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CANADA buying and shipping to US.


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Anybody got the full scoop on shipping buying from Canada?

I just bought a new board for $500CDN from Montreal area, and the shipping was $40 (by CAMPAR??), but the taxes were $75 - and the seller said the insurance was included. I bought a lightly used ride from Whistler area for $500US recently, and the shipping was $39 by UPS but the insurance was $18, and ZERO taxes. Prior website lists one board by UPS Ground to USA east as $65 total (plus taxes??). Not sure if I'm getting ripped on taxes and/or insurance, or maybe there is a way to avoid that and neither the seller or I are aware of it. I'm happy to pay to play, but I know nothing about how cross border buying / shipping works and if it is different for new or used items.

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All of these courier companies including UPS FedEx and in this case Canpar make money by clearing the shipment through US or Canada customs, so if you ship through them they tell thier staff to put it through customs and charge the "Broker fee" which is usually around $50 and then any duties and taxes payable. I always ask for USPS on northbound shipments and send using Canada Post on southbound shipments as they are usually very complacent about putting your item through customs. If you declare the board or whatever as a gift 9 times out of 10 no duties are charged. If they try to charge duties they will be overly fair if you put a nominal value on the product. If the board is used and it is Alpine specific, they will have a hard time researching its value and usually take your word for it. In the case of more common items, such as golf clubs, they will usually find something on the internet or through the catelogues they have and value it accordingly, so alway declare whatever you ship as used, even if it is new. Just have the shipping company remove any label or such.

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I think you are getting ripped off by taxes, as all people living in the province of Québec are. The taxes are 7% federal + 7,5% procincial, which make 15,025% taxes. And 500$ x 15,025% = 75,13$. I know that tourists visiting can get a tax reimbursment, but someone from the US buying in Canada, I don't know, this would need to be checked out.

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just bought a Prior today and the shipping was $60 (US dollars I think). I live in Iowa. That "Broker fee" sounds sketchy... I'm interested in seeing what my credit card company charged me for the currency exchange (I'm sure they'll take a small margin there...easy money right?

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just bought a Prior today and the shipping was $60 (US dollars I think). I live in Iowa. That "Broker fee" sounds sketchy... I'm interested in seeing what my credit card company charged me for the currency exchange (I'm sure they'll take a small margin there...easy money right?

Typically that "Brokerage" fee shows up several weeks to a month later. It is a shame, but one of the reasons I less likely to buy something from Canada.

It has to be something I really want or fairly small or both. In buying old snowboards it is a gamble. When pricing/ bidding , I allow for a 25-50$ surprise "Brokerage" fee a month later! Shame. My trading with Canadians has been outstanding in every other respect. As a rule I find Canadians are very polite , honest and good about follow up communications. Such is international trade.

Good luck.

Good tip about USPS . I use it allot.

Now you can do Canadian shipment on line too. Helps. Still allot of extra forms.

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I think you are getting ripped off by taxes, as all people living in the province of Québec are. The taxes are 7% federal + 7,5% procincial, which make 15,025% taxes. And 500$ x 15,025% = 75,13$. I know that tourists visiting can get a tax reimbursment, but someone from the US buying in Canada, I don't know, this would need to be checked out.

This is sounding REALLY messed up. This guy "Oliver" at Sharks in Laval (?) really put the screws to me then ($75 taxes). And now Credit Card currency exchange fees and a $50 "brokerage fee to come later...what the F***? Add the shipping and this isn't worth it at all!! Buyer beware indeed, I feel like an idiot...next time I'm buying a Donek, forget purchasing in Canada. We love you guys up there, but this just sucks A**.

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Taxes sounds wrong. I am pretty sure , like Dave said. You should not pay those. Only internally to CAN? Then , shipping sounds high, but that is pretty easy to see. It happens here too. Same board can ship for 18$ or 48$ depending on how. See other threads and my "Shipping Help" for tips on safe and inexpensive shipping suggestions. The "Brokerage" fees are a roll of the dice. I would say I am getting tagged at least 2 out of 5 shipments. One shipments of oldboards from Kurt (BOL) got nailed for 75$ OUCH!!! He was good enough to split it with me. You are however correct, buyer be informed! We have not even touched on what happens when things go "BAD". Lost MO, damaged goods, insurance claims, theft, no communications. All in all, do your best and report back when it is all said and done to inform others. I hope you don't get stung any further and you enjoy the board!! Good luck!

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Bob, it is a seperate company. You get a bill from a company that does inspections randomly selected at the border ( I am guessing, it may be done at the shippers warehouse or the santioned "Brokers" building , this I don't know". You can ignore it, but they will place a lien or flag your credit. I have dealt with a couple shippers from CAN that have some special arrangements. I can only guess they actually ship from a US location? They never get hit by the Brokerage Fees. I can't answer how they do that.

When I ship boards there, I don't get hit with fees or brokerage fees. I don't think they (Canadian Shippers do either) YOU DO!!!!

You are just a lucky guy!!! Has your new one arrived??? :eplus2::biggthump

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Prior ships internationally all the time, so they know about tax exemptions for out of province/country sales. Sharks probably not - you would have to tell them and insist on the proper (no tax) total before you make the purchase.

Canpar is a really bad choice for international shipments, but it is great inside Canada. Best choice as John said, Canada Post Expresspost that connects directly to the USPS. Rarely do people get hit with any charges. UPS or DHL are bad news also for brokerage fees.

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If an individual ships a product they are not required to collect taxes. Companies are but in some cases it is a one time sales tax and they should express this prior to sale. They are the business and it is thier job to collect it from you upon the sale of the item, so if you recieve a note from a courier company that taxes and duties are owing, they are collecting for the government where you reside, not from the government at origin. So, there are three posible additional charges you are required to pay or the shipping company who is registered with US customs in the case of southbound shipments or Canada customs in the case of northbound shipments is not allowed to give the item to you. These companies (FedEx, UPS, USPS etc.)are called "bonded Carriers" who post a bond for your goods to get them through the border in effect bonding them to collect all duties and taxes prior to delivery. The three charges you are liable for are Import duty taxes based on the country of manufacture and the level of taxes that your federal government has assessed againt that product. NAFTA is lowering these duties slowly if the product is manufactured in US/Canada or Mexico. In some cases you might actually be buying something from Canada that was originally manufactered in the US, so no duties should be charged, so look at that also. The second charge is federal tax and the third is State or provincial tax, only for the recieving location. Gifts are exempt from any taxes if they are under a certain $ amount (usually arround $50), so if the customs inspector is comfortable that the product is a gift and it is under that amount then it enters the country tax and duty free. If there are no taxes or duties payable do not pay the brokerage fee as they are not allowed to charge it to you. However, if they collect as little as 5 cents tax they will whack you with thier $40-5- broker fee.

Yes I am in the transportation business!

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The brokerage fee for USPS/CanadaPost/EMS and DHL is $5 receiving here in Canada, not sure for US. Receiving UPS ground shipments in Canada it is $40. UPS Air builds brokerage fees into the price structure. Fedex Ground is a little cheaper, about $30 IIRC and like UPS the air service rolls the brokerage fees into the price.

I would expect similar fees receiving in the US but I'm not sure. As others have said, you are not required to pay the Canadian federal sales tax (GST) or the provincial sales tax of whatever province you're buying from and the only people who will collect that would be the seller. If you got dinged, they made a mistake and you'll have to make it right with them. The US taxes and duty will be assessed based on what you declared or what the inspection reveals if they don't believe your declaration and will be charged to you by your carrier.

Here in Canada if the package arrives at the post office you pay right there, no surprises. If it arrives by Purolator (the EMS agent here) or DHL then you get the bill later through their brokerage division but again only $5 plus the taxes/duty. I don't deal with UPS anymore I forget how they work it.

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If the $75 is sales tax you can apply to get the whole amount back.

You technically did not visit Canada but the same laws should apply.

We pay 7% GST (federal tax) and 7-10% PST (provincial tax).

Quebec refunds PST for visitors.

The total value (excluding taxes) of the purchases for which you are claiming a GST/HST refund must be at least CAN$200. The value (excluding taxes) of each individual item must be at least CAN$50. These conditions also apply independently for each province for PST refunds.


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This is the part that applies to you:

Goods shipped outside Canada

A vendor should not charge you GST/HST on goods if the vendor ships them directly outside Canada. If the vendor charged you GST/HST in error, see our guide General Application for GST/HST Rebates.

If you personally shipped your eligible goods outside Canada, you likely paid tax on these goods. Follow one of these procedures to get your visitor tax refund:

  • At a participating land-border duty-free shop, show the staff your shipping and other export documents, original receipts, and photo identification.
  • If you do not go to a participating land-border duty-free shop, mail us your refund claim, shipping and related export documents, and the original receipts.

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All you guys have been a HUGE help here. I talked to Oliver at Sharks and he was very friendly and helpful. They are pretty sure they can just refund the tax if I call and talk to the owner on Monday...he had to charge it as an employee becuase that is the way their system is set up and they don't ofeten ship to USA. He also said CANPAR promised no customs/brokerage fees on the shipping ($40), and Sharks pays the insurance on the shipment until it is in my hands and in perfect condition. So all in all pretty good. I guess there may be a fee from my Credit Card for currency conversion though - not sure what that will be.

On the other hand, my used Prior was shipped UPS for $57 - $18 of which was supposedly insurance, and sounds like I might get smacked with more fees there.

I'll post how this all comes out as it plays out,

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I deal with both Oliver and Michel at Sharks (they are one of our best DeeLuxe dealers here in Canada). I'm sure Michel (the owner) will work something out with you. It's my bet that Oliver didn't intentionally try to 'put the screws' to you... like he said, their retail system isn't set up for out of province or out of country sales.

It sounds like I'll be taken care of there - and even better, I'll finally have that Hot Blast 178 I've been trying to get for so long! I'm glad I asked around on this forum. Now, whether CANPAR can find my house...that is another question! :-)

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They ought to fix that then, if they intend to deal with such customers.

They're not really an online shop (if you look at their website), they're more of a traditionnal brick-and-mortar store. They just happen to deal with local racers who know what they want and have it shipped directly. They are used to shipping and dealing with locals over the phone, but they don't do much international stuff, maybe just a little (at least this is what I understood last time I went and spoke with Olivier).

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UPS has lost (stolen?) my titanal Prior WCR 175 I bought from a racer in Canada...f'ers!!! Tightest ship in the shipping business my ASS!

I just can't see buying/selling anything to/from Canada again - it is ALWAYS wrought with screw-ups and misinformation and delayed or lost shipping...EVERY DAMN TIME!!! :angryfire:angryfire:angryfire

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no, not every damn time. you got your Blast, no?

Ive shipped to Canada many, many times via USPS and FedEx Ground. Never had a single package lost

I know youre angry...maybe the board will turn up. If not, you paid for insurance. in fact it sounds like you paid for insurance of FULL RETAIL VALUE which means you can order the exact same board brand new

at the very least the seller better return your money if that insurance wasnt for full retail value since they charged you what did you say $18?

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Still don't have the Blast either, nor my $75 tax refunded. Insurance was supposedly for $600, still trying to sort this all out...the time required is not insured though...and yep $18CDN for the insurance. And no, I can't buy a new one because these aren't available to the general public yet. Keeping fingers crossed it will show up somehow, in one piece...last scanned 1-5-06 in Redmond, WA.

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well, at least youll get your money back on insurance. I know it sucks having stuff lost. actually I dont since Ive not had it happen that i can remember...but I had a board get lost on the way to someone and they were pissed and quite bitchy at me even though Id done nothing wrong.

$18 canadian...about $12? sounds really, really high for $600 insurance although I dont know. UPS and FedEx charge 50 cents per $100 with the first $100 free, but USPS is significantly more, but would be around $5-$6 for $600...

I dunno...if they used a packing place those places jack up the prices horribly.

anyway...if it was scanned 1/5 in Redmond then honestly you need to slow down just a bit cuz thats only 4 days ago and youre much further east than that. Packages coming from Canada can take their time sometimes. how do you know its lost?

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