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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. I'll probably good for some boarding next weekend.

    We're having a farewell for my bro and his wife. They leave for Miami for the next four years after this weekend.

    Also, I don't have my downhill board with me... Then again, I'm thinking of selling it anyway and probably replacing it with one of the two slalom GS boards your dad made for me. I'll see if I can slide on them with the right setup.

  2. ^^^

    James Peters (pavedwave.org) father of LDP, helped design/test some of the Virage trucks along with many of the users/posters at pavedwave.

    They were put through the test of LDP, which Radikals suck at - they break down really easily and bearings get stuck/rusted on them.

    There were other features too. In general, LDP and slalom trucks have a lot of general basics in common, although for LDP applications, precision trucks are a bit of overkill.

  3. The GRAPHICS of course. What could be more impotent?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Actually, the REAL reason why I want a D.O.G. over the regular GS stick is that it has a wider tail. I like boards with a "big backyard". (It's also slightly longer than the regular GS.)

    Hence the reason to also buy the Red Barron over the HS.

    I was looking at a D.O.G. also, but decided on the Red Barron for two reasons. I doubt I'll be running much if any GS any time soon, and I found a used Red Barron on the fish.

  4. Shortest wheelbase board I have right now is 20" - hardly worth trying a TS cone spacing of 5.75 feet right now (at least not with my current lack of skill).

    I'm currently on a 5.0 front wedged 7*. and seismic stable turn 130mm (30*) de-wedged 5*.

  5. Because its more challenging than our pathetic HS courses! :p

    I want to grab a skennett, along with drilling a shorter wheel base on the Axe 2.5 - probably 19" ish.

    There's different ways to add more difficulty to the course, like throwing the random offset cones here and there.

    Besides, neither of us cleared the TS course you made last time, including you... :p

    Unfortunately, we don't have any sort of timing setup.

    I don't think the point of slalom is to make a course that's almost impossible to clear and then keep running it "trying" to clear it... I think it's more about clocking times through the course, which we can't really do right now.

  6. Yeah, Julian, listen to these guys ^^^^

    Why do keep trying to set our cones so damn tight?? :lol:

    I don't think I quite have the balls for full on GS yet, or the location, but HS seems to be more my thing so far.

    Time to start searching for some used skennetts or something - I'm on Bennett 5.0s right now. I figure i'll build up to it, i'm not competing or anything. I need to get out to one of these slalom events one of these days. Precision trucks are definitely unnecessary at this point, as cool as they might sound.

  7. Very curious to read others' replies. I can only comment on heelside slides -- I believe that grabbing the board is called "stinkbug"....


    "Stinkbug" is when you grab the board in between your knees. You're supposed to grab outside of the rear leg's knee. Other than that, I can't help with anything else.

  8. Looks like the last part of the vid was too tight... Just like the tight slalom course you set up for us yesterday at 5 and 3/4 spacing... haha

    Yesterday's hybrid course was better than the big bear course IMO.

    I think our slalom courses are pretty weak, compared to what i've seen out there - that's mainly due to the limits of what the riders can clear *cough*me*cough* haha

    Edit: looked into it more

    Tight slalom WBs are 18"-19.5"

    The tightest wheel base on that Axe 2.5 is 20.5"-22.75" (after my re-drill). The board your dad made me went from 20.5" to 24" - that's mostly Hybrid territory right there. 5.5 feet and 5.75 feet spacing isn't gonna work (at least not for me... hehe).

  9. I'm cool with running some slalom on Sunday. There's a pretty mellow place with at least 600+ feet of run out so we don't have to foot brake, slide, or bail at a sprint.

    Your dad could even run the slalom too. It's also pretty decent to learn some LDP for your dad - or at least really get the pumping motion down.

    I can give you your board too, and you can borrow some trucks in the mean time if you don't have anything narrow enough to be slalom worthy.

    Shoot me an email or something. I'll txt you my address if you want to meet up - the skate spots aren't too far from my house (it's definitely closer than Mission Viejo... hehe).


    Rage Against the Machine for some music

  10. I have a Randal 125 if you want to borrow that for the front of the board. And I still have the RTS in 125 too, so you can slap both of those on the board - you might like the Randal 125 better than the Bennett 5.0

    I'll see what base plates I have - I think I might have a 50* somewhere.

  11. Well it might of looked better if you didn't use scrap pieces of grip! :p
    i was trying to conserve the grip tape... haha, that and I didn't want to cover the extra mounting hole options that your dad drilled for me - goes all the way down to 19" WB and everything in between up to 24"

    What bushings would you recommend for a Bennett 6.0 for LDP?

    I set my dad up with an Orange Khiro barrel on bottom and blue bitch on top.

    I'm thinking of putting an hourglass bushing on bottom (the one from the holeys)

    Your dad is a bit heavier than I am, so that combo doesn't sound so bad. My current LDP has a blue venom eliminator on top and a white khiro barrel on the bottom (or an orange venom cone).

    Depending on what bushings you have, your dad could probably do a blue barrel up top and an orange khiro barrel+cone down on the bottom.

    The 6.0 take a little bit more effort to pump, so if you're dad isn't used to pumping yet, you could just do a bunch of oranges top and bottom and make it super turny and loose. It'll be easier to get the rhythm and motion of pumping down - then stiffen it up from there if he wants more stability/less squirreliness.

  12. The finished product. It's awesome for pumping - I can do endless pumping laps in my driveway. Current setup below is using the outer most inserts. WB is 24" from inner hole to inner hole.

    Bennett 5.0 up front and Seismic stable turn 30* with 130mm hanger in the back. I haven't tried running cones just yet, but soon.

    It's not the best looking board with the foam pads and stuff, but it's definitely functional.





  13. Good info on the spacing.

    Hey, Julian, that would explain a lot with why the only board capable of really clearing the tighter course we set up at Mike's was the Axe 2.5.

    We were spacing at around 7-8 feet, and my LDP board has a wheel base of 28" on the inner most inserts.

    Your Axe 2.5 by comparison probably had a 22.5" WB after I re-drilled it.

  14. Turny carvy trucks... I'd say go with Bennetts with some Venom bushings a combination of an eliminator and a barrel (down hill) bushing.

    I noticed that venom has some "new" (to me) SHR bushings, anyone know what the SHR is? New formula of 'thane?

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