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Everything posted by dano

  1. Nice score! In plastic even! Just be careful of the sidewalls ( it looks to be a cap? ) I had an 02 Freon 167 and the rhe cap exploded between the bindings soon after a a small ding appeared.
  2. My left eye was severely nearsighted ( since childhood ) and also has a muscle problem that gives me double vision unless I tilt my head to compensate. Over time I developed the ability to take my bad left eye "offline" and only use my right eye. You have to move your head a lot to look left but it works. I ride goofy, so it's super comfy for me to snowboard just using my right eye...but I have to plan ahead and be aware that I have such a blind spot on my left. I can ride fakey but not well and it hurts my neck after a while. Everyone has issues and you just have to deal with yours. The loss in depth perception can be dealt with over time with some luck. I also had 2 detached retinas in the left eye and one in the right over the last few years...I had cataract surgery just last week in my left eye ( thanks to the retina surgeries ) and now the vision is very good. 20/30! as good as my right eye with aa contact, but my brain still shuts it off most of the time without me realizing ... Just have to keep on evolving and think positive. :) So much for aging gracefully!
  3. Was that guy sliding on his ass with ski poles getting down the hill like that on purpose? That clip let me to this one...check out the boarder trying to use the T-bar starting at 5:00,,,,tooo funny. ( sorry about the bare butt ) <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-Icn6HJV_YA?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. http://providence.craigslist.org/spo/3660898712.html
  5. You must not have seen these in person before. This is the only one I ever saw, and it came with the last model of burton race plates sold. ( the ones with orange plate covers ) They should call them "vari-shims". By moving the small top piece side to side you can either be flat with some lift in the middle, or vary the cant inward or outward 1 to 4 degrees. They fit under the metal heel and toe blocks. So you'd need 2 of these suckers for each binding, and both the heel and toe block have to be shimmed the same for the boot to engage correctly. But you can't use the stock heel and toe block screws anymore. You need one a bit longer and one a bit shorter than the stock screws to account for the "slope". here's some better pics of the sucker. ( they are not installed on my race plates in the pic ) I was holding on to these hoping I would find another set or sets, but I ride flat anyway....
  6. Yeah, he really needs to get that setup dialed in and get that upper body settled down...
  7. I have a 1/2 set of these. ( 2 pieces) They came with a set of race plates...the previous owner used them as a flat heel lift, and lost the other. Were they sold in sets of 4 for both bindings? They seem like such a good idea, I'm surprised they never caught on. Someone should make a cast and produce alloy ones.
  8. Not mine. Looks like a regular asym... Stop your whining, Dustin! ;) http://worcester.craigslist.org/spo/3671359152.html
  9. WOW! Time flies... I'd be willing to "store" the safari for you free of charge...;) Actually how did the metal board "age" overall? I know wood cores can get beat, but does the metal's charactaristics change over time? ( Or did you just get the rare "spousal board purchase approval" and had to jump on it.)
  10. dano


    Nice vid. Tear it up!
  11. Maybe it was just the slowmo, but that sure wasn't very entertaining.
  12. Those Fritchis are missing the adjustable cant base that goes against the board. It worked similar to a burton vario cant. Wothout it the saw teeth hit the topsheet...
  13. Wicked pissah condition. http://www.ebay.com/itm/190791418220?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  14. The winning bidder was from South Korea.... "ship to lower 48 only"
  15. I got stuck watching some of it last saturday afternoon with guests. (ZZZZZZZZZZZZ They lost me when they got rid of BX) The snowmobile races were on but I missed this....yikes http://denver.cbslocal.com/2013/01/29/snowmobile-crashes-raise-questions-about-x-games-safety/ How the heck did the thumb throttle get stuck...So lucky no bystanders were killed/maimed.
  16. Anyone want a lightly used set of Physics heels? $40 shipped to lower 48. Excellent condition, very little heel wear. Fit intec heel compatable boots. Speed hooks for intec compatable Burton boots only. These are getting rare.
  17. I just picked these up, but my 28.5 boots barely fit in them adjusted out all the way and I'm told that's not good. :( My other F2's must be sized Large as my boots fit in fine in the middle adjustment range. These would be great for carvers with smaller feet. In great barely used condition and very beefy. Cool color too.
  18. So when are they going to get rid of the stupid jibber parks and give us more groom???
  19. You should keep the standard toe bails with the bindings in case they or a future owner switches to non-burton boots. I'm only interested in the heels and the little black plastic spacer things that you take out to install the speed hooks to the boot. Would you take $20 shipped? ( to 01916 )
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