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Gunstock closing this sunday.


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Any of you perogie-eaters best use up your vouchers before then.

I was there last sunday and it was all flat, groomed frozen fake snow, and deserted. Not too icy at all. Best day for me in recent memory.

This is my lovely wife ripping along that day. Nothing like having your own mountain!


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I spent my Perogies at Wachusett last Saturday, great day, warm, nice cord, relatively uncrowded until I left at noonish, I didn't see any carvers but then I wasn't looking either just making turns and enjoying the day

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Actually both my wife (who had never ski'd MM) and I thought the conditions were great...it was soft controlable the whole morning long. The only reason we left was that we were getting tired and the youth day event thingy going on was making it a bit crowded. My wife liked the mountain enough that we may get passes there for next year. No it was nothing like riding the Japanese alps but in truth not much is (yes I miss the Onsen's) but it's a great place to get in some turns.

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More deserted pics of gunstock. I wonder why they close on a schedule like that??? Truly a fun place to ride for free! Very close to MA.

Looks like I can't go this sunday unless I slip my family a mickey...We'll see.




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