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Everything posted by Pow

  1. I went with the Arbor, my friend is getting a bomb hills, and another one of my friends is considering getting either the bomb hills or the cracked skulls (thanks to your post! ) $106 for a complete is mega cheap, and they seem like good quality boards.
  2. I dont care how well he does, I just want to see that crazy board he's designed:biggthump
  3. Good to know... I still want to be able to carve on the board, even though it will be going fast:p Anybody know about the Arbor?
  4. At this point ive found enough of the affordable stuff online so that Im not looking for used anymore, so no offers please! but any more input is greatly appreciated:biggthump right now im liking the DH, I was thinking i could also save some money and stick with a more traditional longboard by going with the Sector 9 Bomb Hills or the Arbor Blunt... any thoughts on this? I know they wont be as good as the DH, but I'm wondering if Arbor and Sector 9 actually make boards for 35+ speeds, even though they advertise them for "bombing hills"
  5. I need a board for 35+ specifically for Mount Greylock, but i'm sure i'll find other occasions to use such a board. Thanks for the info:biggthump edit: ohh, and im looking for a complete, not just a deck. should have put that in my original post:smashfrea
  6. I'm looking for a board not just for cruising and carving, but one that can handle some speed as well. Ive really got my eye on a specific model, but it comes to over 400 once shipping is taken into consideration. Id like one for under 200, so anybody know of a good cheap board that I won't be afraid to rage the mountains on? Or better yet anybody willing to part with one? I'm 160 lbs, 5 foot 9, if you would like to know. Ive checked out the various soft bamboo boards (sector nine surf camp, arbor pintail) at zumies, but i don't think they'll be able to handle the speed (correct me if im wrong, because i was only making assumptions based on how they handled the flats).
  7. his adam's one of your adams', so it is the originators of the loaded challenge. Good stuff, im gonna break myself trying to do these tricks though:p
  8. Woah, very cool! There goes all my free time this summer... hopefully I'll have at least one of those tricks down before its snowboard season again:eplus2:
  9. ^anybody know who this amazing longboarder is? Wierd video, but amazing longboarding.
  10. I lost track of time at the gym yesterday... wound up working my arms for 2 and 1/2 hours. When I went to bed that night I tried to do some pushups as part of my morning/night routine, and found I couldnt even do one. I went down, and when I tried to push back up: nothing. So after about 10 attempts, I laughed myself to sleep on the floor. Just thought id share my slightly interesting night for your amusement:cool:
  11. My favorite was always Bob Jenney's "more cowbell" avatar:biggthump
  12. At least American political parties are only shooting rhetoric at each other... They've got it way worse over in the middle east. As disgusting as ignorant political zealots seem around here, I always remember that it could be worse. (note: "... disgusting as ignorant political zealots ..." does not intend to imply that all political fanatics are ignorant)
  13. My blind cat fell into the toilet today. She's ok, but I had to mop the bathroom floor.
  14. Im nervous about going to my girlfriend's prom today, even though Ive already done it before.
  15. :lol: Great advice, worded perfectly. Most of what people have said has confirmed what I already thought, Now I just need to put this knowlege to the test! I didnt think there was anything more to enhance my skidding, but now I think I'll be trying the moguls more often along with the carving. sure does give a good workout though. I think I'll be doing a lot of squats and wall sits to prepare next year.
  16. yeah, I quickly found that getting in the back seat lead to uncontrollable acceleration and either an ugly skidded stop in the dead center of a bump, or an emberassing wipeout
  17. thanks for all the helpfull info! so i guess i wasnt too far off slashing with the tail. Bleeding off speed was definately the hardest part. It was kind of interesting, I'll be trying it again next season a few times just to see if I can do it. I probably need to work on keeping my upper body quiet and bending more with the knees.
  18. Ok, so I realize snowboards are not meant for moguls. I actually realized this the first time I ever rode moguls, and then decided never to try those again unless I had to. Well Sunday I was faced with a mountain that was one big mogul field (seriously, there was no open terrain that wasnt made of big, even bumps) so I had to. I felt like I was doing pretty good by the end of the day (put away the hardboots after the first run and switched to the rock board of course) but I was wondering what the best way to handle moguls on a board is? If there's a way to do them well with hardboots thats even better. I seemed to be doing a lot of the exaggerated rotation that I used during my limited surfing experience, almost in a backslash motion getting the board to drift from one bump to the next. Is that good or bad? do I have the right idea or am I wayy off?
  19. Hey Dave, awesome day! I was a bit upset that it wasnt carvable, but I still had a blast, would love to do it again next season. Our skiier friends liked it too! Nice picture... I look a little doofy, all squinty-eyed and everything. Ohh well, I look wierder in a helmet anyway:freak3: :lol: Ohh, and the girl's name was Leonie, but I might have spelled it wrong:p
  20. Alright, cool. One less stop on the road to KMart:cool: I'm heading out soon, just finished loading up and waiting for the skiiers to get here. see you in a few.
  21. No dumping here, but I'll be riding tomorrow anyway:biggthump I never thought I'd be riding in may, especially here on the east coast:eek: anyway, sorry for the threadjack, but im stoked:eplus2:
  22. Want me to bring some coffee since youre doing the donuts? black or with cream?
  23. with the new longboarding section, im sure it wont be nearly as quiet as it used to be... of course i dont know how quiet it used to be:p
  24. The bomber store now carries deeluxe boots with the new and improved metal buckels... and next season's suzukas will probably be the best production boots on the market, however they'll still be expensive :( http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=15698&highlight=suzuka ^a previous thread about the upcoming boots, in case you missed it:biggthump the only thing missing on that boot is a top strap, but that can easily be fixed with a booster. and yes, i love me some flow binding:D
  25. So I made a mistake, theyre "Phiokka Macho" bindings, not the PH 46-6's. I think theyre a bit smaller (thinner, not shorter), and it's said to not interfere with the board's flex pattern because if the small, low-profile design. The gasket underneath is said to be rather stiff, but the bindings themselves are in-between burton and catek stiffness, so no worries i guess. Ive been riding them on my soft longboard for a while with no problems, so they should be good for you! Anybody else tagging along? and when would you like me to meet up? Is 7 at your place good?
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