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Pat Donnelly

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Everything posted by Pat Donnelly

  1. "Was that the scene with the Japanese guys? Most of them were on plates..." Not in this one.
  2. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=726 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=bodyGray12px vAlign=top width=360 bgColor=#ffffff>Airs on INHD Nov 12, 2005 @ 11:00PM ET/ 8:00PM PT Alpine riders Will Garrow and Dave Teteak are in this one. </TD><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  3. From FristTracksOnLine.com Killington, VT (Friday, November 11, 2005) - Warm weather throughout early November has stymied eastern ski and snowboard resorts' attempts to open or reopen, but a return to colder temperatures has a number of ski areas firing up their snowmaking systems. Following a late-October snowstorm that allowed Vermont's Killington Resort to open for two days, warm air has prevented the resort from sticking to its planned Nov. 11 opening. Resort officials are now shooting for next week. "We will open as soon as we can provide a quality top to bottom skiing and snowboarding experience," said Dave Rathbun, vice president of brand management for Killington. "Right now, looking at the current weather forecast, we're targeting next week to re-open the season." Warm air has forced nearby Okemo Mountain Resort to twice reschedule its planned opening already. The current target date for Okemo's opening is Friday, Nov. 18. "The temperatures came in to where we like them at around 10 o'clock on Tuesday night," says Okemo Mountain Operations Director Barry Tucker. "We've had staff on call and equipment in position for several nights now, and it looks like the temperatures are holding fairly well for us." Preliminary efforts are focusing on three trails on the upper mountain at Okemo but that will expand quickly, according to Tucker. "We're staffed to make snow," he said. Across the border in northeastern New York, Whiteface Mountain ski and snowboard area near Lake Placid had 64 guns roaring from the top of Little Whiteface (Excelsior trail) to Upper Valley to mid station today, its first day of snowmaking. And in Massachusetts, snowmaking crews were ready to fire Jiminy Peak's snowmaking system overnight at press time. Jiminy is planning to begin full-time snowmaking next week with the goal to be open for the weekend of Nov. 19th and 20th.
  4. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/_/id/8730988?pageid=rs.Politics&pageregion=single5 "The Debate Is Over No serious scientist doubts that humans are warming up the planet" http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/_/id/8730992?pageid=rs.Politics&pageregion=single6
  5. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=7535 I formerly owned a 179 FC and found it a bit too turney. I currently ride a 182 GSb, not as turney - nice carver.
  6. Volkl P50 Slalom Carvers, 156 cm with Salomon bindings and a Volkl plate, $175. Volkl P50 World Cup (Race Stock) SLC, 155 with Marker 1400 bindings, $200 I can send e-mails with better photos than I can post here so if you want a photo of anything please reply to jparker@sopris.net http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=7286
  7. try this http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4400534.stm
  8. Built for what weight rider? Standard construction or other?
  9. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9917842/ Hey Tim, Did you cut a deal with Park City?
  10. http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/exeter/11042005/sports/71444.htm
  11. <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>function createQString(s) { return escape(s);}var Heading = "Relaxed%20pot%20law%20passes%20in%20Denver";var tempTitle = createQString(Heading);var Title = "&t="+tempTitle;</SCRIPT>With 97 percent of precincts reporting, 53 percent, of 55,035 voters, cast ballots for the measure, while 47 percent, or 47,929 voters, voted against it <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=305 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=5></TD><TD vAlign=top width=300></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> THE ASSOCIATED PRESS November 1, 2005 DENVER — Capping a sometimes bitter campaign rife with allegations of misleading voters and exploiting their fears of violent crime, residents Tuesday legalized possession of small amounts of marijuana. With 97 percent of precincts reporting, 53 percent, of 55,035 voters, cast ballots for the measure, while 47 percent, or 47,929 voters, voted against it. Also Tuesday, voters in the ski resort town of Telluride rejected a proposal to make possession of an ounce or less of marijuana by people 18 or older the town’s lowest law enforcement priority. The measure, rejected on a vote of 308-332, was placed on the ballot in August by the Town Council. Some supporters hoped the Denver proposal would launch a national trend toward legalizing a drug whose enforcement they believe causes more problems than it cures. “What this does say is reconsidering marijuana prohibition is absolutely a mainstream issue now,” said Bruce Mirken of the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project.
  12. http://www.sportube.com/pages/skis_two_pair.html The "snowboard" model is not long enough.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8715930017&ru=http://search.ebay.com:80/8715930017_W0QQfromZR40QQfviZ1
  14. Aspen Classic Passes will be available Colorado Snowsports Expo (admission required) Co. Convention Center 14th St, Denver 303-228-8000 Friday 12 pm - 10 pm Saturday 10 am - 8 pm Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
  15. their NEW board http://www.pureboarding.com/pureboarding/ Direct link to MOMENTS OF PRIDE http://www.pureboarding.com/pureboarding/fileadmin/user_upload/publisher/videos/mop/Moments_of_pride.mov
  16. By MEGAN McCLOSKEY, Associated Press Writer <SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(getElapsed("20051028T163352Z"));</SCRIPT>2 hours ago<NOSCRIPT>UPDATED 1 HOUR 37 MINUTES AGO</NOSCRIPT> DENVER - The nickname Mile High City could soon have an entirely new meaning. Denver voters will decide Tuesday whether to make it legal for adults to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. Seattle, Oakland, Calif., and a few college towns already have laws making possession the lowest law enforcement priority. Supporters in Denver have launched a "Make Denver Safer" campaign that contends the change will help curb domestic violence. "There's no doubt that if people choose to use marijuana instead of alcohol we would not have the same number of problems," said Mason Tvert, the 23-year-old campaign organizer. The argument has angered local officials. "It's a deceptive and deceitful campaign," said Councilman Charlie Brown, who spent a recent Saturday night ripping the signs down from parks and medians _ where they are banned _ and throwing them in the garbage. "Domestic violence is not on the ballot. Alcohol is not on the ballot. Marijuana is on the ballot." A "yes" vote probably won't make much difference. The city attorney's office said Denver police will simply file marijuana possession charges under state law, which carries up to a $100 fine and a mandatory $100 drug-offender surcharge. "The initiative isn't going to change the way we do business," said Vince DeCroce, director of prosecution for the attorney's office. From 2002 to August of this year, some 6,800 people in Denver were charged with possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, according to the city attorney's office. Of those, only 74 were charged under the city ordinance. Critics of the ballot measure are wary of what a "yes" vote might do to Denver's reputation. "People will flock to Denver to use marijuana," said Jeffrey Sweetin, head of the Rocky Mountain Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Even if possession of one ounce is legal, people would still have to illegally buy the drug, Sweetin said, and "people don't realize all that money goes to organized crime."
  17. http://www.warrenmiller.com/wmiller/higherground/index.html I usually go for the "special offers"
  18. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=4949
  19. info@snowbomb.com www.snowbomb.com 530.581.0553
  20. From FirstTracksOnLine.com . . . Tahoe City, CA (Monday, October 24, 2005) - SnowBomb.com is offering every Tahoe Card buyer a free “SugarWood” lift ticket when they purchase the ski and snowboard discount card before December 1, 2005. The SugarWood lift ticket is valid for an adult all day lift ticket to ski or ride at either Kirkwood or Sugar Bowl. The Tahoe Card also comes with over $300-worth of free items, including eight days of free rentals, unlimited free hot waxes and several free tune ups. “The Tahoe Card more than pays for itself in one day on the hill in Tahoe, and the more you use it the more you save,” explains Jim McAlpine, president of SnowBomb.com. “For the person who visits Tahoe three or four times a year, it can save hundreds of dollars.” The membership-based Tahoe Card is a discount lift ticket program that allows card holders to purchase discounted lift tickets at several Lake Tahoe resorts. Most discounts are unrestricted and valid on weekends and holiday dates. Card holders are eligible for 20% to 70% discounts on daily lift tickets at Sugar Bowl, Squaw Valley USA, Kirkwood, Alpine, Diamond Peak, Mt. Rose, Boreal, Homewood, Northstar-at-Tahoe, Sierra-at-Tahoe, and Bear Valley. Dining and lodging discounts are also included with each membership. The pre-season rate for the Tahoe Card is $39.99 and cards may be purchased online at www.snowbomb.com. While Tahoe Cards are available all winter, the free SugarWood lift ticket offer expires after December 1, 2005.
  21. My take is you are not going through with your plans to attend Sunpeaks Camp which is understandable as the level may have been too advance at your stage? Suggest finding a local or a destination where someone is qualified to help. At any rate I would say your equipment will hold it's value based on the prices you are asking and if you get with the right gang you may get addicted to the carve. Short of first hand help, have someone shoot a video of you while riding then post it up tp review with others here in the community for suggestions. Good luck either way.
  22. Season pass for the local hill 3 miles from home and discount passes for the destination resorts: Colorado . . . http://www.aspensnowmass.com/classicpass/ http://www.skiloveland.com/shopNew/page/season_pass.htm#4paks Anyone going to Big Sky Jan 2nd - 6th? And for Boyne Country (Northern lower Michigan) <TABLE class=border_blue cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=485 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ccccff><TD bgColor=#cccccc height=24> Frequent Skier/Rider Card </TD></TR><TR><TD class=table>$50 (Limited time offer) SKI FREE January 2-6, 2006(8)</TD></TR><TR><TD class=table height=69>Save $10 per lift ticket purchase at Boyne Mountain, MI or Boyne Highlands, MI and Big Sky, MT. One card per person, non-transferable.Valid during all holiday periods. Good for Adult, Junior and Senior lift tickets. Not valid with other discounts, multi-day or ski & splash ticket purchases. Cards are available at Bloomfield Hills, Novi, Traverse City and Petoskey http://www.boynecountrysports.com/ </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  23. http://www.skiloveland.com/ Hey Big Mario - take a few turns for me!
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