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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Is a 26 a medium or a large kit ? I wear a 29.5 and bomber says thats a large I guess I'll go look on the 26 and see if it will work. thanx for the help
  2. Anyone else looking at a trip out here this year? Any locals I haven't yet met? Let me know I'll take a day and hit the groom with you.
  3. see you on thursday and maybe tuesday as well. I will see if I can get the old man to work an extra day for me:biggthump I am getting tired of hitting the hill with skiers.
  4. No permit is required for normal use or open carry in this state. Only concealed carry requires permits unless you get into class III stuff like machine guns and silencers etc. Some states do not allow open carry and some cities have more stringent laws so check your local laws. every state is different.
  5. 2 feet in NY boy am I jealous. It was 65 here yesterday we have had 65 degree sunny days and just under freezing at night for weeks now. Its a beautiful fall here but I'd rather have the snow.
  6. I wear the softies in the deep and steep stuff and in the spring slop. I use the same angles as with my hard boots and even use a cant plate on the back foot. I use ntype vans with the step ins. The ntypes are super stiff if you get the higher end ones. I throw on a booster strap at the top and carve in comfort. I prefer the hard boots when riding the longer and stiffer boards. My new aquisition from shred for instance:biggthump I ride an identity board when I can talk it out of its owner and it needs hard bootsx3 its insanely stiff. the stiffest hard boots you can find and then booster straps and anything else you can think of but wow what a ride. As for duck:eek: I don't think so:eplus2: I look like a moose on roller skates as it is no need to compound the problem:eplus2:
  7. Dr D


    And so well trained:lol:
  8. Dr D


    That's not quite the mental picture I get from the term attack beaver:D
  9. Dr D


    Violent crime should be life in my opinion but lets start with enforcement and actually getting them to jail in the first place.
  10. Dr D


    The militia in question is intended to be every law abiding man from 15 -50 ish. The terms came from English common law and if you go back and read them, Not only were you expected to be armed according to your financial status in the community it was punishable to not be proficient. the problem is not in the availability it is in illegal use by criminals. Enforcement is the key and we have yet to really try. The few times that enforcement has been stressed the crime rates have dropped. I have no problem with throwing violent criminals in jail and never letting them out. I find it interesting that the same people crying about guns will be the ones crying about the violent criminals rights being violated. You can't have it both ways. In Montana recently we had a whole family slaughtered and the kids kidnapped and raped repeatedly over the course of weeks, by a man recently released from his third trip to prison for violent sex crimes. Tell me that banning guns makes more sense than keeping the perverted bastard in prison for life without parole or some other more fitting punishment. You will get as much time for insider trading in some cases. its sick. Every few years we revisit this argument and make more laws and then we don't enforce them. More laws restricting honest people and no change in criminal behaviour. IF any thing they become emboldened by the fact that they don't have to worry about getting hurt themselves. The coward picked an AMish school for a reason they are not only not armed but are pacifists. Its a perfect predatory situation. Talking points or not read the facts. READ "more guns less crime " It is data from many different government sources compiled by a man intent on proving the validity of gun control. He changed his mind after compiling the fACTS. I am done with this thread I am taking my ball and going home:( Sorry for the last little outburst but I couldn't resist:eplus2: I also recomend the second amendment primer which is a history of the law structure that our constitution was based on.
  11. Dr D


    Yes Untenable means impossible ..sort of.. It means that the risks far out weighed the benefits
  12. Dr D


    As horrific as the world gets from time to time it doesn't make any sense to give up the Right to protect yourself. It also doesn't make any sense to abdicate those rights to a government. Governments have done the same thing over and over through history and it wasn't eleven little girls it was in the millions. Pick a genocidal maniac leader and one commonality you will find through history is gun control first before said maniac came to power. Try reading some of Hitlers thoughts on gun control. the people getting slaughtered in Dafur are the ones not allowed to possess weapons. Justify to your grandchildren or great great grandchildren why you gave away the simple right to liberty. "Liberty, taking the word in its concrete sense, consists in the ability to choose." -Simone Weil-
  13. Dr D


    The idea comes from a quote from a japanese officer. I am sure logistics were an issue however the invasion of the alaska chain proved that hopscotching down to the mainland was an untenable option. It was a small military contingent and a dedicated civilian effort that stopped the invasion of alaska. the officer was quoted many years after the war talking about many reasons why they did what they did.
  14. 30-378 weatherby 25-06 Ruger 35 Whelen 7mm 338 magnum 44 magnum super blackhawk 257 Weatherby magnum 45-70 marlin guide 338 Lapua What can I say Its Montana. I also have a custom tactical AR15 competition rifle in a .223 Not a big gun per say as its unofficially known as a mouse gun
  15. my first alpine board new in 1990 and I used my rear entry raichle skiboots. I had a blast and wish I still had the board. Its a great place to start. In a year or to you'll want to upgrade to more moodern gear but for now just enjoy. If it sucks you can blame it on the old gear or the wrong boots:biggthump there is a lot of cheap gear out there newer than that when you are ready. If you have the blue and white model I would love to talk about it and maybe do some trading I would love to have an M6 for old time sake.
  16. Big mystery. He has his personal reasons I am sure. He emailed me personally and said he was off the snow and the site for this year and we squared up on the skwal deal. No other info but he will be missed. I don't know why he is off the snow this year but he's not happy about it so I think we'll see him back when it doesn't remind him of what he's missing so much:(
  17. I need a large kit if someone has one or a line on where to find them. Bomber is sold out:mad:
  18. I think Jack is looking for one:lol: He's missing the last one in his collection
  19. Dr D


    article entitled 10 myths of school shootings. ITs up on msnnbc site right now
  20. Dr D


    It was in an msn article and quoted as coming from a dept of education study done recently. I haven't had time to check the source but it was contrary to the normal news brewhaha so I figured it was legit.
  21. You can almost always fly out in the winter. Flying in on the other hand can get you stuck in denver or saltlake for a while. I have spent more than one night in the salt lake airport because I was on the last flight to glacier and it was fogged in. The geniuses built the airport on the foggiest spot in the valley. The airport has fog on days that are sunny it comes and goes and is a matter of timing the take off from salt lake.
  22. Dr D


    Guns are in general not well suited to short range work. handguns would be the exception. It would be relatively easy to take on a rifle. once you are inside the barrel itself they are just clubs. A handgun is only dangerous on the muzzle end whereas a knife is dangerous the length of it. Generally speaking guns operate differently and some knowledge of what kind it is would make jumping the guy easier or harder. once a single action fires it has to be recocked to fire for instance so if you jump the guy when the gun is pointed away all youhave to do is keep it pointed away. some guns don't function well if grabbed around the middle. some torn skin from grabbing the slide of an automatic is a small price to pay. A knife can kill you or wound you repeatedly and in almost any motion. A toss up for some but I think I'd take the gun guy to. I have an extensive knowledge of how they work and a good judge of whether the weilder knows what he is doing or not. Many guns will show if they are loaded or not if you know what to look for.
  23. Dr D


    according to the dept of education Media attention aside school violence is not very common. There are between 12 and twenty homicides in americas 100,000 schools each year and that includes gang violence which is much more common. Overall violence in general in schools has halved in the last decade. Apparently something is working. It just wouldn't sound as interesting on the news if we didn't play it up to be epidemic though:barf:
  24. These would all be cheap and mission ridge has decent snow on a good year. North idaho and nw montana will give you the big resort feel for lots cheaper than colorado or utah. Schweitzer basin Or Big Mountain. Whitefish has a decent nightlife although you would find cheaper accomadations in the valley. you can get a hotel for under 50 bucks in kalispell. If you are flying the tickets might be higher though.
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