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Guest Tim Tuthill

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Guys and Gals: Heres the real deal! Go to hawaiianwatershots.com The current pics of Jokos surf spot on the North shore show the basis of what we do. Enjoy!!

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I just saw this movie and I have to say that it was as intoxicating as Dogtown and Z-Boys. Which was Stacey Peralta's other documentary. I recommend everyone checking out Giants if you have not already done so. Both movies are great and of the type that you wish they just won't end.

There is one quote from Riding Giants that I felt was so apropos for all here.

The ride itself is such a bitchin deal, so rewarding. It becomes so important to you that it becomes the object around which you plan the rest of you life.

Steve Pezman

editor surfer's journal

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What an awesome movie I am with you Ben. Watching those guys is kind of how I feel about riding my board. Different but the same you know.


Thanks for the link to a cool site with some great shots.

It has snowed about 20+ inches in the last three days here in Sun Valley.

Too busy to get up ain't that a bummer.


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Guest Tim Tuthill

OK You guys! You can get the surf report every day from JB. Sign up on the site. You get all the action of the breaks he photos and the beach scene, which Pat has gotten into all ready!!! Look at the Pipline shots af a few weeks ago before he dumps them. It does not break like this except every few years. He got great pics of the 2 day swell. The shots from the beach are outstanding!!! Enjoy!!!

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Surfing sure has its beauty in and out of the water. I just picked up the Dec. 2005 issue of Surfer Magazine just for the COVERSHOT. Shane Dorian at Teahupoo on September 11th. "Oh My God, Part 2" is the subheading. Here's the link to Surfer's homepage:

Surfer Magazine

Also, check out mid-way thru the mag: a hardbooter on toeside for Jeep.com; anybody know the rider doing the modeling? One of us, perhaps?


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Guest Tim Tuthill

Frank: I heard. He was on the tour and ranked. He must of been good. We have been there, it happends. Too many in the water, whether that had anything to do with it, who knows. I'll find out from JB. Back to the thread, When you raced for Sims, were you leaning it over in the early days. I saw the pics and don't remember body position??? Are you and Terry planning to go up the weekend before Christmass??? I'm out for this next week. Other commitments. Oh, back to the water. The North shore has been good so far. Allot of good small days. See ya.

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Mark: That looks like an all mountain board, not alpine. Can you ID The boots?? They say the pipe is the most dangerous??? Sunset to me is the most dangerous. Allot goes un reported. Just like the avalanche info in Utah??? Not good for PR don't you know??

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The board is an all-mountain shape. The boots are not familiar to me. Perhaps, I jumped the gun on this one. My initial interest was piqued because of Jeeps sponsorship of The King Of The Hill series (which allows/includes hardbooters to compete). Oh, and notice how he's scraping all the snow off of the hill, too. I bet Jeep loses a lot of sales to skier-types with this ad. :)


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Guest Tim Tuthill

Mark: I was at Mammoth 2 seasons ago when King of the Hill was there. Many alpine guys and gals were there including Chris Klug. I was with a good freind and we went over to watch the alpine race. These people could not beleive 2 guys more than twice their age on Alpine boards. The were so nice to us and interested in our set ups boots etc. Later in the day some of them saw us laying it out. Gave some real hoots at us. Good fun!!!

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