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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=720 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=header vAlign=top align=left width=560>Reported on 12-29-2008 at 05:23 by Krista </TD><TD class=normal vAlign=top align=right width=160> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=720 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=normal vAlign=top align=left width=460> 10:30 Update: Well we can give props to our wonderful weathermen over at the National Weather Service because it began snowing at 8am on the dot and hasn't let up. With the heavy snow that came with our past squall we now have a great base for more of the fluffy stuff to fall upon. And on another happy note, I just received some info that has made me grin, ear to ear, Whitefish Mountain Resort has the deepest reported base in the state of Montana!!!! With all this snow coverage please be aware of Ski Patrol closures, they've been charging like madmen and we'd like to keep you safe and having fun. And we will be closing Chair 4 at noon today so if you haven't got your fill of the "4" better get up here soon. This last week was nothing short of amazing, 41 inches of powpow in the last 7 days and it's been predicted that there's more to come! Today the National Weather Service is calling for 100% chance of snow accumulating 5-9 inches and 100% chance of snow tonight as well with 3-7 inches of accumulation. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  2. Ed definitely come up for the BMES its a hoot. We have had 41 inches of fresh in the last week and no sign of stopping. It looks like another powder fest. Welcome to MT just be sure and tell all your friends back home how much it sucks! We don't want things getting to crowded:lol:
  3. If my area is any indication then there are 2-3 HB's out there for every one on bomber. This is of course not counting the lurkers. we have at least a two to one ratio of HB's not online to those who are. I met 2 new guys yesterday that liver here and hardboot. we probably have 14 total that hardboot at least part time.
  4. Dr D

    Soft Alpine

    the nines would work for my kid. I rode my ntypes for the first time this year yesterday and noticed that I felt sloppy on them. I have been riding the catek and malamute setup thus far and it is definitely stiffer. The N type setup gets better as my ankles get back in shape. ITs definitely something that requires more strength.
  5. Dr D

    Soft Alpine

    :lol: I come from good thick ankled stock!
  6. Dr D

    Soft Alpine

    sounds like you got it dialed in. remember this is the premium set up for those days when the groom is a little soft and you are afraid of folding a nose. It won't happen with this setup.
  7. 12 inches in the last 24 hours 10 overnight. 80% chance of snow thru wednesday:eplus2:
  8. you are using different muscles than your other setups. they will take a little time to get in shape. in the meantime play with the angle on that foot 1 or 2 degrees will make all the difference. you may be to far forward for that particular board. heels and toes on the edges.
  9. Dr D

    Soft Alpine

    I have three sets and two are just the regular catek highback. I am not impressed with them. The best set I have has drake carbon podium highbacks and straps which are awesome. anybody have a set they don't use I am in the market to upgrade my other two sets.
  10. Dr D

    Soft Alpine

    I suppose its all about the break in with any of the softies. eventually they feel hinged whether they are or not.
  11. not the joke I was expecting but that works to I guess:lol:
  12. IF it quacks like a duck then its probably a duck.
  13. Oh its worse than that. When they come up with a really good product they give it a drug name and charge 20 times as much as they should. I spend a great deal of time researching this **** and there are some great products out there but there are 5 scams for every good product and then maybe 30% of the good stuff is appropriately priced. Don't knock the herbs man thats where the drugs come from for the most part. misinformation is responsable for most problems in the herbal industry. I would guess more than 90% of the drugs out there are plant sourced to some degree.
  14. What a pussy! everybody knows you don't shovel until the 4x4 gets stuck. If he was snowboarding instead of shoveling he wouldn't have half the problems. (note: make sure the wife is 4x4 qualified and fitted with studs)
  15. happy global warming everyone:eplus2: 20 below for over a week here. its a balmy -1 this morning its almost tshirt weather:freak3: merry Christmas and many snowy wishes to all
  16. :lol::lol: you are a very astute young man. not many people are inquisitive enough to know there is more than one kind. I am a man of science not voodoo, for the record. I specialize in rehabilitating severe injuries and difficult cases. I get them when intensive care is done with them. do a search on functional neurology and you will get some idea of what I do beyond musculo-skeletal stuff.
  17. Depends on who you ask! I am a Chiropractor! I did cut up my share of cadavers so I guess that qualifies me:freak3: I prefer to refer the feet out, even the acute ones:eplus2: smelly job fixing those things. on a related note: If the cuboid is misaligned it could cause the bulging as well. A sports oriented Chiropractor could check it and fix it for you easily enough if it is really bothering you.
  18. lateral flex in boots. I initiate better in softies as well do to the ability to laterally flex toward the nose. try the hardboot setup with softer bindings and or boots and you will get a similiar feel.
  19. they are great until you break them and they don't hold up well to hardboot stresses. good with softies though.
  20. The park is good for one or two high speed runs each day just so the jibbers can feel the love:1luvu: massive trenches are a must here. Who knows you might save one or two of them from gaper mediocrity if they are suitably impressed with your performance:eplus2:
  21. Dr D

    Soft Alpine

    what size and model are they? I might be interested in taking them off your hands.
  22. you guys kill me:lol: Its a bone covered by a muscle the muscle is hypertrophied due to lots of use on heelsides. ITs no big deal. It means you are big and strong:eplus2: It could also mean you are old and fat and the little muscles in your feet have to work harder:lol: Specifically its the cuboid. you can feel it just above the muscle bump when relaxed and then it rotates outward when you flex pushing the muscle out as well.
  23. feed the dollar through the turn +1 Play with the toe lift and front angle +1 1-2 degrees could make all the difference. Sportlegs rock for killing the burn just take the recomended dosage. Its just calcium lactate so its good for you as well. +1
  24. I have a set with yellows and suspension kit 3 and six degree. the front binding is a standard and the rear is a step in. ridden maybe 3 times to stiff for me
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