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Everything posted by bigwavedave

  1. That looks great! More snow tonight and tomorrow. I gotta find some snowshoes that'll work with my hardboots.
  2. Hi Sunsurfer, No misunderstanding, you were fairly clear in that you were advising Al, who was asking about Chiropractic and sciatica treatment, that you "have never and would never consider seeing a Chiropracter"? (sp), apparently based on antiquated assumptions about Chiropractic and further that you don't "believe in the treatment" yet still, have no first hand knowledge. No debate, but to set the record straight you should re-read my first post (2 above yours) in response to Al's query and then re-read your post. We give similar advice regarding diagnosis and history and finding a good doc. We differ here... Chiropractic is "alternative care" only from your allopathic perspective. From my perspective, as a doctor of Chiropractic for 33 years, drugs, surgery and steriod injections are the risky alternative to be used as a last resort. You inference that Chiropractic is unscientific implies that it is a risky alternative to "conventional medicine". Consider that my malpractice insurance is $850 per year as opposed to $25,000-$100,000/yr for an anesthesiologist, neurosurgeon or most any other 'conventional' practitioner. In the U.S. Chiropractors are primary care physicians, no referral needed. Chiropractors earn a doctorate degree with a basic science education equal to any medical school and are trained in differential diagnosis. I have literally treated hundreds of patients that have presented with similar symptoms to Al's. I refer patients for MRI's and neuro consults when (rarely) necessary. See what you started Al. I wasn't sure which Dr Dave you were looking for but I hope you find this discussion helpful and find some help.
  3. Hi Al, In looking for a Chiropractor, try to find someone you know and trust that has had good results with similar symptoms to recommend one in your area. You wouldn't shop for a surgeon in the yellow pages, like surgery, Chiropractic is an art. No one technique is likely to be the answer, so I'ld recommend finding someone who has several techniques at their disposal. In addition to the manipulation/adjustment, which is the Chiropractor's unique area of expertise, most Chiropractors incorporate other modalities such as electical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, trigger point therapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy, etc. Find someone who doesn't limit themselves to one tool for the job. Sciatica as a diagnosis only infers that you have some kind of leg symptoms--pain, numbness, tingling, it doesn't tell you what is causing the symptoms, which you need to know to treat the problem. How did the pain start? Have you had similar symptoms in the past? One leg or both? How far into the leg, below the knee? Into the foot? What part of the leg--back, side, front, heel, toes, which toes? What aggravates or relieves symptoms? A hands on examination is needed to further confirm the source of symptoms, often several things are contributing and need attention.
  4. Tuesday is the only other option for me during the week. Weather-wise, it may be the better day. There's rain in forecast for Wednesday night, so the grooming might not be as good on Thursday. I'm good either way, both days are predicted to be sunny.
  5. That's a nice shot Russ! Sounds like a good trip. Ski Cooper sounds interesting. I was last out at Spirit Tuesday morning for 2 1/2 hours and have been down and out with the killer flu since. I'm finally feeling like I can plan for the future. What about Lutsen Thursday?
  6. Started out light overcast becoming sunny by noon and warming to above freezing. Near perfect carving conditions getting soft and chopped up after noon as it got busier. Stayed until about 2pm. Received some nice compliments on our carving from both boarders and skiers--passed out a few cards. Rode with Ken, Jane and Jim. Jim and I did some gopro vid. Here's a shot on SkyHooker...
  7. Thursday was a great day for carving, blue-bird sky with Colorado style (soft) groomed packed powder as opposed to the familiar Minnesota-firm, which is more what it was like later, after it was tracked out. Good conditions for Russ to select the boards he takes on his CO trip. I'm planning to come up tomorrow. Any one else coming out? $15 lift tickets all next week at Spirit through closing day 3/31. Lutsen open daily through April 7th, Giant's Ridge likely the same, although they don't specify a closing date that I can see. Can't find a closing date for Indianhead either, but Algunderfoot says they will be open for 1 or 2 weekends (only) after 3/31.
  8. Was the final race Sierra Nevada cancelled?
  9. Should be good, more than a foot of snow over the past few days. When we were up there on a Thursday they didn't open the extreme east and west lifts/terrain, so you might get some untracked powder. There's a slim chance I'll get up there this weekend. Any idea when Indianhead plans to close for the season?
  10. ...and the chair goes about 15mph into the west? Weather Thursday looks nicer, I'll be up in the morning.
  11. Nice video, really captures the feeling of how the Rev rides. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?39521-Donek-REV-180
  12. Yup, Indianhead is better for carving terrain than anything in Minnesota. Lutsen has only a few good carving runs, otherwise mostly narrower, old style ski trails, not worth drivng beyond Indianhead for. Never been to Granite so would like to hear a report. Al, maybe we'll try and get back over to the U.P. this year.
  13. Great day, rode from 9am-4pm, in shifts with Jim O, then Gary and finally Russ. Yesterday's 6-8" of powder groomed in and firmed up well. Unusually sparse crowds for a Sunday. Lift lines didn't appear until well after noon. Here's Jim ripping up the AM groom... Get ready for the snow!!!
  14. Tomorrow, Sunday, is looking good. Plan to arrive early and stay late (2 or 3pm). Spirit is reporting 6" new snow overnight?...and it looks like it's still snowing today.
  15. Surfstyle...coined by the Purecarve guys, smooth, relaxed, fluid, a mix of race/EC minus the aggression. Some great articles in the 2nd issue of Carving Magazine about the background. Those of us that came into carving from a surf/windsurf background will relate. http://vimeo.com/10029545
  16. ... n. gang of marauding carvers (Don, Russ, BWD). Great day, good snow for carving, started with sun at 9am, then clouds, flat light and 2 bus loads of kids til 1:30 or so, then sun and fun til 3. Temps hovered right around freezing.
  17. I plan to come up tomorrow morning. I'm more apt to come up on Sunday rather than Saturday, to avoid the party crowd, both days look like nice weather. Saturday might be interesting if the skimming pond ices over...
  18. 163? Not a stock 162? Custom? For what weight rider. Waist width? Photo of delam.
  19. hardboots, size 12 (mondo 30?) for under $100. I'm asking for a guy I sold a board to. He is currently using ski boots.
  20. Relatively flat light today with soft, packed, moisture-laden powder and near perfect groom requiring a deft touch for smooth carving. Sold the AX today to Gary. He also needs to update his bindings--he has the old two-piece, drill and screw mount type--not good on a new metal board, and some size 12 boots. Burning right lateral heel pain in my new boots forced me to quit after a couple of hours. Discovered a non-tender pea-sized nodule on my heel (superior-lateral calcaneus) under the skin. Not sure if the irritation caused it or if it was there to begin with. Ken, I can send you a photo if you do online consultations.
  21. Great going Karl, ch4 5:30 news (weather-intro) showed "daredevils" racing alpine snowboards at Buck. Hopefully the high school snowboarding thing can get going like the existing HS ski programs. I suspect that kids who grew up snowboarding that are becoming parents will help fuel the program.
  22. I plan to come tomorrow. Jim, I'll have the film clips with me if you're planning to come out.
  23. Here's one: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?39650-Donek-Metal-AX-172e But, I bet he doesn't have a computer yet either so he can't look this up, right?
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