close to a 10 like a 9.9(nothing is ever perfect).

  3. I really liked the Rome targa bindings for hard riding super responsive and you can teak them alot to get the perfect set up, personally id choose them over the black series due to the blacks use of mini disk and the chassis not being as stiff.

    Flux XF/XV seem to be the binding of choice in asia for carving never ridden them personally though

  4. Carving its a bit dependant on the slope blues and reds i tend to carve faster in the 25-30 range but as it gets steeper i ride slower as i turn tighter and alot + finishing turns going up hill to control speed so i sit at closer to 15-20 range. If im just rolling edge to edge i can comfartably crusie in the 40s. Ive been as high as 58mph in andorra on a long perfectly groomed blue the speed just kept rising pretty slowly so i didnt realise i was at that speed until it all i could hear was wind even though my music was at full blast...

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  5. Ill just list everything major including non snowboarding stuff.

    13 years old catastrophic break of the tibia and phibia in my left resulting in muscular and nerve damage in conjunction with an infection doing further damage to the nervous system in my legs. 5 months in various cast and crutches and physio being taught to walk again was another 9 months.

    24- broken rib and cracked cartiledge in my sternum and heavily brusied hip when i crashed qualifying for a mountain bike downhill race in wales. Ragdolling at 35mph plus wasnt a pleseant experience but with some pain killers and stuborness i qualified and raced then discovered my rib was broken when i got home and went to the docs

    27- cracked the same rib 3 times in the one year racing DH, id crash crack it race then rest up until the pain went away at which point id then crash and recrack it...

    32-  first snowboarding injury riding park jumped on to a corigated pipe where i slid out and landed knee first on the pipe. unfortunately i had a go pro in my knee pocket that cut the subcutaneous prepatellar bursa pretty much in half to this day its never reknit back together so it just kind of floats about on top of my right knee cap.

    33- Massively overshot a small jump to flat and knee'd myself in the chest on landing cracking the cartiledge in my sternum again...

    fortunately ive been pretty much injury free since and touch wood hopefully it will continue 🙂



  6. 26 minutes ago, John Gilmour said:

    The union binding forged carbon, well they’re nice in terms of response on the right board with the right boots that are stiff enough, catchy but the binding itself doesn’t flex very much, so a tremendous amount of force gets transmitted to the disc, which is not carbon fiber dash which is actually a blessing because you wouldn’t want that the shatter.  Over the course of a few seasons – I have broken the plastic disc, which is more prone to breaking in very cold weather. However the disk did not shatter and eject me, Instead it cracked and made a clicking noise, with two of the screws still intact. The disks are relatively inexpensive at five dollars apiece. Certainly cheap enough to change out each season.

    John if your forged carbon are full size disk the older burton non reflex disks are a perfect fit and are stronger than the union ones. I was finding the standard union disks were only last me a few days before id rip them apart.

    13 hours ago, philw said:

    Well of course I think people should use whatever they like, but I've just been riding with an old mate who is a reasonable part of snowboarding history and he's hugely in favour of the Burton Step On stuff. To hear him talk about them it sounds like they're a significant step towards the control and power of hard bindings. I've no idea, but if you're into soft gear then it may be worth looking at those.

    The boots are very very soft laterally atleast to me. It seemed like the foot bed of the bed was quite secure to the binding but there was nothing other than the somewhat flimsy boot to offer support to you ankle. Part of me does wonder if they did this to reduce the possible twisting/lateral forces that could be applied to the binding so to reduce the force on the retention mechanisim hence why there is no Driver X step-onGjMDndX.jpg

  7. Little update on the Karakoram Quiver Connector I got an email from them yesterday it seems I do have an eariler variant of the connector with longer metal hooks. I should be getting the revised ones as a replacement in the near future but i have the offer of the older metal design if i have further issues

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  8. 38 minutes ago, Shred Gruumer said:

    Not into Flux at all.. I have a pair or Switch back session bindings.. They are light and stiff but no cant.. They are good but I need a second set of bindings so it's between the Hefe's or O drives.. The high back on the O Drive seem higher and wider up top which seem would work better at higher angles.. 

    I have a very very unique board coming from halfway around the globe... Took some doing to get it... Hopefully arrives in a week or two... 


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