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Sore hips?


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OK guys, I'm sure I'll get some comments from the peanut gallery here, but I will try anyway for a serious topic....

Any ladies out there end up with sore hips after a day on the hill? I've had at least one day this winter when it was a little hard to get out of bed after a day of riding. Maybe I'm just approaching the "ancient" stage, but I was just wondering if anyone else ever had this happen. It was my left hip, so my front leg. My mom says I'm too young to worry about hip replacement now, but it wouldn't suprise me if that is somewhere down the road for me. My hips also seem to pop quite a bit just when I'm walking. I think the next time I go to the chiropractor, I'll have to remember to ask him about it.


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Actually, I get this a lot. My hips are probably wrecked from years of squats in the gym, but when I walk further than usual (like when I'm on holiday somwehere), or after a tough day's boarding, I get a deep ache in the hip bones. Like you, I am also getting ancient ...

Two weekends ago I boarded to the point where I had to stop and sit down twice on the last run of the day, my quads were just screaming, and afterwards my hips hurt for a couple of days.

I just chalk it up to getting old, although my mother has a congenital hip condition and had one hip replaced in her late 40s ...

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a vigorous hourly regiment of first repeatedly bending while gripping the ankles followed by wide prolonged spreading of the thighs while repeatedly arching the lower back and curling the toes.

This should insure full range of hip motion. For someone in the room at least.

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Being a guy, anyway, what I like to do after a few brutal ice days, like today at okemo,is get on my 16.3 hand mft(missouri fox trotter), and spend two or three hours riding around the hills of nh, he's wide with a lot of leg, loosens up the hips in no time.

WOW! 16.3hh? That's one big horse. My Quarter Horse Mare is about 15.3hh, I think. Yes, spring is upon us and soon I do hope to be riding my horse more. I didn't ride much last summer due to some other things happening in my life, but as long as the horse doesn't turn idiot again, I will have to ride more this summer!

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Not a lady, but....I have noticed if conditions are great and I spend all day carving, my right hip (I am goofy) will hurt. It seems to hurt most during a severe heel side. What I have been trying to do was reduce the toilet seat posture and change to a more european carving where I keep my body in-line with the board so I have less angulation and stress in that hip. It definitely helps reduce the immediate pain. Taking Advil 3x a day during and after also helps....I know Arthur is coming.

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As a chiropractor I see this a lot. The easiest way to explain it is to compare it to a car. When the front end is out of alignment the tires wear funny. The same goes for your running gear. There are many different variables here from lower lumbar issues to pelvic misalignment. Any of which could give you the symptoms you are describing. Combine that with strapping your feet to a board at funny angles and cants and add the aforementioned blunt trauma to the butt and knees and its very likely that you have a problem that is easily solved by a good chiropractor. I would highly recomend getting checked regularly throughout the season especially those of you who are more prone to the Blunt trauma part. Walking will help loosen things up after as well.

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Long term? Yes! Just like the tire analogy uneven wear of the knee can occur. Ultimately it is labeled as arthritis or degeneration. A regular check up can easily prevent it and in fact most cases respond quite well and actually heal.

The Human Body is amazing if you let it. Remove the interference to the system and the system will balance and repair itself. This in no way means you have to quit doing the things you love. It just means you need to spend the same care and energy maintaining your body that you no doubt spend maintaining your equipment. How long will you own your board? You wax it and you do the edges and you check the base and you grease the bindings etc. All for something that will last 3-5 seasons! how about spending a little time and money maintaining the body you will live in for the next 80 years. Be proactive rather than reactive and your body will thank you for it.

Get your spine checked It protects your entire central nervous system!

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Guest needanswer

Before I thread jack,

1) get an MRI 2) Ibuprofen before & after 3) iceing immediately after.

there's a reason for pain; figure it out w/ MRI.

Gleb & others, get a MRI if you've chronic joint soreness (not muscle).

Long term? Yes! Just like the tire analogy uneven wear of the knee can occur. Ultimately it is labeled as arthritis or degeneration. A regular check up can easily prevent it and in fact most cases respond quite well and actually heal.

Dr D;

I have sore knees and MRI reads plica in meniscus both knees.

(That's loose tissue that can move around and irritate the knee causing soreness. I believe many athletic people can have the same thing for the hips or any joint)

Doctors gave 2 options: 1) surgically remove the irritating plica or 2) ibuprofen and iceing. I'm on option 2.

In my case, I don't think a regular checkup would help, and I don't know in any chiro. can get rid of the plica.

let me know if you have some tricks for my case. thanks.

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i defintly know the importance of a chiropractor. I have a screwed up back. After i strengthened my stomach the pain was gone. Unfortunatly, it came back after years of hibernation at the end of my wrestling carreer. In the last week, i had 10-13 wrestling matches and I didn't go to a chiropractor in time to realign my back. I ended up completly blowing it out and being able to barely move for a few days.

As for my knee pain, it happens after about 6+ hours of riding. I'm guessing if i play with my stance, i'll be able to achieve a more natural position. I hope it doesn't progress much further than pain any time soon. I was going to take some advil to the mtn but always forget:smashfrea

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It gets a little more complicated and involves wrapping your mind around some new ideas. basically Chiropractic philosophy says that the body is capable of healing itself if it is uninterfered with and functioning normally. Since the major portion of control for all systems is the brain and the nervous system we look there first for interference. the Plica or loose pieces you are talking about are essentially an injury not a factory defect. Active people are more prone to this problem. Two ways of approaching the problem are

1) mechanical ie. the tire analogy. a misalignment in the knee can reduce the amount of space in the joint causing more pain and inflamation from the plica than you would otherwise deal with. the body remodels tissues at different speeds. It takes longer to heal bone than it does skin for instance. Prolonged irritation can slow this healing process as well.

2) neuro control basically this point of view says that when a nerve is irritated or impinged the signal being transmitted on that nerve becomes abherant or reduced. The organs and tissues that are controlled by that nerve lose their ability to adapt and to properly function. Basically the tissue is better able to heal with proper nerve flow to the area.

There are absolute cases where surgery is the answer. If you are not ready for that step I would highly recomend you explore some alternatives. A good Chiropractor will approach the injury from both aspects making sure that mechanically everything is lined up and making sure that there is no interference to the nervous system. Personally I have treated many people with plica who no longer have symptoms. did I miraculously cure the problem?? absolutely not. All I did was remove whatever interference I found and allow the body time to heal itself. Sometimes the plica are gone on followup MRI sometimes they are not but does it matter if they are not experiencing symptoms and are not drug dependant?

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As for my knee pain, it happens after about 6+ hours of riding. I'm guessing if i play with my stance, i'll be able to achieve a more natural position. I

the stance thing is huge and proper canting makes a big difference. the natural relaxed stance for you will take a lot of pressure off of your knees. I know since going through 3 sets of bindings this season that it can vary from one set of gear to another. what worked on burtons was very painful on fast stepins. Its definitely worth playing with because pain free carving is abeautiful thing.

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