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Everything posted by lafcadio

  1. After an AMAZING day yesterday, I may need to change my vote! Earlier this week, I was pleasantly surprised when I didn't fall on my first run of the day. Later in the week, I was more surprised when I didn't fall during my frist two runs of the day. I made it nearly 4 hours on Saturday in supreme snow conditions, before finally going down. In fact, over the course of the day, I only went down about 4-5 times. All gentle. Nothing hurt. My best day, ever!
  2. Today was truly epic! Everything worked! Major trenches everywhere! Mark, once again thanks for the tips and great advice. I was ripping on toe side!
  3. If anyone else will be there tomorrow, look for me on Exhibition starting in the morning.
  4. Did you see the Excel spreadsheet in the "How to setup your TD2" article? http://www.bomberonline.com/JackM/td2matrix.xls
  5. I do exactly the same. Ride Timeless with Catek OS2s.
  6. I hear ya. If I'm not feeling okay by Sunday, I'll be seeing the doctor. The conditions were soft packed powder and kind of deep. I really had no business trying to carve on this stuff, not to mention I was pretty tired from the day before. But it's really difficult to stop when making so much good progress.
  7. Hi Tabatha, I'm really curious about your fall when you broke your shoulder. How and when did you realize it was finally broken? I had a fall on Sunday (went airborne off a heel to toe side transition unexpectedly and didn't land so well). My shoulder hurt pretty bad and I did stop for the day. After three days of rest and lots of Advil, motion is slowly coming back. Today is the first day I can almost lift my arm over my head before the pain is too great.
  8. Too often to count. :o If I had nickel for every time I fell...
  9. Nice. At that angle, Ski Ward looks HUGE.
  10. I'll be there bright and early on Saturday. Hopefully it will be just as crowded as last time.
  11. Too bad we missed you. I got there later than intended (around 6:45). Steve and I had our own private hill until closing. They had to bribe us with free food to quit early. :-) Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it tonight.
  12. I'll be at Ski Ward tonight (around 6ish) and on Wednesday night, also. If you can't make it tonight, hope to see you on Wednesday. -Michael
  13. What are the specs on these boards that would make the white one more suitable? Thanks for the offer, but unless these boards are known to be especially soft/easy riding for their length (which I think not from the Donek web site), I think I'm looking to try something in the 170s. I would love to get my hands on a Metal Freecarve or Prior FLC!
  14. I won't make it tonight. I need to give my legs a rest. I can't imagine the rain has helped the conditions. I'm planning on going Monday and Wednesday next week for sure.
  15. Hi tb, I'm curious about the 184 GS. I'm kind of new at carving in hardboots (started last season) and I'm 5'5" at 168 lb. I'm currently riding a Donek Axxess 162 and it's the only alpine board I've ever ridden. Do you think at my size and novice experience level, the 184 GS is totally out of my league? My first reaction is probably too long and too stiff for me. Thoughts?
  16. No, thank YOU! I had a blast and will definitely be making more trips in the future. I'm still laughing at the thought of hearing the locals complaining that it was "busy". :D See how crazy busy it was in the image below? I can't wait to come and ride again when it's so busy!
  17. Keep an eye out... I'll be there in the morning and will carve until my legs give out! I'm on a blue Donek Axxess.
  18. I was thinking of driving up to NH tomorrow, but if others are meeting up at the Beast, I'm game. Post updates, if you plan to go, please! :D
  19. From the second and third photos in the original post, it appears that the entire plate is angled using the the interface to the TD3 base and the soft boot bindings are mounted at a 0 degree angle relative to the plates. Question #1: are the angle indicators on the TD3 center disk visible with the plate mounted on top? From the photos it appears they are not and the angles must be guestimated. Question #2: any reason to mount the soft boot bindings angled on top of the plates?
  20. I could easily be talked into Monday the 24th. Anyone else?
  21. I'm good to go for Wed nights! Sounds like a plan.
  22. Thanks, scrapster. I'm all booked up and ready to go. I'll be riding both Saturday and Sunday!
  23. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it tonight. If you can give me a bit more heads up I can make it most nights except for Tuesdays.
  24. I'd love to come and make some turns with you guys, gates or no gates. I'll even give up one night at Wachusett... too damn crowded there anyway.
  25. Any recommendations on nearby lodging that's not too expensive? I'm thinking of staying Friday and Saturday night rather than drive back and forth from Boston.
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