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Posts posted by 1xsculler

  1. 1 minute ago, dredman said:

    @soccerdoge of Winterstick delivers!  

    I wanted a board with a whole bunch of “2’s” in it.  

    12.2 SCR of @johnasmosidecut,

    172.2 length, 18.2 width,

    22.22 reference stance of 22.22

    Why? Well it is 2022  (and one of the MCC days was 2/2/22) so why not 2’s?) oh and this is the 2nd generation of the Winterstick Montucky.  








    A thing of beauty!

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/17/2022 at 3:51 PM, bigwavedave said:

    Riding could make a small injury worse. Even without a scan, a good doc can do simple physical eval for ligament instability, meniscus etc.

    Put some ice on it.

    If you do go out and ride, get a good brace (not just elastic) that provides lateral stability to prevent further injury.

    Good advice and sure enough my primary care doc, who I trust a lot and who has extensive experience with knees (his own and his patients), evaluated my knees today and said do nothing to tweak your injured knee for at least 6 weeks as you want it to heal nice and tight…season over!

     I told him there was no swelling and he compared one knee to the other and he said yes there is obvious minor swelling so stay active BUT no rotation or lateral movements.

    Fortunately I can row my brains out with only straight force and no discomfort.

    He said no need for a scan.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, barryj said:

    Recovery has been Painfully Slooow Scully!  They have me,  2 months after the collision finally starting on Concussion PT!  Evidently my Head isn't on right!!  :smashfrea

    I got cleared to ride and have been out a few times and it has been difficult!   Only just able to Ride the board, Not able to Drive the  board like before!  ....but it's getting a little better each time.

    Glad to hear that you are getting better. 

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, barryj said:

    Ouch!  So sorry to hear Scully!

    Hopefully its not any  worse and at least your at the tailend of the season if you have to call it done 🤬.....

    but I cant imagine any Ortho guy  telling you "Yeah, it's ok to go Snowboarding!"

    Hang in there buddy!

    BTW, Barry, how’s your recovery coming along?

  5. Orthopedic Dr/PT/Ports Specialist knee issue?

    Damn, I didn’t want to end up on this list and I’m hoping it’s a short stay. 
    Got whacked by a big skier…no blame assigned…we both apologize and finished our runs. 
    No swelling or discoloration, medial side of right knee joint is tender to palpatiion…I can row, do push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, dumbell squats, get my left leg into bed all with no discomfort BUT if I sit on the side of my bed and try to get my right leg into bed straight or bending it only slightly, OMG, never do that again…it’s like an ice pick sharp pain. If I bend my right leg, no problem. I can walk fine but if I try to extend my stride my right knee says, “No, no, no!”

    Something is wrong in there. 
    N E suggestions?

    Hoping to get an MRI very soon.  
    Since there is no swelling I’m applying heat to increase blood flow and, hopefully, more rapid healing. 
    edit: YouTube vid said don’t apply heat. With zero swelling I would think more blood flow to the area would speed healing kinda like injecting platelet rich plasma???

    • Sad 3
  6. 552FC8F0-FFA7-4BD2-9437-4A9E8C8FD387.jpeg.4355424433ba1cfcb3556529a397400a.jpegI decided not to take this new Thirst 165 CC+ for a ride tomorrow. I’ve never ridden a wide (23.7) board before so I have no idea what to expect. 45/40. I am going to ride my gorgeous XC again today. Thinking!!!
    As usual Mark’s work reminds me of an object  of art. 

    I’m interested in two types of riding, i.e. Bomber style on edge carving and the style of on edge carving as on “softboot  carving worth watching”, i.e. the Asians. I work very hard to avoid sliding or slarving and only accept it if it keeps me out of the trees. 

    • Like 8
  7. 58 minutes ago, Allee said:

    There's a lot to be said for keeping your knees warm. I never lift without sleeves, and I've been (touch wood) relatively knee pain free so far. I wore my sleeves riding last season, and they definitely made a difference to crawling out of the car after the 90 minute drive home.

    Very good point that really rings with me as 50 some years ago my right knee got really cold when wearing only shell pants on a very cold day. On one of my chair rides it was almost as if that knee cap got frost bitten (of course it didn’t). That knee bothers me occasionally to this day. 
    I like the idea of knee sleeves and will start wearing them for support and warmth. 

  8. On 2/23/2022 at 8:35 PM, barryj said:

    Ha!  He exists in a realm of his own...mind!  Not a fan.

    I’m not a fan either but I do enjoy selected interviews, i.e. all of Dr Rhonda Patrick’s 10 interviews, Ben Patrick, Elon Musk and a very few others. 
    If Joe would eliminate the constant barrage of unnessarary F-bombs I might be able to appreciate him more. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Allee said:

    The ski racer kids at our local hill give me the jeebies. They think the own the place, and they fly down at max speed with no regard for anyone but themselves - and they also think you're supposed to stay out of "their" way. The last face back in to the lift at Nakiska drops away blind for probably 150 feet, and one day one of them is going to collect someone in a big way down there, if they haven't already. 

    Gotta say that if you hit dredman the way he dresses, then I hope you didn't drive to the hill that day ...

    Sorry to generalize but many of the Millennials are hopelessly brain dead as am I, at 78, occasionally!

    It’s all good…beeee careful…and assume that the rule, which used to be, the uphill person makes sure they don’t hit the downhill person is now watch for every other person anywhere near you that could possibly hit you. 

  10. I sincerely appreciate all of your constructive comments. 
    AND humor is so individual. My wife and three of our four daughters and I used to laugh our asses off listening to Jeff Foxworthy on skiing road trips to and from Whistler and Bend. The more times we listened to that stupid stuff the harder we laughed. We know a lot of the one liners by heart and use them to this day. Our eldest daughter, who was about 15 during those years, hated it, saw no humor in it and still doesn’t. It made her angry that we laughed so hard.  FWIW, at age 45 she is now an extremely successful personal injury attorney. 
    On this recent four day trip to Jackson Hole with my 8, 12 and 15 year old grandsons most of the downtime, including at the dinner table at various restaurants, was occupied by all three on their cell phones watching stuff like Ticktoc and showing it to one another and yucking it up. At age 78 I, of course, got none of it, i.e. didn’t understand it and saw no humor in any of it. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Carvin' Marvin said:

    Oh boy, it’s my turn finally. I present the Thirst Super Manana. I asked Mark for something special, and by special I mean something scary, fast, and banana.  He came up with a special core and flex pattern to cater to the forces and abuse that some of the more generously sized gorillas can dish out. The core is THICCC further out to the edges and the by hand flex test has me very very excited. No all mountain action for the this thick banana, only hardcore left and right action.  Need less snow to begin testing. Friday…..




  12. 9 hours ago, barryj said:

    That's correct BB.........but I got it set up with a Donek AF plate, which makes it an Ice Slayer and it also saves my knees and extends my day when it gets choppy and rutted......but it seems to me the (only) cost for all that dampening is a plate lengthens the turns?  aka...won't turn near as tight as the Donek Rev.

    Thus the hunt for a Turny Little Bandit! 

    What about your SF, barryj?

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