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Virus ride report


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Although I try not offend people on this site, it seems I find a way no matter how hard I try.... :o That being said, here's my report.

Equipment/conditions ;

I decided to put the F2 Titanium bindings off my Burner on the Virus after reading everyones advice from my post about what bindings to run. I agreed with the "run what you know" philosophy and it would be to my advantage. Board was tuned about a week ago, base was more concave than I would have liked after running a straight bar down it, but overall it was nice. I let Charlie at House of Board & Ski in Shasta talk me into a 1-3 on the edges due to his knowledge of the mountain and years of tuning, a decision I'm re-thinking now (I usually run 1-2). Be aware the topsheet on this particular model is very slick, so it takes care and patience when giving it a base grind. Bindings fit well and my standard 63F-60R angles provided plenty of clearance with no worries about overhang. I'm wearing Deeluxe Lemans this season and find them much more comfortable than my AF700's, boot fitting was the key. The conditions on Tuesday were great. The park received about 10" of new snow over the weekend and the temps have been mild with no rain, so the snow was dry and "squeeky". Got to the park about 8:45am, temp was around 30 and the sun was out and skies were clear. After making sure everything was "right & tight" I headed for the chairlift.

Runs ;

I was kinda nervous going up the first time, I'm generally a "slow starter" and it takes a couple of runs for me to get my act together and get into a groove. Even on my beloved F2, I find I gotta make a few runs to get the willy's out and get into form, so I was a bit apprehensive. The first impression as I took off was "Wow, this thing is SKINNY!" Was cruising through the upper flat just kinda lightly edging when I decided to throw it into my first heelside and "WHAM" I'm on the snow! This board is lightening quick to the edge. Wether from my choice of tune on the edge or just the narrowness of the waist combined with the yet undetermined sidecut, this thing flat gets on edge QUICK. I would have to adjust my riding style throughout the day to get used to this, especially on my heelside. It's hard to believe this board is a 172. It rides much shorter and can turn on a dime if the rider has the courage or skills, neither of which I have in sufficient quantity. My first half dozen runs were sketchy at best and I even found myself being hesitant when going to my heelside due to the quickness with which it would slam me into a turn. With some great advice from Bill (Trikerdad) and patience from Ralann (Rob) I eventually made enough of an adjustment to start carving turns on my heelside with some degree of success. This board is incredibly light, even after mounting the bindings it felt like a feather compared to any of my other boards past or present. It also is incredibly stiff, not once during the day did I feel the nose "fold" and I can do this on both my F2 & Burner when driving hard into toesides. It takes speed to keep this board happy, my F2 is willing to carve at any speed, while the Virus likes things fast and quick, slower carving is not recommended as my rearend will attest too. Camber on this thing is unbelievable and it can be used to launch you out of turns when utilized properly. As tight as I feel I can turn on my F2, this thing can turn tighter. I was continually amazed at the ability of this board to turn. Never have I felt a board edge, turn, & shoot out of a corner like this one. I am by no means a great rider, in fact I'd say I'm mediocre at best, but I can see this board taking my riding to another level once I learn how to control it. It kind of reminds me of when I was riding street bikes and I had the opportunity to ride a full on race bike one afternoon. Even as good as I thought I could ride my production model, moderately modified street bike, the race bike commanded a whole different kind of respect and level of ability to ride. That's how the Virus made me feel. I'm a little sore today, and it definitely was more physically demanding than my other boards, but I think once "I" get broken in to the boards characteristics and how to ride it, this will diminish. Lastly the fit and finish was very good, the topsheet is a thing of beauty (all that carbon fiber is just too cool) pictures don't do it justice, and the base is well done although I must say I'm surprised that the tip & tail aren't wrapped in metal edges. Frank and crew truly are craftsman.

Overall I'd say the quote from Rob at the end of the day sums it up best for me. As we're riding the lift up for the last time that day after 4 hours of pretty much non-stop riding he says "hey, you didn't get the F2 out once today!" I just looked at him and smiled. :D Fella's I think I found a new love :1luvu:

Have fun,




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with the boots on I'm probably 6'4" or 5". Trikerdad is one big guy when fully outfitted. Take a look at the pic of him on the "another day @ Shasta" thread. Rob's done an excellent job with the photo's, I was finally able to pay him back for all the great shots he took of me last time and got a few good ones of him riding yesterday. I've got a question for those that own a Virus, was the base really concave when you received yours? I just got back from the tuners again and after running the straight bar down it again I was really surprised to see how concave the base still was even after a grind. He seems to think we'll never be able to get it "perfect" but my concern is how much will this actually effect the ride quality of the board? Reason I ask is because when I told him how hard it was throwing me into turns and how I attributed it to the edge tune and the narrowness of the waist, he pointed out that the concaveness of the base was a big factor as well. Thoughts?



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I was hoping you'd reply. I'm not worried to much about it, I just figure I'll adjust to it over time. The video really helps me to spot my problem areas, the arm flap and my bad positioning on my heelsides are things I've really been trying to minimize this season, but I fell right back into them when I was riding the Virus. Clicking on the video frame by frame is cool because it breaks it down for me enough to see where my problems begin and gives me cues as to where to start so I can hopefully solve them. Thanks again to Rob for taking the time to spend the afternoon with me while I got "broke in" :D

Seriously infected....


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I just went into the basement and put a true bar on my Gladiator. I have almost 1mm of gap starting just in front of the front binding and going almost all the way to the back of the board. Also have the most binding suck that I have ever had on a board. Having said all that, I still love the way this board rides. The concave base hasn't been an issue. I agree with Chris, don't worry about it just ride and enjoy.

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I'm by no means the best rider around, or even one of the better riders around, but your heelside is suffering due to body position. Just get your shoulders square to the front of the board and you'll hook up big time. Try starting a heelside the same way you do the toeside - with both hands on the side of the board in the direction of the turn. Compare heel and toe and you'll see what I mean. Who cares about arm flap, get the shoulders around on heelside and you'll be all set. It is futile to resist the infection, you're lookin' great already!

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Trikerdad pointed this out to me as well. I just need to work on the timing of squaring up. I have a habit of rotating my shoulders to quickly when I try this technique and it really slams me over onto my heelside. I tried the "toe grab" technique that Trikerdad suggested and it works, I just have to refine the movement and remember to do it! I'm trying to use my toesides as the mental map for my brain to copy as I feel my toesides are at least somewhat decent. I'm headed up again tomorrow so I should be able to dedicate the majority of my day to just working on technique. Thanks again to everyone for their input and constructive comments, it's fun sharing this stuff with you all....that's why I love this site!!!


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yeah buddy, i would say one more 'infected' :biggthump

the maybe concaveness is due to the 3 dimensional building. however. as said, don't worry about it. i tuned my base-edge 1 degree and side 87. this makes 88 degrees and works best for me.

i love to see riders doing there very first turns on a virus, it's always interessting how the feelings are. but, every time a rider is not a beginner, the reviews always are like yours :eplus2:

ah, just found your F2 on ebay! :ices_ange ....

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BTW don't let that toeside "photo" fool you, I was falling down at the end of a valiant attempt to EC....

well...without the damn "EC" label...god I hate that crap, but that pic looks like one of the most aggressive carve shots Ive ever seen

so grow some balls ;) and emulate it. if you you can get there, you can get out of there, and repeat it.

looks like a hell of a board. don't over think the damn thing, just ride it. no?

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I'll buy it!!!!! ;)


Its cool you are happy with your purchase. I will be contacting you in the future as I am looking to get infected within the next couple years. I have picked up a few boards this year that I am absolutely loving and I get a heavy feeling that a Virus would be a great addition to the quiver.

Great pics!

Enjoy it !!


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Whipped out the F2 today to make some confidence building runs before I left the park and felt really good by the time I headed out. It was icy for several hours this morning, and I mean boiler plate hard. The Virus could handle it, I just had to grow a pair and get after it. Didn't happen, but I did make some adjustments that had an eventual positive effect.

Rob, once again you are the man!!!

D-Sub as for the "photo phraud" toeside of me on the Virus, I did come really close to pulling that off, I just ran out of speed and couldn't pick it back up. If you watch the video clip Rob posted, that photo comes from the end of the clip where I barely square up my heelside before attempting that last toeside. I just basically "stuffed it" but came up short. I'll keep trying until I get it right :rolleyes:

Chubz, get ahold of me and I'll give you the low-down, I think you'll too wanted to get.....infected :D

Have fun,


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