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Shred Gruumer

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Everything posted by Shred Gruumer

  1. hello..Buehler......anyone..Buehler? anyone... if they are available why hasn't anyone seen one for real.. seriously folks... What the WTF said Geoff.... You know who you are.. You can't keep me away forever!!!
  2. Well, its still in the proto stage so lets remember that.. But lets assume they let it go as is.. The thing had like 3 inches of Camber!! Camber is nice and makes it springy and I know some of you guys like that...but thats not the only way to do it.. In that area I give it about a 6 out of 10 too much camber and just think of the distance from camber to decamber that board is going to have to go through, the material inside has to go some where.. I went jesh..thats a lot of camber I wonder how many cycles it will withstand. The camber is more than I have ever seen.. maybe I just haven't seen enough... But the Camber worked.. so if you like a diving board then its right on.. Board wasn't as damp I thought it would be from what other people told me.. Its damper..but still has that good Madd Pop...! Its finnally thicker so inserts won't poke out the bottom!! and didn't feel like it was broke in the middle of the board.. Very Strong board.. Some flaws I see if its kept this way.. ?? well dunno.. The Madd people should know by now if from what I rode is #34 or something.. The titanal or aluminum plate thats inserted along the bottom edge, if there is more you just can't see it anywhere else, The metal runs along the bottom edge and stops about 10 inches from the nose and tail...right in the flex spot.. I saw some sidewall cracking starting to show right where the metal stops, but that may just be what happens and could just be cometic issue that needs to be addressed, again... Im just reporting what I saw and felt after riding it. Its cool as Kaschit! ,, and In my mind if it holds up.. is a vast improvement from anything they have made to date after thier comeback.. Remember I only rode the 158.. I can't tell you the specs cause no one gave them to me...I just rode it.. I took it down the slalom face on Spruce the first day and it did very very well.. Still quick but felt better,, stonger and more refined in years past.. felt like there was some meat to the board finnaly.. For me if they released it as is.. I would buy one.. it an improvement and feels just better and was surprise I didn't notice the four wheel drive camber.. its about a 8 or 8.5 as is.. maybe a 9.. but I didn't get to spend all day on it.. wish I did.. Its still bad ass and different.. and for me.. that means I gotta have it... Your in Almost in two different worlds when your talking and comparing a full metal Coiler to a Madd Glass Metal. There both very different, so for me I would buy em both... and probabley will when they come out in 2011.. but don't ask me to compare it back to back with a Coiler... your hearing what the reviews are about the Schtubby X2 and Jacks Safari... The Schtubbys Just ride so ..oh oh ohoohoh oh oh oh oh..... spoooogggg.. The New Madd as tested,Its a keeper as is.. but I bet when its released.. you'll probabley want one.. best new production Madd yet in my view.. But thats me..go demo one...uhh hmmm maybe there is only one..dunno.. Makes some calls to Hardbooter..? That review probabley helped no one I bet...Sorry!!:( Im asking that question too... when can I buy one??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What the WTF can I get one said Shred
  3. It is a super fun board to ride... and was more at home the more icy or chaulky it was... I just wanted something really different so know one would even think to buy one.. Mission Accomplished... until someone rides a Schtubby X3.. 159 length 145 running length 23.5cm waist 11.5 sidecut And some slight taper and also some nose and tail decamber.. Wicked Retaaded Said Shred:smashfrea
  4. Geoff What did we figure the Cost of the Jacket would be? I Think they run about $850 dollars..just call Bruce and tell him Shred Sent ya... as in Highlander ....There can be only one!!! Seriously I haven't got the Bill yet for this one...and it will be big since the thread count is so high and there are three sizes of digitizing going on... once I get that.. I could see if its feasible to have a jacket of yours done... I created the graphics and paid for the Digitizing.... I might post to see who wants hats and shirts and might do another run if I get enough interst.. but mailing is such a hassle..it was an ECES thing...!! Trust me... Im not getting any deals.. It doesn't work with BV...that Bastard!! So this was all out of my pocket... I'll sell ya the jacket for a fair price of $850 ... Doh!!! Give me the Doh Said Shred:ices_ange
  5. Well Im not sure I have permission for the wake what was left behind on Saturday morning.... Lets say.. two members of our party needed severe help that morning and afternoon...!! Ive haven't seen that since my Days at The Ohio State University!! :barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea
  6. Some quick thinking on Pauls part... he reached for the Yellow pages... And ordered a Pizza.. Nice one Paul!! I was hungry too for a rare Hamburger!!
  7. one ugly battle!!! it took its toll.. but it was a fair match between two warriors.. and in the end both were allies!! Beat Down said Shred.. Went the full 37 seconds... whew...!!! Jack..went down.. one brave soul !!
  8. In the wake of the most intense battle.. there was only one man standing.. Like I said.. Two men enter, one man leave!!
  9. Things got interesting as it came down to only Two Standing.. Almost a Thunder Dome Thing Going on!! In one corner we had Geoff V..the "Madd Destroyer" and in the other corner is ..Jack "Somebody Call a Doctor" Michaud Meet the Hand of Death!!
  10. Well When Kids Play at the ECES... Somebody is going to get Hurt!!
  11. Will it ride... Of course it will.... Its a Schtubbery!!! Rides fricken awesome.. yep its fun.. Bordy won't like it... Lunch Time said Shred!
  12. The Graphics.. first you don't seem em then you do... pretty cool irridecent thing going on... Hmmmm but will it ride..... oh the nose oh.. its too low..it won't work... Maybe.... Shred:freak3:
  13. Ahhh There is a God...!! and just in time for the ECES The Schtubby 159 X3.. Aka The Lunch Tray, Aka the Propellerator! Coiler Said Shred
  14. Don't Tell jack... but its a second!! What a Bloody messsss that board is... But it sure made Jack a happy camper.. and seemed to work fine!!! Shred Said Shred.....
  15. It was some pretty tight competition at the Matterhorn ... but nailing down the dip.. It was Jack M. Beating out Geoff V.. Judges decisions was unanimous!!! Wicked Hip Sway Jack.. Tango Said Shred:cool:
  16. k-Hana... Kasbakistan Steak house They use an age old cooking tradition .. Napalm.. And then The Bill... Thanks again Bob J!!!! much appreciated!!!!!:)
  17. PaulK's wardrobe is alway like this... So no points there... He doesn't know what year it is!! Disco Said Shred
  18. Man the restaurants are great up here... Can't complain about that.. Monday we had Chef Mark B.. prepare us a nice home meal... Salmon Said Shred...:)
  19. let me know. I got some intrest. See some photos. Thanks said Shred
  20. But may not fit. Will let u guys know how things go. Trying to get back to Cleveland today after the Friday night Eces carnage! Ooo. Yea!
  21. Bruce V showed up with some Coilers... Metal metal metal! They stomp on anything..but don't take my word... ask around the people who demo them.. They are ridiculously stable and just so easy to ride... Nuff said.. Get me a Schtubbery...
  22. I Didn't get a lot but here some shots.. Thursday and Friday was awesome!!! Enjoy said Shred
  23. Wooo Hoooo.. I got Wireless now!! Staying overnight to catch my flight back to Cleveland Tomorrow ... Maybe!!! They have it shut down from what I hear.. You just don't know the pain of not being able to have the internet... Its like taking my beer away!! Ohhhhh the ECES escapades!!! Man where do I even Start!!:rolleyes: What the WTF said Shred!
  24. ???? Nbd??9?)!?????? Lox g n. Db. V. C Huh? said Shred:confused:
  25. I'm going through posting withdraws! No access and my iPhone is my only companion! Well there is PaulK. But this :eek:is a no spoon zone!.
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