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Just in case you missed the demise of the catek forum:


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what the hell?!!?! Sounds like a jerk to me..sorry if I offend someone, but WTH??

http://www.catek.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=128" data-cite="\"cmc @ http://www.catek.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=128" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="7609" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic">

Last year's attempt took on a lot of big mouthed riders who just liked to talk the talk. Cash purse based on amount entered.

How much faith do you put in your riding skills and equipment? Can you bring it to a ballistic level? Do you have what it takes? This will not be a gay carving get together. Only those that feel they have the skills to ride at ballistic levels should be willing to participate. Please dont offer any suggestions. Please dont offer any big mouthed comments. Please do not suggest where it should be held. If you are interested, please post your interest. Any interested?

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As many _serious_ differences as I have with cmc, and as much as I dislike the language he uses to promote his event, I have to say it's a legitimate idea for an event. It's no different than a halfpipe or figure skating contest. If enough people have enough of that competitive streak, then they should have at each other, and enjoy themselves doing it. Nothing wrong with that.

My only question is, could a gay carver enter the contest if he wore ballistic nylon?

Not that I'm gay.

And not that there's anything wrong with that.

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clarification: I have nothing against CMC and I'd love to have entered something like this 10 years ago when I was riding everyday...I just pointed it out because this was the thing that killed the forum over there last year...

I'd gladly buy tickets to watch it though...just to see Eric, Curt, Steve Cloyes and other extremely talented carvers in action...

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It's being called a "carving contest" again - was last years "event" really a contest? From what I gathered, it was a few guys who got together to ride. I do remember something about someone else taking the "win" though :rolleyes:

What's "ballistic" level riding - maybe I should consult wiki :D

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Well, I dunno the guy, but to me it sounded very arrogant and rude.

there's a pretty long history...if you really wanted you could check his posts here and there. not sure if theres a function for that on the Catek forum

yeah...last year sounded like a total farce...and...watching the vids of those dudes...the runs look so damn flat its not even funny. I know I know we're not supposed to suggest the location, but hell....have it somewhere a little steeper?

can never help but laugh at people that have to prove something so badly, and often have quite the opposite proven in the end

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I woudnt blame the demise solely on cmc, text u probably remember the sh*t that 'really good average rider" and "surf alias" came out with, they were who to mainly blame for the demise. This in turn led to PSR leaving which was a real loss.

Anyhow if the forum is supposedly dead CMC re-introducing the challenge should not do any harm.

The fact that he did not acually win it last year also takes the arrogance out of the challenge.

people should not be so touchy, if he wants to phrase it like that let him, its no skin of anyones back.

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shame on you, Bob. you're a moderator. supposed to be above that sort of mudslinging...stuff you should leave to AH's like me.

Ive got my 4 or 5 in mind too...but why the hell would they want to go to the east coast when they ride in utah, colorado, oregon?

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You're right Dave. I guess I've just had enough. You'd think the guy would learn.

And it's not been the best of weeks. Death in the family and all.

man...I was just riddin ya. a little flaming is ok from a mod sometimes. sorry to hear about the family tragedy. life goes on...you know that. condolences

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Hey...you forgot about the fluffly light powder that we have on the east side of the cascades in Washington :(

sorry dude but that aint fluffy, light powder :) Ive ridden bachelor and it can get fairly dry, but not utah/colorado style

but youre right...I left out Washington, and Nevada, and California, and Wyoming, and Montana, and New Mexico

Id pick ANY of those states to travel to before Id go to the east coast, although it sure does look purdy over there!

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I have to say it's a legitimate idea for an event. It's no different than a halfpipe or figure skating contest.

Actually, it's quite different. Competitors in a halfpipe contest can do a hundred different spins, inverts, grabs, and combinations of those elements. "Competitors" in cmc's colonic cranium insertion contest can turn left and can turn right. That's the equivalent of a halfpipe comp where only frontside 180s are allowed, and you must do them on the right wall.

CMC is the kind of person where, if I see him on the hill, I will go inside and change to softboots just to minimize the risk of being associated with him.

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Can't say that I have Utah/Colorado to compare to :( , but what I do know is that we don't get the cement that other areas in this state that shall remain nameless get :) :eplus2:

gotcha...but...head just a little inland and youll see :) mountains in WA look awesome to me though...crystal...stevens...look like so much fun

and baker? shiiiit

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