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Posts posted by RideGuy

  1. I've owned both last years 169W and this years 173W. Being only 4cm longer I'm surprised how much longer the 173W feels, but I guess it's do also to the larger sidecut radius and it seems a bit stiffer as well. I've only had one day on it and the conditions were not that great. I'm going out on Friday to give it a good workout. I'll be able to give it a better comparison to the 169W as the snow should be pretty good.

  2. I have a measured 27.3cm foot I'm putting into a size 26 Deeluxe 325T. The moldable liner that came with it has too much volume.

    My Fischer ski boots are the most comfortable boots I own. Came with semi moldable liners size 26.5. I popped them in my 325T's and while carpet surfing they fell awesome!

    Is there any issues with doing this?

    If this works out where can I get another pair of liners like the ones that came with my Fischers? They are 2010 Soma X-90s.

  3. I went from riding almost exclusively a custom 164 4WD (23" wide, less nose and less tail then stock) to a 169W FLC. It was awesome.

    I ride pretty low angles with a wide stance on the 4WD. 47 / 35. If I narrow my stance or raise my angles the board becomes too turny for me.

    Moving to the FLC was an easy transition. The board is amazing. Super easy to ride and very confident at high speed. It can still be carved at lower speeds though.

    I ended up selling my 169W and bought a 173W this year. I thought I could do with a touch more length and a touch less sidecut.

  4. Also, polling the crowd on what Prior FLC artwork is most popular. I seriously like the racey look of the Green. Check out the topsheets below...


    I have a 2011 173W FLC in the white/clear. It's actually white/black (no longer has the transparent logo). It's a mat finish (website says glossy). The mat finish looks awesome and is definitely more durable then the glossy finish I had on my 2010 FLC which was also white/clear.

  5. I also set my 6 year old son up with duck foot. We'll see how he progresses and where he goes with his riding and adjust from there. It only takes 5 minutes with a screw driver to try something else out. :)

    Back on topic:

    That sucks BlueB. I am also a CASI 2 and taught my last 10 years on hard boots only. I never got any resistance from either place that I worked at. I rode angles similar to yours and left the boots in walk mode. I had plenty of range of motion and rode a freeride board as well.

    The only time I ever felt out of place was at the CASI pre-examiner courses. More than once I got negative comments from some of the course conductors.

  6. What size are the Palmers?

    I may be trying a pair of 171 Kesslers if the bad weather holds off till later afternoon.

    Enable your contact info .... I would like to compare feedback , I am interested in the 163 for my wife.

    I ended up working with my daughter most of the time and she is a total beginner. Never really got a chance to let them loose like I hoped I would have.

    I'm going out on Monday without the kids. I have a brand new Prior FLC to try out as well so I'm not sure if I'll make it onto the skis or not.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "Enable your contact info".

  7. I guess one could try both options first, on a set of holes that are not likelly to be used...

    That's exactly what I did. I tried putting one of the screws in without drilling before I even posted. It was very difficult to get in. Tried another predrilling with the correct size pilot and it went in like butter. I pre-drilled all the holes I used for mounting (although only half of them are smaller and actually need drilling).

    Thanks for you replies,


  8. I am just now mounting the bindings so I can use these skis tomorrow. It's been a long time since I've mounted bindings and I'm not sure I've ever mounted into riser plates before.

    Do I need to drill pilot holes first? I'm pretty sure I need to as the holes look too small for the screws that came with the bindings (Freeflex 11s). I know the inserts are just plastic but if I remember correctly they screws are not going to go in right unless I drill them out first.

  9. I bought a Burton Chopper for my 6 year old after last season. It's going to be an x-mas present for him. He tried snowboarding once last year and did allot better then I thought he would.

    The concave shape is very subtle. I don't think it has enough shape to balance on area between the base and the edge.

    Also, the board has close to 0 camber. I'm guessing that's to help them pivot easier.

    I can take some pics of the edge and camber if you like.

  10. Height/discipline = board length

    Weight/riding style = board flex

    Boot size/binding angles = board width

    I agree with this somewhat. But unfortunately that's not the way they make boards (unless your getting a custom). Most manufactures specify the length of the board by the weight of the rider.

  11. I have used cheap linksys wrt54g routers off of cl and dd-wrt using wds to extend a cloud. It works. Careful of the revision of wrt546 you buy, some don't support dd-wrt.

    Mine has been running for 2 years now.

    I used the exact same router and dd-wrt to make a repeater at the cottage. It works awesome. Super easy to setup.

    For the wrt54g it's version 7.0 that is not supported.

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