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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Sorry dude, i really dislike that mountain. I spent half of my first season on hardboots at that mountain. After I went to Summit, I never went back.

    that, and I have work tomorrow... I'm pretty much a Sunday regular at Snow Summit (i have a season pass there - good for Bear Mt. too).

    I definitely have to carve with you while you're out in the SoCal area, though. How long are you gonna be in town?

    I'm hoping for a least a drop in temps and humidity. i can work with cold temps and artificial snow, i can't carve very much on dirt, rocks, and slush...

    Real snow is for spoiled people... :lol::lol:

  2. There were definitely a few big leaps for me, the biggest in order of significance...

    1 - Custom metal Coiler (i call it the cheater stick), the thing makes you feel like a carving god on almost any conditions except for the worst of the worst slush (think 65F air temps).

    2 & 3 - Time on the slopes and riding with people on plates that are better than you.

    4 - Riding in crap conditions, and it's almost always crap here in SoCal (unless you go to Mammoth or June, but then it isn't SoCal anymore). I've actually come to prefer the early morning hard pack ice. It's fast and I can lay carve after carve after carve without losing speed. The Coiler definitely changed this for me - I really like icy conditions now. I still hate the slush, though. I'll ride it for a bit, but lots of slush early on is enough to send me home packing.

  3. No clue about the shops (maybe Goldsmith's in Big Bear, but probably not anymore). Aaron (oldvolvosrule) would be more familiar with this.

    As far as good runs to take, I'm mostly familiar with Snow Summit (gdboytyler knows Bear a lot better than I do. I know which runs are good, but I don't know the names of any of them).

    Snow Summit:

    Early in the morning:

    -Miracle Mile is the best bet

    -Summit run is good for half of your first run (cross over to the end of Miracle Mile). I would go down this a maximum of 2 runs and only IF you get on the lift at 8am when the mountain opens. This run is where all the noobs will congregate later. Nazi ski patrol will also tell you to slow down for anything over 3mph...

    Late morning (Starting 9:30am until 1pm or so - after that the weather is usually pretty warm here and then it turns into surfing - also, you can get a voucher for your next visit if you turn in your ticket to the front booths before 1pm):

    Head over to Chairs 7 & 10,

    There's a bunch of good blue runs there all over the place (7 down, Perfect Pitches, etc. etc.).

    If you want some black and double blacks, you can see those runs on your way over to chairs 7 and 10 (can't miss it).

    Anyway, GL, hope to see you on the slopes. Most of us go up on Sundays and the occasional week day. I don't think anyone ever goes up on Saturday (no season pass for that day - for most of us anyway - and it's usually a zoo up there and super crowded).

  4. Went up on 11/28 (Sunday). I saw Terry, Mike, and Jenny up there.

    Epic carving conditions all day - minimal crowds (no lines at both express lifts). Temperatures stayed below 28F the entire time there.

    So long as this low pressure system with dry air and cold temps stays in effect, the conditions should last (no melting/freeze thaw cycling of the slopes).

    I should be up there again this coming sunday 12/5.

    The only bad thing about the day was the drive (cal trans slacking on throwing embers/rock chips down - not enough car traffic for them to justify the expense) - it was pretty much black ice/snow from 4300ft. (before running springs) all the way up to the mountain.

    The other bad thing, was my out of shape legs - i only lasted until 11:30... hahaha

  5. Busy work week into Sat for me, I might make it, but I doubt it...

    I'm thinking the first weekend of December is the most likely first day for me.

    BTW, did anyone manage to make it up this past Sunday (11/14)? Aaron? How were the crowds? No need to ask or know about the conditions, i'm pretty sure I can guess what it is - leave the metal boards and bling bling at home and bring out the rock boards/softies/skis/short sticks etc. etc.

    On another note, I might not get much ride time this season :( - I'll be happy if i can get 10-12 days on the slopes this season (if that)...

  6. That's awesome news. yeah, for me the recovery was slow at first, and then it speed up, then plateaued. Then the last 3 months of recovery on my own were pretty good, and I made it back middle of the next season (wasn't expecting that).

    FYI to everyone else, Mt. High just opened today.

  7. Wow, I'm seeing this one way late... :smashfrea:smashfrea I've been MIA from Bomber for a bit. I guess I won't be making tonight's gathering unfortunately.

    George, how's the leg doing?

    Erwin, saw you on PSN last night, I see you got Black Ops :eplus2: - i guess i'll be seeing more of you...

  8. Yep, that's why I stopped going there after 2006. That place BLOWS!!!

    Mountain High Launches New Top-To-Bottom Terrain Park At East Resort

    Wrightwood, CA – October 4, 2010: Mountain High has long been a hub for freestyle snowboarding and skiing. Now, with winter just a calendar-flip away, the Southern California resort is set to launch its newest and longest terrain park ever. This time at the East Resort! 1.6 miles of continuously flowing terrain will make this new park one of the most sought-after on the West Coast, and give visitors two great areas to choose from.

    Says John McColly, Director of Marketing, “The goal is to create a world-class terrain park at East, making use of the perfectly-groomed slopes and spreading out the traffic between East and West to create a better experience for ALL guests, park-oriented or not.”

    Mountain High’s West Resort has dominated its park scene since the mid 90s but the East Resort is actually better suited for terrain. Its runs are longer, the trails are more spread out, and Goldrush’s gradual pitch is perfect for features of all shapes and sizes. Mountain High will capitalize on this by offering a brand new park with features and variations that have never before been seen. There will be a mixture of both big and small elements including banks, hips, jibs, and jumps. There will also be a second learn-to-ride zone at the top of East built solely for beginners. This area will be filled with lower-level features including plenty of fun banks and rollers, and a small BoarderCross course.

    Says Justin Montoya, Terrain and Snow Surfaces Manager, “The East Resort is a blank canvas with big, wide runs that lend themselves perfectly to long lines of flowing terrain features. This is something brand new for Southern California.”

    To create the best park possible, Mountain High spent the entire 2009/10 season testing the terrain, establishing features & locations, and fielding suggestions from its guests. The new park incorporates these lessons and blends itself with the natural contours of the mountain to create a spectacular top-to-bottom run that is exhilarating but compliments the terrific alpine experience the East Resort is famous for. Overall the program will better distribute guests between East and West, give freestyle riders and exciting new park to ride, and showcase the sheer amount of terrain Mountain High has to offer.

    At the West Resort the park crew has been busy polishing existing jibs and fabricating new ones. Two stand-outs are a new stair feature in the Playground and a “Pipe” jib designed and sponsored by Skullcandy. The stairs will come in either a 20 or 30 foot version and employ removable footings so rails can easily be interchanged. This lets Mountain High vary the difficulty of the features and create customized set-ups for events and photo shoots.

    Mimicking Skullcandy’s iPod docking station labeled the “Pipe,” this new jib comes complete with built-in speakers and a removable DJ booth so riders can not only hit the feature but be entertained as they do so. Skullcandy DJs will make regular appearances at the resort this year, providing audible excitement for both competitions and the general public alike.

    Riders love coming to Mountain High because there is always something new. From the quality to the variety, the resort has been on the cutting edge of park design for the better part of 15 years. This winter Southern Californian’s have a second Mountain High park to choose from filled with new ideas and new passion. As always, a legendary winter experience is what the resort aims to provide and visitors are encouraged to post their comments on the resort’s forum at mthigh.com.

  9. I know it's an old thread/post but i'll put in my experience with them. The motion is definitely different compared to bushings. One annoying thing is that they can get squeeky, so don't get them wet because even dry they squeek a bit sometimes.

    They're actually quite grippy for a rear truck, but take soem getting accustomed to. The other nice thing is that they're consistent in all weather. You'll notice your bushings "change" stiffness along with the weather, cold = harder, and hot = softer.

    As a front truck even in *45, I would avoid it unless you're doing some sort of carving, then they're ok. They lack the range of motion and fluid tic-tac to be used for pumping.

    Springs are nice and very adjustable, and once again, consistent as you change springs, but it also means that while you have a lot of options, you're also very limited in options - compared to the many many bushing shapes, duros, and manufacturers.

  10. Yes, 50* plates. The front-most Randal had one Khiro soft riser + 3* Khiro rails. The second Randal had one Khiro soft riser. They didn't stay that way for long, but that was the setup...

    In the normal configgeration running a single Randal or Paris on the front, I use one Khiro soft riser.

    Is that setup for GS?

    I'm still trying to figure out the optimal setup for my Randal 125 on a tighter/slower HS course.

    There's was a deal on the Fish for a Skennett/Skandal combo for $60. I tried to get it, but the kid selling it was kind of a punk. Ah well, I'll live without it, i'm doing this stuff for fun right now anyway.

    I'm interested in trying to face my randal 125 down to 110mm or something, no spherical - I figure that's more maintenance and an extra something that might go wrong... heh

  11. Thanks for the offer, I guess I'll try out the 4.3 (i used to have one 2 years ago).

    The main thing for me is the dive. I thought I cured it and got rid of it, and when I was pushing it a bit harder to make some cones, it did the infamous dive on me.

    I don't think that'll change with a shorter hanger, I think that's something that's characteristic of Bennetts, even the modified Skennett.

    So, I'm wondering if anyone has tried the Skandal as a front truck. Both Mig and RF are using the splitfires R3s as a front truck, i'm wondering if with maybe a 50* or even 60* baseplate with the proper wedging and bushing combo if the skandal is a viable front truck.

  12. Mig helped me mod my 90mm R3 for use on front - made all the difference in the world. I use it spaced to 110mm for big fast GS and above, in conjunction with a R3 107mm spaced to 121mm. Thanks Mig. :)

    Have you tried using a Skandal as a front truck with a 42* or 50* baseplate?

    I figure it's a cheaper alternative to splitfires, that and it's pretty tough to find splitfires now. I'm really interested in trying that out.

    I'm not feeling the Bennetts so much anymore. I did a short 1.5 hour solo session today and almost got highsided/bucked off of the board when my Bennett 5.0 did the infamous dive - I even had a venom eliminator on there too. That, and I'd like a narrower truck for the front.

  13. Yeah, dude, sorry, no go for this Sunday. The family already made plans.

    Ok, bar anything else random coming up, next Sunday 6/27 should be good for a skate sesh. We can skate in your area or mine, where ever has a good spot for some slalom.

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