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Everything posted by modifiede30

  1. Looks like the voting results are a pretty good match against general statistics on the country. I'm 5'8" but I'm starting to loose some of that height as I age - guess that'll happen to everyone though.
  2. I think I'm going to have to wait until Saturday - too much work to get out of here in time to make it worthwhile coming from Boston. Going to Sunapee on Sunday to finish off the season I guess.
  3. Ed, how were the conditions last night?
  4. Its pretty obvious that this thread has taken on a life of its own, but I'm frustrated to see people suggesting that since the product is meant for racing, it should be replaced if its broken during a race. This makes no sense. People purchase race equipment based entirely on those product's ability to get them closer to #1, period. If it fails regularly, than it obviously isn't going to get them there. But even in this case, no manufacturer dealing with race parts is going to replace something if it fails during a race. Hell, most of us in the auto parts business make this know up front and would laugh if such a request was made. To answer the questions, I would suggest that you buy a board that wins you races. Are you SOL - can't answer that one since I don't think the board breaking was all that bad considering the alternatives.
  5. I went from skidder to carver extraordinaire in this thread alone:lol: . If you decide to go, I'll probably see you there. Maybe they'll have the waterskiing event - I'll probably try one if there are any good prizes. I decided to pass again tonight though - just seems a bit warm and I've been feeling ill. I might try to make it up tomorrow or Friday, and if I don't go north this weekend, I'll probably go both Sat and Sun morning to say farewell to wawa for the season. I saw a fishing boat going north yesterday - such a sad sight:( .
  6. Sorry but I think you're S.O.L. - and I think to suggest that your board should be replaced is a bit unreasonable. You used a plank of something (probably wood) with metal edges and plastic layering to carve down a hill at high speeds using increasing G forces at every turn. This seems like me asking Toyo to give me new tires because the ones on my race car wore out faster than the ones on my daily driver. I know some people ride their boards hard recreationally, but racing introduces many other variables that I think prevents a company from honoring any warranty - regardless of the product type. In fact, most companies indicate this up front, and I think any snowboard company would be well within their business rights (and minds) to do the same. Just my $.02.
  7. I found a product called K9 Web Protector, and its free. Seems to work pretty well, and when a blocked site is found, it'll bark so that you can hear it. I'm somewhat over it, and at the same time a bit frustrated that we didn't do something sooner. I guess our failure was thinking that a kid that can't spell could find that junk. Now that I know all you need is a friends (or your own) name, it changes things dramatically. I'm going to buy my kids names if I can - I feel a bit sorry for my daughter's friend who has to think about what her name is associated with on the web after this experience.
  8. This actually turned into a pretty interesting thread - lots of good opinions/input. I've been boarding for about 8 years in hardboots, one day in softies (the day I learned to snowboard), and about 15 on skis. I started the thread because I noticed so many serious injuries being posted that seemed carving specific - shoulders, knees, ankles and pelvis. I only really started carving this year and had 2 injuries, but one was probably just re-injuring a shoulder that was originally banged up several years ago. Skateboarding - countless ankle injuries (sprains/fractures/breaks) Snowboarding/Carving - Badly bruised back/spine & partial shoulder dislocation Swingset - shattered jaw (this was back when they used wood plank) Skiing - nothing It does seem that as you progress and pick up speed, g's in the turns, and advance to steeps, your likelihood of having a more serious impact increase, but that's true of any type of snowsport I would think. It seems to me that the hardboots would have benefits and drawbacks though - ankles would seem more protected, shins/knees maybe more suseptible to tears/breaks. Otherwise, I don't see where the equipment would have much impact when comparing soft boots to hard - skiing would be completely different since they release in many cases. The fact that you're legs can go in different directions and the knee twists are what have always concerned me.
  9. Just curious if there is a higher incidence of injuries among carvers than regular boarders or skiiers, or if its just the severity of the injury - or neither. Seems like the posts I see of injuries here are often pretty serious breaks, but maybe its just such a small cohort. Just curious if anyone sees this as more or less risky than other snow sports. Its obviously worth the pain or we'd not all be here or on the slopes, but since finding this site I've seen some pretty bad breaks.
  10. Anyone going tonight or any other night this week? Tonight's conditions look like they'll be a mess based on the rain and temps. Did anyone go last night? Ed, I'm thinking I might wait and go either Wednesday or Thursday if conditions are going to be messy. At least Wed/Thur night temps are going to be freezing.
  11. It's closing this coming Sunday so don't wait too long. I'll likely make it out this weekend one day, and then we're heading north to Sunapee for a day trip so I figure I have 2 days left at wawa before the seasons over. Not sure what will have the best snow up north after this weekend, but I'd still like to extend the season a bit more - maybe do a weekend up at K or the loaf.
  12. Pretty off topic - daughter came home today from a friends and asked why her website didn't work, but her friends worked. My daughter is 6 and usually plays Noggin and other types of internet games - you know the usual Diego, Dora the Explorer, Webkinz, and all sorts of other little girl sites. I was completely shocked when she mentioned a few of the pictures her friend's site had posted - Katelyn is the name but I wouldn't advise checking out the site from your office - turns out its an amateur porn site - how nice! Just image, hey mommy, why does Katelyn's site work but not mine - you should see the big boobies on her site - no joke . It seems like such an obvious thing to type as a url when you're a kid - your name. I've done it as an adult to see if my name shows up anywhere, but usually I do the whole name in a search engine, not my first name only in the url. What a shock to find out my 6 y/o found such a thing. I guess a warning to those who've never had such an experience. I'm off in search of parental control software for my desktop so this doesn't happen at my home, and she's no longer allowed to use her friends internet access - sometimes I hate the f*&*^*%&in internet .
  13. Well wawa is indicating their closing date is the 1st, so I'm going to go as much as possible until then. Also found out that one of the mountains in Maine we were going to next weekend closed early so we've cancelled those plans. Hopefully I'll get one more good weekend day at wawa next weekend and at least one night trip this week. I'm really sorta bummed :( - I finally felt as though I was starting to get used to riding on my edges this season instead of sliding all over the place... [EDIT] - I'll be there Tuesday night it seems - have an offsite appointment at 4 so I'll be able to get there at a reasonable time.
  14. I wouldn't say its all that gay looking...maybe unique. http://www.flyingbrickperformance.com/lizard.jpg http://www.flyingbrickperformance.com/tail.jpg http://www.flyingbrickperformance.com/top_sheet.jpg http://www.flyingbrickperformance.com/artist.jpg
  15. Great conditions in the morning, but it started to get pretty heavy towards noon. Post if you decide to go up sometime during the week. I'll be going at least one more time on a week night but it'll likely be my last trip to wawa since I'll be at Mt Abrams and Sunday River next weekend and I'm not too hopeful that there is going to be much snow left if 2 weeks.
  16. I recently picked up a nice board not really knowing much about and notice that it had a specific graphic artists name printed on the top coat. Anyone recognize the name Gudrun Geiblinger? I researched him on the internet and came across the site of his work. http://www.geiblinger.at/page_1_1.html I'll post pics of the top sheet - pretty interesting 3D image of a Lizard - its a Heavy Tools 163.
  17. Once you get the hang of teles, you might want to give teleboarding a shot - I saw a guy at wawa recently on one and it looked awesome.
  18. That was Ed and me (Daniel). We saw you once but lost you after that - we looked around a bit but didn't see you again. Might not be able to get up on Monday but Tuesday or Wednesday I might make the trip if the conditions hold up.
  19. I'll see you tomorrow then.
  20. Ed, I'll be there either tomorrow or Sunday, but not both - are you going up north this weekend or staying local - recalled you saying you had an event to attend. Anyone else going this weekend? If so, what day?
  21. I'm a big fan of owning my cars, so I tend to drive them all into the ground so that I can drive them for a while when I actually own them and don't have to pay anymore monthly payments. At the same time, I'll never buy a new car - my contribution to recycling efforts I guess . This obviously makes ownership easier to reach time-wise, but it also give me more money to spend on my track car and carving :D .
  22. I too could use a set.
  23. I know that one, I just happened to be a bit more locked into the counsel member than you . Anyway, I've spoken with a few others on this topic and the Donek freecarve is one that is being suggested as well.
  24. Everytime I've been there before 8, I see them letting riders up, so I'm assuming that somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00 they're opening up the lifts. Last weekend before I saw you I was able to get up at least once or twice before 8. I'm watching the weather and it looks like a toss-up, either rain or snow depending on which day. Might need to wait until Friday to make the call - or just go both days.
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