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174 cm Nidecker Escape - any opinions?


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pretty sure that IS the one...

Dano, do NOT buy it. or, at least only buy it if you can look at it in person because its got at least three pretty good edge dings where the topsheet got pushed up (its a cap board, nearly impossible to fix)

please read that link that Tex provided

theres another guy, Dane Anderson, selling one...hell it could be the same guy

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I met Dane at a carve camp, I can't imagine it's the same guy. Besides he's in CA and the board is in MA.

no no...its NOT the same guy. I emailed Dane about his...Dano you might want to talk to him.He is in CA.

Ken and Bernie are the lying pieces of poo trying to sell that one in the Boston area. I believe it was Needham.

Im so glad this came up because i told the seller I would hound him if he tried to sell it to a bomber member. He obviously waited a little while thinkin the smoke would clear but NOPE we got you you lowlife! woohoo!

:) gotta feel good about something sometimes!

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"a few nicks nothing to run away over...normal usage. Black colored base with "N" offset in white for NIdecker."

Here's the add link if anyone wants to pull his chain.


Thanks again guys! I owe you.

174 Cm in really good condition . :lol:

Dano, Let's go pummel this guy :boxing_sm $200 ???!!!GOSH ! What an IDIOT ! :nono: Were you gonna go hit any sweet jumps on it ?


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honest to god with the damage I saw on that board, I would venture that the core is cracked.

you guys should go over there under the guise of buying the board, then simply TAKE it and throw the damn thing in the trash. I already contacted Craigslist about removing that for sale ad.

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I sent him polite email that I was not interested along with the link to the old thread

He replied:

Dave Spang is an a**hole. I don't do business with him. I had a standing court order that I didn't put into action because he did eventually return the board instead of outright stealing it.



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LOL court order!!!! wtf? Im the AH for simply wanting to buy a board, agreeing to a price based on described condition, and being unwilling to accept the board due to misrepresentation?

errrr....ok! whatever slick.

I have a really hard time letting crap like this go. court order my arse!

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Ez tImE 4 YoU 2 sTaRt bEiN dA gAnGsTa N pUt A cAp 1n d1S pLaYa HaTaZ dErRiErE eZZaY

I had a good laugh with the original thread that you stuck it to the guy; let's hope lightening can strike in Da same place again :-)

Nice to see we look out for eachother innit?!

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yeah man...I cant stand people tryin to rip people off. similiar crap happened with a pool cue recently. ebay seller was honest enough to refund my money on a cue that turned out to have a nicked up, warped shaft and needed a new wrap (none of this was mentioned in the description) but then turned around and relisted it and sold it for more, never mentioning the stuff I pointed out to them!


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