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ISO Mt. Snow, VT info


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i am going up there for a few days with some friends on Thursday. I have never been there. Can anyone inform me of conditions and give me recs for carving trails (nothing too steep). Should I bring my good board or rock board? I'd be up for trying to meet with any local carvers (may be hard though, as I will be in a big group and I'm not sure what their plans are)



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I've only been there once, and it was like...two years ago. I've sworn I would never go back. The conditions were variable throughout the day, and the people there are just plain asses (ala Killington). I was all by myself that day, so Im sure I would have enjoyed it more with some friends, but I wasnt impressed. However, there were some good trails for carving. The only two names that I remember were good were snowdance and standard. Both were off the canyonbrook? quad. Just beware of people skiing obliviously and moving your stuff when you arent looking at them. Have fun!!


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Also been there once years ago, from what I remember all the runs off of the main express lift from the base where good for carving. This was back when I was into freestyle so there names escape me but I remember having a blast riding around on these trails on my softboard.I would reconmend getting there early esp on weekends as it gets very crowed and you'd be running people gates by 11.Post a report when you get back beacuse I have been dying to try my alpine set up there and I have a free ticket from the Waren Miller movie so I might have to do just that.Enjoy the Ride

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mt snow is a good carving mtn. justin, give it another shot, dont judge a mtn based on one visit. forget about going peak season weekends though, its a mad house. it gets a mad rap for the weekend crowd. sunbrook, carinthia, north face (if groomed) and the main face all have good trails. i hit it the friday and saturday before xmas and it was empty. its a midweek mtn. barry, there is a yahoo group for mtn snow, search for it. also, check out here for new england trip reports.

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I went to Mount Snow a few times when i lived in NE. Since it's the first mountain in S VT it does get crazy crowded. If you're there on a weekend, check Haystack, a seperate mountain-kind of like Pico is to Killington. It tends to be less crowded, your Mount Snow lift ticket is good there, and it has some nice cruiser runs.

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Mount snow is not to bad worked there for 5 years. Snowdance is a good run if your not looking for anything step. Ego alley is a great run if it does not have racing on it. Here are a list of some good trails



SKYLINE (north face)

CHUTE (north face)


Good luck,


PS Haystack was sold last season, its a private owner and wont be open to public again.

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i'm going to print this thread out so i can refer to it on the lift. i can always count on my "bomber brothers" to share the knowledge. BobD, re: some Yankee punk fan crashing into me from behind (and possibly damaging the new Donek $$$, that's like my worst snowboarding nightmare. How much worse can it be than all the DC area yo-yo's on a 1000 foot mountain? Guess I'll find out. yeah, i'm a cynic :biggthump

i'll try to check that yahoo site out. thx again all.

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