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Everything posted by Kimo

  1. You've still got time for a quick trip to Colorado. Maybe even until June sometime this year.
  2. Of course, either my Tivo is screwed or Speed changed the labeling for motorcycle races. I better get the rebroadcast recorded tomorrow or I'm gonna be pissed.
  3. If I don't get too lazy to wake up, I'll be heading up to ABasin Monday the 5th.
  4. Don't be too jealous Dan-o. On Saturday, even the groomed snow was super soft and highly prone to digging the nose in. It certainly wasn't SES conditions. I hope that makes you feel better buddy.
  5. A friend of mine worked at Snowell with him. I let him ride one of my Doneks and he disappeared into a small dot down the fall line. What day are you going up?
  6. That friend wouldn't happen to be Greg Reger would it? That guy is insane on a carving board. I'm thinking ABasin Monday.
  7. If I had my way... there would (1) be no helmet and no seatbelt laws and (2) neither one's insurance nor the guvmint would be required to pay a single penny of the medical expenses incurred by someone stupid enough to think that the lack of such a law is a good enough reason to not wear a helmet or a seatbelt. Of course, I never get my way.
  8. That was exactly my plan... see ya' there.
  9. Any body going up this weekend?
  10. I just got home last night from 5 straight weeks in Dallas. I'm looking at a package now and I can't wait to get a look at what's inside.
  11. Beyotch, Oogle My Big Effin' Ruts!
  12. Starfire at Keystone also has some pretty steep pitches.
  13. Similar situation. I was riding with some friends and a friend of theirs. This friend of friend said she didn't like riding with boarders because we make it hard to get off the lift. At the top of the lift, she promptly turned into me and ate it after we had all agreed we were turning the other way. She of course blamed me.
  14. Kimo

    Catek Contact

    I can vouch for this. I was in phone contact with Scott while this was happening.
  15. Between you and Bryan, you guys have one good pair of legs, but it's probably two left feet. Oh well, you're in different states anyway.
  16. It's probably been 10 years since an incident when skier hit a tree during night skiing and died at Eldora near Boulder. The response from the ski area was to end night skiing. Well that's great. What should they do if somebody skis into a tree and dies during the daytime? I just hope they didn't read your post or you might have given them an idea.
  17. Oh boy... to say something or to not say something, that is the question. You do realize that, while making your point, you have taken the Lord's name in vain. I'm sure you've offended somebody in the world in doing so... and you are a churchgoer and should know better. ...but telling people what to do is exactly what you are doing. I think you would have received a more favorable response from Dave if you had simply stated you find that use of the word offensive and explained why. Not only did you tell him how to conduct himself (eventhough you did say please), you threw in an insult on top of that. I think I would have been put on the defensive if I were in Dave's place.
  18. Last year ended with a snap and then a lot of whimpering. This year will probably have a lot of whimpering, but hopefully no snap.
  19. OK kids, let's say it all together now... Ict bin ein CARVER! If you want to look for a silver lining in Burton's ditching alpine, it's this... the vacuum created by their departure has allowed the Doneks, Coilers, Priors, Viruses and all the other non-corporate ('cause we all hate corporate, right?) custom builders that we love to grow and flourish. In the end, aren't we getting better boards because the guys who are making them today actually WANT to make them? Maybe we actually should thank Jake and his board (as in boardroom) for allowing this to happen. Edit: and let me not forget the binding manufacturers. The bindings put out by Fin and Jeff are, IMHO, far superior to anything Burton ever produced. Would our guys have been as successful putting out TDs and OSs if Burton was still putting out their mass produced, mega-crap bindings?
  20. Huh? Is an edit required here?
  21. I never managed to do that. Couldn't work the heelsides well enough.
  22. That was tried at United. The last time United went through bankruptcy, the employees lost all their shares. Then the employees, to help save the future of the airline, took up to 40% paycuts. Then management, to reward the employees, erased all their retirement benefits, while testifying in bankruptcy court that mgmt should still keep their retirement monies "because they were guaranteed" (WTF!). When United came out of ch 11, the CEO alone took a $40mil bonus the first year. That is the $#!+ I was talking about being thrown at the employees. I'm telling you, the industry is rotten. Southwest is quite a bit better. However, they've got there own problems. Did you hear hear about the recent $10.2 mil fine and grounding of 42 aircraft due to failure to perform required inspections?
  23. Hmmm... gives me an idea on how to get two boards for a bargain price...
  24. I have have had very few rude waiters. Waiters have an incentive to provide good service. Maybe the airlines need to start putting out tip jars for the employees. I can see it now... "Thanks for not losing my bags, here's a couple bucks." "Thanks for helping work out my reroute to London, here's a fiver." "Thanks for the wonderful and informative safety demonstration and for not killing my screaming brat kid who threw his pretzels on the floor and mashed them into the carpet with his shoe which he then flushed down the only working toilet on this plane just 30 minutes into this 5 hour flight, here's a Jackson for ya." "Thanks for not sticking this plane upside down in the dirt during this nasty weather, here's a George Washington for your efforts." Yeah, that'd be sweet.
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