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Posts posted by RideGuy

  1. 1991 Accord wagon. Wanted something I could toss the boards in the back of. Owned that beauty till it was 16 years old. Drove it out West, out East, South, it's been everywhere. Hauled band equipment. Slept in the back of it when we went camping. Over 400K and never let me down once. The thing was a tank and I wish I never sold it.

  2. Jack, searched "TD3" and got (Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. ) Really?
    Search terms have to be at least 4 characters. This is a vbulletin thing. I don't see a way to change that, but Fin might, he has more priviledges.

    A way to get around the 3 character limit is to add an asterisk (*) to the search. "TD3*" The asterisk works like a wild card.

  3. Took the second half of the kids March break off and stayed at Blue Mountain. Sunny every day with temps hitting almost 70. Rode in T-shirts for the last 5 days. The snow was surprisingly firm, and not just soft mush.

    Blue is saying the last day is April 9th, but I'm not sure they can make it that far if the weather stays like this. Either way I'm done. A great end to the season.

  4. I always use my ski key. Always.

    Years ago when I was teaching I had my board leaned up against the ski school meeting place sign and ran inside for a minute. Some kids tried to steal it. The first kid picked it up and through it in the woods. The second kid took it out of the woods and was trying to walk away with it. It was an Oxygen SX with plates so it was pretty unique. One of the other instructors recognized my board and stopped the kid 20 feet from the property line. Too bad. If he had waited another 10 seconds we could have actually nailed the kid and his friend for theft.

  5. This is me at the local bump my kids take lessons at. I had the gopro on my head to film my son snowboarding (will post that video later). I decided to point the camera down and film myself. Kind of a weird view, but you get the idea.

    The board is a custom Donek Incline. It's basically the same as the stock Incline 164 but it's 22.5cm wide, and it's had the tail and nose shaved down. It was made for someone else that is the same weight as me. It was a great find.

    This board is now my go to board for any conditions that are not ideal for my Prior FLC. It can slide around super easy but still carves really well. It's great in the slop, and great on the hardpack. It's the perfect board for sliding around with the kids or ripping up a small or crowded hill. It even does alright in the pipe (future video). :)

  6. Glad to hear you are not seriously injure.

    I guess there is no more common courtesy left in the world. No one want to get hit or hit someone.

    A fellow carver got hit and those throw in comments like you should look more up hill is way out of line IMHO.

    It's in the same category as drive by a car accident scene and offer the advice "you should slow down!". Very classy.

    From a novice point view; there are so many things to think about while carving:

    Is my weight in the right spot?

    Am I rotating enough?


    Please cut us some slack about looking up hill for every single turn.



    WASMAN is not a novice snowboarder. He's carving wide turns and coming across the hill with more speed then the average skier or snowboarder. People coming down the hill are not ready for this even if that has been WASMAN's path for the entire run up until that point.

    People are just trying to look out for the safety of their fellow carvers. The truth is the more you look up the hill the safer you will be. I don't look up every turn, but I do take a peak every 2nd or 3rd toe turn, the start of a new transition, trail merges, etc. I've had a few near misses, and they would have been REALLY bad if we had actually made contact.

  7. I think it's personal preference, but Jacks article is a great place to start. I was flat, then went slightly wider with 3 degrees pure toe and 3 degrees pure heel. It was definitely an improvement.

    I've been playing around allot with cants this season and come to the conclusion that a flat front foot 6 degree pure heel is right for me. Feels good on the carpet and the hill.

  8. This thread is lame.

    Your gonna get hit no matter what. Just deal with it. I'm sorry but you guys sound like a bunch of Sally's. Who cares if you got hit. Just deal with it. There's no cure for it. Roll with the punches.

    Looking up hill Is only only gonna get you so far. Man up

    Blinders on and just keep going. YAHOO!

  9. Actually this is my worst nightmare, not for me running into a child but someone running into my 10 year old daughter who I just taught her to carve HB this year. She's all of 72 lbs and would definately get the worse end of any collision like this. I'm constantly harping on checking the trail, wait until it is clear, but anyone with kids, or who was a kid once, knows just how well they listen to advice from their parents.



    My 6 year old daughter got taken out on Saturday. These idiots were jumping from one trail to another just before they merged. Completely blind into our trail. He landed just beside my daughter fell and slid into her. Total yard sale. She was ok, just more scared than anything.

    These guys were not punk kids, they were grown men. I was actually pretty calm, and explained to them how dangerous their actions were, the need for a spotter (if they must jump in such a dumb spot) and where the park was.

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