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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Thanks.

    It definitely seems like it's going to stick quite well. The board feels great, although I only road it for about 5 minutes, but it's definitely very pumpable. I'll take pictures and let you know how it turns out once everything is all dialed in and the blocks come in too.

    How was Mammoth? I'm sure conditions were pretty awesome, right?

  2. I didn't get to take any pictures, but I did ride the board your dad cut for me - pretty awesome for a short first impression.

    Not putting any grip tape on a laquered board... haha, makes for a good way to slip off of it. Hopefully sk8kings gets those foam blocks in and mails them out soon so I can throw some grip tape on the board already.

  3. ... Argue amongst yourselves if you must, I will simply delete the thread if it devolves to partisan bicker, but I will not engage...

    Fail... You have been engaging. Yes, please, do the longboarding forum a favor and delete the thread.

    Until you came along, this section of BOL was strictly business.

    As for your gentlemanly like conduct BS you're trying to pull off - FAIL also. There's a reason you've been banned (unfortunately only temporarily) and none of us have.

    As for reading your posts, I have - it's a bunch of convoluted semantics full of babel and jargon that makes it sound like a thesaurus threw up in your posts. It isn't winning any points, nor does it make you look better or strengthen any of your arguments.

    On topic:

    As for what you're been describing, name a few trucks you've tried and your favorite trucks of the past (you'd be surprised, they might still be around). Also, this stiffness and rubbery feeling in the action isn't the truck - it's the bushings. For all of your experience, it doesn't sound like you know much about how a truck even works.

  4. You live in too much of a densely populated city.

    I'm in the suburbs where there's nothing but houses - hardly any commercial zoning and not much to see tourist or people wise.

    The only reason to come to Walnut is because you live in Walnut.

    Check this out for a slalom boarding section (those are 18 wheeler trucks parked on the side for reference of how big the street is). Car traffic is like 1 car every 30 minutes or something - it's a dead end and has the perfect starting slope and an awesome run out - I'll pass by tomorrow and take some pictures of the spot when I try out the board your dad cut for me :biggthump


    Here's a spot for down hill. As you can see, every single street/area here dead ends. There's only one way into this place. So, the only people coming through are nosy people and people that live there. It's plenty hill and has very low car traffic too.

    The area was just developed into housing around 2 years ago, so google maps doesn't even have it properly mapped out with the most current satellite photos.


    The roads at both areas are pretty new and very smooth.

  5. You also discredit everyone by saying "I've taken that into account already" instead of just holding your tongue. I'm only 16 but I've done a dispropotionate amount of yapping, so I've had a lot of trial and error when it comes to getting people with a lot of knowledge to help me. I haven't necessarily learned much, but shutting up and listening to EVERYTHING is a big key to getting information.

    :biggthump:biggthump You've gotten quite smart since joining BOL, especially for a 16 year old (better than a lot "adults")

    I can't speak for myself because I actually know very little about what's current in longboarding. I don't really care about it that much. However, I'm sure the serious longboarders will be more than happy to help you if you adjust your attitude.

    Ehhh, too late for that. I don't think I've said a single thing in response to this guy in numerous threads, but I've done more than enough reading (and can understand the "temp ban" :lol:). This :lurk: is about as far as I go - truly entertaining but not worth offer any help or advice to since it'll just be ignored (since he's already thought of that). Also not worth arguing with either.

    This thread is bad enough. All the other forum areas have been crapped on, not this one too. This is the one forum where for the most part it's been strictly business. This is just complete retardedness.

    Please take pictures of yourself after the hill bomb :eplus2:

  6. I really like venom bushings. They work great for pumping IMO - they have a really nice rebound/return to center quality. Also, if you want to really pump, grab a blue barrel and blue cone (the softest ones) or two blue cones for your front truck. Then, wedge your front truck by about 5-7 degrees (watch out for wheel bite). You'll lose some stability doing this, but it'll be much easier to pump and give you a feeling of what kind of motions/gyrations you need to do in order to pump the board. It'll also make the board a lot more turny and carvy if that's what you're looking for. You will lose a little bit of stability as a trade off, so you'll have to balance it out to your riding style and preference.

  7. You should post it up on Silverfishlongboarding.com

    I think one of the mistakes that alpine snowboarders make getting into the longboarding world is buying a downhill board - they're not very carvy, and don't really turn all that much. They're also pretty useless unless you know how to coleman slide, because unless you know how to stop/slow yourself down safely, you're not gonna want to ride the thing any faster than you can push it... And, since it's not turning much, you can't really control your speed on the hills by carving...

    In anycase, the first thing to learn on a longboard is how to coleman slide to save your ass. Foot braking is good too, but anything over 20 mph and I just don't have the balls to take my foot off of the board - that and my balancing leg (the one staying on the board) is the one i broke 3 years ago, and it's definitely "handicapped" at balancing.

  8. I had a pretty decent season - no injuries so I can complain, and only 1 broken board.

    Home mountain closes tomorrow - I went up last week, I don't feel like putting the time, effort, and money into going up for the last day. I got 19 days this season - missed my goal, which is 20 days or more every season. I was pretty short on vacation hours, so I couldn't take much time off. Home mountain is 80 miles away (90 miles now since the main road has been shut down for the next 3-4 months).

    Mammoth will be open till July 4th and will have good riding well into the middle of May, but again, I've had a good season, and I think i'm gonna start saving some money. Skateboarding/longboarding for the most part is free or extremely cheap - time to bust out the slalom cones.

    I might try surfing this summer...

  9. Ok, here's the big one now as to what to do with my quiver (not really much of a quiver since i've been selling it off and specializing it for what I mostly ride).

    I have a Subsonic Reflex 42 which realistically is only good for downhill stuff, which I rarely do. I can at least throw a heel-side (backside) coleman slide to save my ass, but no drifting for turns and stuff. It has fiberglass and carbon and concave.

    I have the Axe 2.5 which is now sold :biggthump

    And a Subsonic Century 38 which I use for LDP (the vast majority of my riding) http://www.subsonicskateboards.com/century38.html

    I can do one of three things with the Reflex, try to sell it (dunno what I can get for it - paid around $180 for it), or chop it and turn it into a slalom board - it has concave is plenty wide (10.25 - probably too wide). Depending on the sell price, I could buy a Fullbag GS board (with skill I can probably use this for some mild downhill, I'd just need to learn how to coleman on the shorter board). Or I could just keep the reflex for the rare downhill moments.

    I also currently have this in the works, thanks to a friend :biggthump


    It looks awesome and I can't wait to ride it. It won't have any concave though and Sk8kings is out of those C-block concave kits (foam blocks you can use to make concave) - are there any other alternatives to making concave?

  10. you might even consider the Supercharger's little bro the Superglider.


    Both boards are really nice, they have lots of foot space to move around. They're not rock solid, but they don't flex like a noodle. They have a nice snap to the flex that makes they pretty awesome for carving and pumping on the flats, but they're solid enough to be stable at higher speeds.

    The Superglider will be a little bit easier to pump due to the shorter wheelbase. You can't go wrong with either board.

  11. Thanks for the picture Skully - that kick tail looks pretty livable.

    The kick tail on the pavel is pretty much like the Axe, and a no go for me.

    I'm still wondering what it would feel like though. Are the Fullbags rock solid flex, like the Axe, or a very stiff slight snap to the flex like maybe an EarthWing board but stiffer?

  12. I need a suggestion for some slalom boards.

    I want something with concave that's straight w/o a kick tail - i really didn't like my Axe 2.5. After 2 years of ownership, I'm ready to look for something else.

    I've been looking at the Subsonic lowland 32 http://www.subsonicskateboards.com/lowland.html

    and a Fullbag death or glory (if i can find one) or a Fullbag GS - do they have a kick tails?

    I'm looking for a board under $100 with concave, withOUT a kick tail, that's around 31-34" long with a wheelbase around 21-23.5"

    No 3-4 week build time is a bonus, but not a must. Oh yeah, and at least 9" for my front foot.

  13. Id go with the new tan tien or dervish.

    You could go with a speedboard though, landyatchz and rayne are good boards in that area

    What kinda board would you want? Disciple?

    He's making fun of your typo...

    Robert, as for boards, I would look into EarthWing. They make affordable boards that are a good combination of being stable at speed and carvy, with the proper truck and bushing setup.

    You could also look at Cracked Skulls - they make good starter decks and come with good components (trucks/wheels) that you can easily move over to a more expensive deck once you figure out what you want.

    anyway, here's a link to shop and look around at.


    I gave you a link to longboard completes. As for brands to look at, Loaded is a good place to start since they make carvy boards. Contrary to Arclite's recommendation, I would stay away from downhill boards as your first and only board, mainly since as a snowboarder, you're probably looking more for a carvy snowboard feel rather than bombing hills at crazy speeds where you're pretty much just straight-lining and not turning much.

    You'll probably want a board with flex, rather than a rock solid one, but you don't want something like a noodle.

    Name a few boards that look interesting to you and maybe we can tell you a little bit of what you might be getting or give you suggestions of alternatives.

  14. That axe is mine ;)

    Just gimme a few weeks to save up.

    If you really want it, I'll sell it to you all setup with the risers, toe stop, and mounting hardware for $20 (including one of your CDs :biggthump). You gotta provide your own trucks and wheels though (which you have plenty of).

  15. I can think of a spot by my place that has a good spot for a slalom course, and it has a really long runout too, so we don't have to bail/coleman slide at the end.

    It's a dead end with very little car traffic too. It's in a business/industrial area though, so the cops patrol it a little bit. They usually leave me alone, except for this one female cop that had something to prove...

    I'm in the process of shopping for a slalom board I can actually use - unfortunately the Axe is unusable for me... I don't like the kick tail or the rock solid stiffness. Stiff is good, but not rock hard. Gonna see if I can sell the Speedvents and/or the Axe too.

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