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Posts posted by Buell

  1. Of course you can't generalize but I can't stand snowboarders. I'm a little surprise only 4 resorts ban'em but then the typical little grinder spends a decent amount of money working on his "street cred" and trying to look "core" so I guess you just have to. So annoying!

    It's not the snowboard so much as the demographic. Young, un-neutered males, they're just so annoying!

    It's not the demographic, it's the whole "image" thing. That "snowboarder" image is so annoying!

    As perfectly demonstrated by Burton's poaching campaign.

    All the different snowsports and demographics have some issues with each other on the hill.

    I have just as many issues with the straightlining skier as the jibber snowboarder who jumps onto the trail without looking from an off trail kicker.

    Beyond that, it is not my issue if they are just trying to impress their friends. It is human nature.

    Putting the video of the girls at Deer Valley was a PR mistake. Removing it was a great idea. That does not mean the whole concept is wrong.

    There will always be people who think that direct action is a bad idea and sets back the cause, just as there will always be people who think that working the politics of the issue is a waste of time. It takes all kinds on all fronts to move a cause along. Even if the various fronts may not agree on tactics.

    Personally, I think it is the resort's perogative to open to boarders or not. When, and if, a loss of revenue hits them hard enough, they will open to us. Nothing else can affect the decision significantly either positively or negatively.

    I do find it odd that it takes the behemoth company of snowboarding to issue, and reward, a direct action challenge. Nothing grass roots about this. It is a great PR move for Burton, provided they can avoid any litigation issues from the resorts. $20,000 plus any marketing expenses promoting the challenge is awfully cheap for the coverage they are getting.

  2. Louis, I have the same issues with helmets as you. Most helmets hit at the front and the back with lots of room on the sides.

    I had a pile of about 15 helmets at the shop when I was trying them on a couple of years ago, and the only helmet that worked for me (of the ones I tried) was the Giro G10.

    Good luck, keep trying them on.


  3. Hey, Bachelor got a little snow today! :biggthump Lots of board damage from last weekend, but we were off trail a good bit. Hopefully it is a bit better now.

    Why wouldn't you want to ride your second tier boards with us, and pay for a pass, and a hotel? Maybe we will get some good snow early next week and things will work out. It would be great to make some turns.

    We're too slow for you anyway.


  4. SOLD 05/06 Deeluxe Suzukas with Thermoflex liners - $175 + shipping

    Great condition, molded once. Used 35-40 days. Standard heels (never used - I use intecs). Only expected scuffs and wear from use.

    Please PM me for more information or larger pictures.





  5. Nick,

    Welcome to Bomber!

    You can definitely carve on softies. It is a slightly different carve than in hardboots, but it is also a great feeling. Most of us here, as you mentioned, carve in hardboots, but there are a number of posters who only ride in softboots.

    Use the search function with terms and combinations of terms like: softboots, carve, softies, carving, freeride boards,.......

    You will find lots of information already posted about carving in softies. Be patient with your progress since there is a lot more technique to carving turns than to skidding turns.



  6. hey guys,

    for hatin' on the steretypical male teenage snowboarder park monkey, some of you sure as hell sound like them

    "your mom/girlfriend" this and that....come on man, show some creativity, especially if you're gonna have an "attitude sticker"

    "your mom/girlfriend" makes you worse than the stereotypical teen b/c most of us here are well past that stage in life....

    so no, i don't think those are very funny at all....sorry

    Hey Barry,

    I knew it would be good when I saw that you had posted. Someone had to say it. Thanks! :biggthump

    Didn't we go through this last year? Same thread, started by the same person. Here.

  7. Madd 170 in great condition. $275 + shipping.

    Tons of camber. Fewer than 10 days on snow. A couple of very small nicks in the base and a tiny bit of rust on the edges. One spinning front insert - 3rd row, left side. I hear it's easy to fix, but I was able to use other inserts.

    Purchased from Jim (P06781 on BOL). The original thread is here. I think it's from 04/05. It predates the flex options, so it's the equivalent of F2 flex. Name - "Killed for Less."

    More and larger photos available, please write me through my profile.





  8. That is a pretty big question.

    If you provide more information about yourself, you will likely get some answers.

    Are you a first time hardbooter? What other equipment have you ridden? Do you have a budget? What size are you? Shoe size? Wide or narrow feet? Will you carve on groomers or ride it all over the mountain?


  9. Hey dshack,

    This 167 Prior Metal on the Prior site might be your ticket. It is a custom and only $605 US. Give them a call to check on the stiffness if your budget will allow.

    I have a Madd 170-F2 that you can try if you will be around Bachelor from Dec 7-14. If there is enough snow. It is probably for sale. I do not find the Madd F2 flex too stiff, but I would not call it damp either.


  10. Wow Brad, we are really sorry to hear about your son. Before I opened the thread, my eyes kept trying to read Stoke at 21 instead of Stroke at 21. They would not even process what the title said.

    There is a lot of love in the world that shows up when you truly need it. Hopefully you are finding this to be the case because it really helps get us humans through some seemingly impossible times.

    Rebecca and I wish your son and your family the best recovery possible. It sounds like your son is extremely lucky to have lived. To still have his speech and personality is a great start toward recovery. We'll be thinking of you guys.

    Buell and Rebecca

  11. Yes, it will be nice to do some carving soon. We will be over at Bachelor from December 7th through the 14th. Get in touch through email if you can make it over during that time. I bet we can find Mike T as well for a few days.

    Try this link from OES last March, if you haven't seen it. Some our Northwest carvers tearing up Mt Bachelor.


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