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Posts posted by Buell

  1. Hey Scott,

    I sold a 172 Axis at the same time you picked up my 4WD. The Axis is a stiffer board than the 4WD. I find it less forgiving, but it will hold a better edge on the groom at higher speeds.

    You can do a search for 'Axis 4WD' and likely find a bunch of opinions on the comparison.

    Here are a few (I really should be going to bed):

    Axis v 4WD 1

    Axis v 4WD 2

    Axis v 4WD 3

    Axis v 4WD 4

    It is a slow time in the used board market when a 172 Axis doesn't sell at this price.

  2. Whoops, posted under Rebecca's BOL name. Let's try this again.

    Axis 172 - My wife has size 23.5 boots. She finds a 24.5 waits too wide *in softies at low angles such as 15/3*. The Axis 172 is way too wide for you in hard boots, take it off the list.

    Axis 167 - search a few people on this forum own them, try searching for their comments... Allee and Bob Jenney.

    Prior 4x4 159 - This year's 159 is designed for 110-175 pounds. How much is "a little stiffened"? When you are at the bottom end of the weight range, you either need to be a skilled rider or be ready to work it.

    Nidecker Escape, sorry, can't tell ya anything about that one.

    IMHO the Prior is the best choice among them, have you sold your UP yet? Keeping it and waiting for something else might be an even better choice perhaps?

    If you come to OES '08 you should ask my wife if you can try her Coiler FC 165, which is built for 130 pounds.

    Mike's post nails it for me. I would highlight the idea that you might wait and see what else comes up. I support the Prior 159, but you do not need a stiffened anything. Maybe you can find a Prior 164 4WD.

    <!-- / message --><!-- controls --> Buell

  3. Gosh Mike :o!


    I expect your thinking that the 172 Axis will be too stiff for you is accurate. I also had a 169 Prior 4WD that was much more forgiving than the 172 Axis, you might be able to enjoy that one. At 125 pounds, if you are buying stock boards, you will likely need to go shorter to get a softer flex since board companies tie length to flex on stock boards. When you are able to get a custom board, you can have the builder soften up the flex on a longer board.

    Yes, the 159 4WD will want to make a lot of turns. Keep in mind that your "fun go-anywhere board" and your board for GS turns are probably not going to be the same board. If you can only have one, you will need to compromise a bit (a 164 4WD while we are being specific?).

    Enjoy, Buell

  4. Hi Billy, does the virus Phantom metal just ride differently than the Kessler and how does it compare to the Prior Metal? Virus Phantom Metal in 20.5 sounds real nice......tempting to get one!



    I have ridden that Virus and I have a couple of Prior Metals. I am 145 pounds (lightweight), an intermediate carver and was warned ahead of time that it would be BIG for me. I have ridden a decent number of boards and Bordy's 184 Phantom III is the only one that I could not bend - stiff! Maybe in soft snow it would have ridden better for me.

    The Prior Metals are easy and incredibly forgiving. They are much softer and lighter than that particular Virus.

    Depending on your weight and ability I am sure either Virus or Prior could modify the flex for you.


  5. Last year I was running TD2 step-ins with suspension kit.

    I also had a pair of Catek OS2s, solid binding. I found that I prefer the ability to fine tune the TD2s for boot fit by using their toe bail adjuster.

    I picked up a pair of F2 intec-titaniums and race-titaniums (standard bail) to test this winter. I want to see how I like a flexier binding for my lighter weight.

  6. I'm upset because I've realized class is an important factor when it comes to dating.

    I always knew it was important to have similar family values, political views, and religious outlooks, lifestyles, and behavioral grooming... I guess I just never realized that to a certain extent a lot of this does fall within class culture. It just blows because it means that the circle of people that fit well into your own sphere of upbringing is smaller due to these factors.

    It depends on who you are. I have found this to be very true for me, but it certainly does not apply to everyone. It does reduce the number of potential partners, but when you do get a match, it can be really special.

  7. Hello Allmountain,

    You should contact Dean at Prior to discuss your concerns directly. One thing that is amazing about Bomber is that we have the board builders and the binding makers posting on and reading our threads. While Prior is an infrequent contributor, they are very accessible. I spoke with Dean once about a customer service issue brought up on BOL and he was very helpful in answering my concerns.


  8. Allmountain,

    You seem like a great guy and I have been very impressed with the way you asked some questions, sifted through the answers, and picked up some quality gear.

    Make your own decisions about who to buy from, but your post is comparing apples and oranges. A personal reply to you from RJ should not be compared to a poorly done reply by Prior to a long negative thread on another website. You have no idea how Prior would have responded to you.

    You could have simply searched 'Prior' here on BOL and found all you needed to know about experiences with Prior. There is plenty of information just in the last year.

    The fact is that there are a huge number of Prior boards out there and very few dissatisfied customers. This is not some crisis of customer service, though they could certainly do better.

    What ursle and I are saying is that a straight compliment of RJ would be a much better way of saying thanks to him than dragging in a bunch of irrelevant negative stuff that is going to detract from praise of RJ. He certainly deserves the praise.

    Take care, Buell

  9. I am confused why you need to bring Prior into this since you have not had any bad experiences with them and are only referring to a thread on another forum. I have bought several boards from Prior and they have always taken care of me.

    Just commend RJ for being a great guy to work with. I have also bought a Tanker from RJ and have the utmost respect for him.

    Prior, Exotic Boards, Coiler, Bomber, Hardbooter, Donek, and all the others do a wonderful job of supporting us riders and I am greatful to them all.

  10. I voted for the option that I was riding last year. I have a set of F2 bindings to try this year with some plate system.

    I have had a couple of lift line chips on my Prior metal. I just file them down. I also find it is easy to put small dents in the deck during transportation, even in a bag. More boardbag padding is good for the metal boards.

  11. As Hans pointed out above, the issues is with Boards & More Gmbh, not F2 which was an entity of theirs. But... B&M's website nicely lists the brand names which they own.

    As stated above, F2 is no longer owned by Boards and More Gmbh.

    PDF Source

    Brand F2 in new hands

    The Boards & More Group, a part of the Airesis AG Switzerland, is selling its brand F2 to an investor team led by Gerald Pascher and Reinhard Hofbauer.

    As of 1.6.2007, the Boards & More GmbH is giving over its board-sport brand F2 (windsurf,snowboard and apparel) to an investor team led by Gerald Pascher and Reinhard Hofbauer. F2, 100% owned by the Boards & More (Ion, F2, Fanatic, Mistral, North Kiteboarding, North Sails), established in 1981, managed in the last 3 years under the lead of CEO and Brand Manager Boris Zwetkoff to gain back its position as one of the key players in world wide windsurfing and European snowboarding. The apparel line, taken over from a licensee, managed to more then double its turnover while being part of F2.

    The decision to sell the brand F2 was developed to reduce the competition within the windsurf brands and to focus on its core competence water-sports with the remaining brands Fanatic, Ion, Mistral, North Kiteboarding and North Sails. Reinhard Hofbauer, former manager of different sports companies, shows decades of sporting goods experience, especially in the board sport area. He will take over the lead starting June 1st, 2007. His experience in the industry mixed with the know-how and attitude of a big part of the actual F2 employees which will move to the new headquarter in the area of Salzburg (AUT) will ensure the further development of the brand.

    Boards & More will still be responsible for the sales and delivery of the Spring/Summer apparel collection and the windsurf business till May 31st 2007.

  12. Don't rely on reputation alone.

    Justin - I would highly recommend you visit both places. The comparison would provide valuable info you need that can't be typed out on a page.

    Very sound advice. If you are only going for the winter, don't fret too much. If you are considering moving there for a while, make a short list of places that sound good to you and visit them in person. You will likely find that an area's reputation is a very simplified version of all of its complexities. Visiting a few places could save a lot of headache of needing to relocate again.

    Best of luck, sounds like a great adventure.

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