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Everything posted by BulletProof

  1. I'm seeding for a long while episodes 1 & 2 Once downloaded I'll try to upload episode 3 to mininova
  2. Je suis allé 3 fois a Tremblant la saison passé, c'est a 45 min de chez ma mère, c'est grands mais... LES MAUDITS TOURISTES!!!! Pas capable de descendre sans la peur de ce faire rentrer dedans ou d'avoir a éviter des imbéciles... Ils ont plus la T66 ont dirait. Je regarde Mont-Blanc+Habitant, peut-être...
  3. Aye, chuis tu chanceux!!! la famille m'offre une passe de saison pour Noël! mais ils veulent l'acheter ASAP... Alors, j'habite Laval, travaille St-Eustache, passe plusieurs weekends chez ma mère est a St-Donat. Je me demandais Mont-Habitant, Saint-Sauveur/Avila, Mont Blanc? Un bon endroit ou il y a du monde en planche Alpine... Lucky me! Family is offering me a Ski pass for X-mas, I've got to pick the place ASAP I live in Laval, work in St-Eustache and I regularly spend the weekends in St-Donat @ my mom's. I was wondering Mont-Habitant, Saint-Sauveur/Avila, Mont Blanc? A good hill with lots of Alpine boarders?
  4. Evil plan #58 Place Goofy Boarders on my Regular PJ and watch them go
  5. Hey Guys, Dylan is holding a fundraiser for his racing on Saturday May 2 at the Plaza Theatre in Kensington from 4:30-6:30. He's going to be showing two films. The first won best short at the Banff Mountain Film Festival and it is about the high risk, high reward world of Sonnie Trotter's rock climbing. The feature of the evening is THE CLIMB, it is about the first ever canadian assent of mount everest in 1982. Both are going to be awesome films and super fun to watch. "I am really desperate for tickets, so if you can come i would absolutley love that, and if you know any friends of yours who would be into this event please forward them onto me for tickets. You or they can email me at raceonsnow@gmail.com or call me at 403-969-7433. thanks so much man, i really hope to see you and your friends at the show." Dylan. Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009 Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Plaza Theatre Street: 1133 Kensington Rd NW City/Town: Calgary, AB
  6. That would actually be the 'left' foot, since your a regular :p too cute, you're a lucky guy
  7. et puis? Bonne journee? Je me suis eclate Samedi a Tremblant, and I thought it was all over for the season...
  8. Snow conditions? I've seen it a couple times this spring, with shade or a slight change in slope orientation, you can get some weird ball bearing chunks in the cooler areas, not as big a your usual golf balls but enough to lose your edge if you're not aggressive enough. Weird riding a forgiving Hammer Private into that crud yesterday. btw, I wasn't informed of what kind a board the 'private' is, I was definitely surprised!
  9. Wow! J'aurai du ammener ma planche de carve... Billet de journee 40$ dans le parking nord (un gars qui avait demoli sont genou pis qui avait des tickets en bulk). Belle base dure a manger les carres le matin, plus tard il fallait vraiment etre aggressif pour couper a travers la neige humide pour rejoindre la base. Le cote Nord etait preferable, mais au sud l'apres midi ca s'est ramoli assez pour y aller.
  10. Je me fais payer une remontée a Tremblant par un amis de la famille. Quelqu'un aurait-il une vieille planche a me prêter / donner / cheap? genre All-Mountain / Back-Country / Free-Ride rigide... mes Raichle sont assez molles et j'ais une vieille paire de Snow Pro Inter-Changer comme fix. Merci d'avance ;) Luc,
  11. Don't care what state it's in, someone is dragging me to Tremblant, base will get trashed and I need something with flex and versatile for crap and maybe some backcountry. My Raichle are soft enough and I've got a pair of SnowPro interchangers... [edit] oh ya, I need it for this weekend at Tremblant, so I gotta look local [/edit]
  12. More sewing work. Unstitch at least 1/2 way the G-tex liner and insulation from the edge of the glove and pull it out. Put in a couple stitches to match the sides. Put a piece of tape or other over the seem to temporary seal it on the outside of the glove. Flip the glove inside out. Cut a piece of fabric that will overlap both side by a half-inch. Apply shoe glue or other flexible adhesive to the patch and stick it on. The tape on the outside is there to prevent the glue from leeking too much. Let cure, flip and re-sow liner. The material on those gloves won't hold with simple stitching...
  13. Just drropped by a local shop getting rid of old gear. Has anyone ever tried or heard of the 'Signature' board by Option? wood core, carbon layer, sintered base, light. Lg:157cm Waist:248mm SC:7.8m Option calls it an agressive all mountain board.
  14. K, this girl I'm kinda sweet on rides an Prior AM or Split board. I've been running race/freecarve for ever. My Raichles are pretty soft, and I've got a spare pair of bindings (Snow Pro Inter-changers), what kind of used board would you guys suggest? pretty much for bumpy runs, powder days, and very possibly some eastern backcountry (closed hill, power lines, Adirondack slides etc.) ;)
  15. Now, if we could only see the races on tv. We have hundreds of sport channels in NA, why can't someone cover it? A bit of publicity would be nice for the sport. Anyone know what happened on Jade Depont's (19th place) run? Any ppl posting videos on YouTube? Thanks, wish I was there...
  16. Thanks again Derf for the pics, now, if anyone as other pics to share? Had a great time, lets make it earlier in the season next time :D
  17. Love to hear this on the radio: Enforcing helmets for kids is a good idea, but, for people like me with 25 years experience, it can be dangerous to wear a helmet. We can't impede on peripheral vision, I keep getting hit in the back by snowboarders, so I think helmets should not be mandatory for adults. Lets see: -Good helmets give you the same peripheral vision your goggles give you, then again, he may be wearing sunglases... -If he's getting hit in the back, which I doubt, he still won't see someone coming at him. I hope he meets mr. tree trunk one day, showing off in the glades.
  18. d'apres moi: -Flexible (quand t'est obligé de faire du 'allmountain' avec) -Qui coupe a travers les granules pour trouver qq chose en dessous (planche mince)
  19. SWEET board, I'm @ 170, but it's 'the' board which forced me to upgrade after trying it at a demo day. I was riding a Burton PJ (very stiff) I'm riding a Hot Shine 168 board now (stiffer than the RT), so the length should be ok. Very responsive, very quick edge to edge, great to avoid skiers.
  20. I've got a pair of old rat traps on my asy PJ, I'll check what size the thread is. You can probably find online short 'oval point' set screws or low head hex socket cap screws to replace them. I know the hardware distributor Spaenaur sells nylon set screws you could cut shorter.
  21. J'étais à Tremblant, dur, ca fait peur quand t'arrive a partir un carve pis tu le perds et l'arriere de la planche depasse l'avant... sauf le haut bossé, c'étais meme beau versant soleil, assez mou pour carver ;-)
  22. bon, la planche peut facilement décapiter des skieurs (très très coupant, au besoin). m'énarve que j'ais pas réussis a carver correct encore sur cette planche... ze va dont essayer de ne pas me tuer en mettant plus de pression durant les tournants (relever/pousser la planche) et en envoyant mes genous vers la pente en essayant de garder mes épaules alignées a celle ci... on verra bien. j'ais aussi relevé mes orteils avant 3° et talon arrière 6° (60°-54°).
  23. -Prends une photo ou/et ecrit tes reglages -Enlève tes fix, démonte et netoie, un peu de spray pour protéger contre la rouille les morceaux en acier. -Masking tape sur ta base où ton guide frote quand t'aiguise pis aiguise. -Nouvelle technique: au lieu d'enlever la cire, tu cire avec du cheap et gratte a chaud pour purger ta base sans la sècher. Laisse une bonne couche pis assure toi d'en avoir sur tes carres a l'extérieur aussi. Sac sec pis au plaquard droite accoté.
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