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Everything posted by crackaddict

  1. One of a kind Coiler Contra in perfect condition. 194 length, 21 waist, 19m sidecut. Slower and more comfortable ride than one might expect from such a big board. T4 194 C 020 JC 5.8+9 Can ship from Montucky next week. $600 plus shipping.
  2. Near new, barely broken in. Comes with upgraded Head liners for extra stiffness and comfort (also near new, never molded) or original liners which have never been used. Can ship from Montucky next week. $300 shipped to CONUS.
  3. Left to right: Elan Explore 95 (great little board in perfect condition) Burton Chopper 109 (rough shape with screws holding the tip and tail together, but fine for a kid) Burton Chopper 126 Burton Chopper 126 Class Five 149 Solomon Gypsy 152 Most of the bindings are for sale, I just need to keep one more set for my daughter. Let me know the boot size and I'll pick the right binding for you.
  4. No carving boards, just cheap Burtons and such under 126cm. I have three at 126cm actually. Want one?
  5. JJA Softboot Riser. They ride great on Contras, I use JJA's urethane risers on stiffer boards.
  6. Nope. T4 194 C 020 JC 5.8+9 Perfect condition, just a bit of dirt on the topsheet. Storage wax of course. 210 waist for soft snow, medium stiff. Was fun but not quite what I was looking for in a big board. Got it in the spring 2020, had my first JJA by that fall and never looked back! The story goes... This is the board Bruce was building when Jasey-Jay came by the shop one day. They started talking about me and Bruce told him I had been asking him for a 290 waist for years. Jasey said he could make one, Bruce put us in touch and that's how I got on Jasey-Jay Anderson's very select client list.
  7. I'm also about 155lbs this winter, though my new cook is fattening me up fast! Usually Bruce's stiffness numbers don't cross over to different models or lengths. As I understand it (and no one really understands it except Bruce) when he makes the first board with a new design or length he records the stiffness and uses that as a baseline for future boards. So your 6.6 might be wildly different than mine or exactly the same, only Bruce knows for sure.
  8. Because I have three others and a fifth on order. There are only so many boards I can ride! Plus, it's worth a lot because these boards are unobtainable; Jasey-Jay only builds soft boot carvers for a very select clientele...
  9. Coiler Contra 169 295mm waist, 12m average sidecut... Same shape as last season's board but stiffer. Got this first one in March and told Bruce I thought it was too soft for the speeds I like. He said the Contra design doesn't work in a stiffer board but I wasn't convinced. So he made one in the same shape for my local buddy who fell in love with mine (and was heartbroken when I told him Bruce wasn't taking new clients). Rode that board in December, thought it was a huge improvement and asked for another even stiffer so our local crew can pass around three boards with identical shapes but with variations in stiffness so we can find the sweet spot. My first one was 6.05 stiffness, Carlos' board is a 6.4 and my new one is 6.6. It might be a few days before I form an opinion on the ideal stiffness, it's snowing again and sadly all the corduroy got buried...
  10. I have some extra gear that I can't sell in Revelstoke because the market is saturated here. Any MCC participants interested? I can bring all it down with me. Can also ship from Montana to interested American riders. Burton Driver X size 10: Near new, barely broken in, upgraded liners also near new $300 Now O-Drive size medium: Brand new, still in original packaging, never mounted $450 Coiler Contra 194cm: Ridden four or five times, in perfect condition $600 Many assorted kids boards with bindings, up to 126cm $50-100 Huge box of old mittens with holes and tears: Priceless JJA TCX 166: 16.5m scr, 30cm waist, very stiff, in excellent condition $900 Got gear for sale? Post it here!
  11. @TWMSorry, Jasey-Jay guards his secrets pretty tight. What I will say is that my new board is built with some kind of new (unknown to me) material which is extremely stiff at first but breaks in fast. It gets better with every turn! After four days it's almost soft enough to relax a bit, the first few days were brutal on my legs and dangerously fast...
  12. The Dredman doesn't skid...
  13. @dredman Can I also have some things shipped to your mom's house please? I need a new onsie! DM me the address?
  14. Don't worry, they always turn up in the spring...
  15. Yeah... Why did we do that? Oh I remember, it was to impress a girl! This girl:
  16. 12/27 is my preferred softboot carving stance. At 9 degrees in the back foot I start to chatter a bit on heelside. I plan to try duck carving again soon, on @StrangeFuture808's urging. Sometimes I steepen it up when I'm booting out on narrower or stiffer boards, up to 21/36. 12/27 is still somewhat comfortable for all mountain riding and steep enough for high performance carving (for my body and my style).
  17. @nextcarve I'm somewhat inclined to apologize for the tone of that "Eurocarving" post but at the same time I don't want to be reinforcing Canadian stereotypes so I'll just say that it doesn't read quite as funny and friendly as it first seemed, and that I do sometimes get carried away with the trolling when someone throws down a gauntlet in front of me... In truth your videos are much better than the stuff I used to look at ten years ago and I admire the skill portrayed. I admit, I can't do EC style turns very well though Jordan (@StrangeFuture808) has been encouraging me to expand my skillset this season. He's also challenged me to try to get my butt to touch the snow before my hand on heelside, an extreme balance challenge. Now, without putting words in anyone's mouth, @StrangeFuture808 has expressed that he finds the EC style cheating a bit because his body weight on the snow helps his board track smoother. If anyone wants to argue this claim, take it up with Jordan, I wouldn't know about that. I also cheat; my softboot setup is not as soft as might seem. See attached video link for details.
  18. Okay okay... I had fixed the channel but I had to go through each video too tonight. No one watches my crap, that channel is just to share video with you boys. Maybe something quality coming soon though...
  19. @west carven290mm on this one. A little narrower in the waist this time, I figure the added sidecut will require less angulation and be comparatively wider underfoot also. 164cm 12/13m sidecut, 1432mm edge.
  20. @nextcarve 'Round these parts we call that "Eurocarving". You've posted a beautiful example of a style of carving characterized by bodies lying on the snow and video clips that rarely show more than two or three turns in a row. The body position is over rotated from our perspective and there's a tendency towards down unweighting through transitions and extension through the apex of the turn. Some snow also has been knows to accumulate on the neck while Eurocarving. Rather than striving to get lower on the snow, we here in Revelstoke like to try to conserve our momentum by making our tracks as thin as possible. We strive to minimize also our contact with the snow, keeping the maximum force on the edge and balancing there. The latest trend here is the eschew the racer's hop between turns in favour of a smooth and effortless-looking transition. You say that you're holding your edge but actually you're chattering right through every turn, look at your board flop around in slow motion... Eurocarvers control their sped by dragging their bodies and displacing more snow with their boards. We control our speed by turning up hill. Our beards and goggles stay drier, we bask in that smooth rollercoaster ride of a 180 hairpin and find fulfillment in the experience of angular acceleration. Pretty sure my track is thinner than yours, and I'm probably going faster than you too on a narrower, steeper run in soft boots but thank you for showing me how it's done out there. Great video for real, looks cool. In fairness I did ask for notes so thanks also to @Rob Stevens for reminding me that I'm on my last pair of mittens, and to @dredmanfor pushing me to make a transition on a 30 waist that looks as good as his do on a 19.
  21. Brand new JJA TCX Launcher 164... A little shorter with more sidecut than my others to save my legs and avoid collisions. Scrape today ride tomorrow! Chicken butt in the foreground, Revelstoke Mountain Resort just behind.
  22. This is what I'm talking about! Let's see y'alls "Half a Run"! Impressive @dhamann, I mean, for a stock board...
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